
An Underground Escape/In the Infirmary

Outside the palace, three figures emerged from the ground. Alaron was leaning on his mentor, panting heavily. His face was pale as he limped toward the outskirts of town. "How could she stop us?" he wheezed.

"Her Majesty has a proclivity for lucky breaks," Xander answered. "You should have let me kill her when I had the chance."

The prince did not disagree. He was too weak. "Save your energy, my boy. We have to get out of Valiant before we are captured," Cafer said gently.

Xander put his shoulder under the boy's other arm. "What is wrong with him?"

The gnome shook his head sadly. "The explosion he used to free me from the cage was very powerful. It took all his energy to perform the feat. Magic can be a costly venture." The gnome almost felt bad for what he had done to the boy. But self-preservation made him glad Alaron knew magic.

"I am fine," the prince said as he nearly dropped to the ground even with the two others supporting him. "I am strong enough to use magic. I saved us, did I not?"

"Of course, Your Highness," Cafer agreed easily. While the gnome had used his ground magic to actually get them out of the palace, it was Alaron's explosive magic that had freed Cafer so that he could take them to safety. The short creature pulled a vial from his clothes and pushed it to the boy's lips. "This will help," he promised.

The prince dutifully drank the liquid and then gagged. "What was that?" he asked weakly. "It tasted terrible and now I feel..." his words trailed off as he lost consciousness.

Xander gave the gnome a curious look as the boy went limp in their arms. "Did you poison him?" The pirate was used to backstabbing among his men.

Cafer gave a negative gesture. "No, it was something to help him sleep and heal. I still need His Highness to dethrone the Empress."

This made sense to Xander. Never kill off an asset. "Do you plan to make another run at the Empress? Because I would be very interested in the opportunity." The pirate did not give up easily. His raids on the shore had been so close the the capital in order to irritate the Empress. Now his thirst for revenge had grown.

"I can contact you when the time is right. Next time we will be ready." Cafer still believed their partnership would be useful. The more allies he could gather, the better chance he would have to succeed. After dragging Alaron a short way across their shoulders, the man and gnome stopped. "Get him on my back. I will carry him." Being made partially of stone, Cafer was unusually strong. With the pirate's help, he hoisted the prince and attached him to the gnome's back. "I will be able to move faster this way. We will be in touch soon." Cafer dismissed the captain.

Xander paused, "I believe you have something that belongs to me. I would like my pearl back." The gnome had picked up the Merpearl during the chaos and had safely stowed it on his person.

There was a moment of tension as Cafer took a step away from him. "I think I will hold onto it for a while. I will see if I can figure out how it works and mimic its powers. Imagine an army who can take an enemy down without a fight. It would be glorious."

"I like your thinking, but I would like my pearl more." Xander saw the dangerous look in the gnome's eyes. He gave a demure grin. "Very well, as you say, an army as you describe would be quite useful. Please return my trinket when you are through." The pirate gave Cafer a firm pat on the arm. "Be well, and I look forward to hearing from you soon." Xander disappeared into the darkness.

Cafer gave a small smile as he thought about his new prize. The Merpearl was rare indeed. He thought all of them had been destroyed. If he could find a way to reproduce them, then he would be able to control anyone he wanted. The gnome reached for his side where he had hidden the pearl. His eyes narrowed as he pulled out a swath of dark hair instead. "That sneaky pirate stole back his treasure," he told the unconscious Alaron. "But it seems he left me something in return. I will deal with the matter later. For now, we need to get you out of town and somewhere safe." An idea had already formed in Cafer's mind. Melting into the ground with the boy on his back, the gnome headed toward the land of magic.


Unlike her parents, who were taken to their rooms to receive care, Mairwen was escorted to the infirmary. Being very busy with his other patients, the old head doctor was unable to attend her. A healer checked her feet and gave her something for her pain. Fortunately, nothing was broken.

The princess watched as soldiers came in with minor wounds from the skirmish, and she thanked each for their service as they passed. Three beds across the infirmary were occupied by a trio of sleeping men. Mairwen recognized them as Warin and the two guards from the storeroom. She sighed. A few healers were monitoring them quietly. At least the physicians did not think they were in need of urgent care.

After barking orders in the hallway, Brinn entered the infirmary to check on the princess. "How are you?"

"I am fine. Any news?" Mairwen was not sure what to hope for. She wanted her brother safely caught, but she was afraid what he would do if he were cornered again.

"Captain Caleb has secured the castle. We have arrested those who were obviously pirates and are questioning everyone else as they leave. The nobility is not happy, but they will just have to deal." Brinn was not sympathetic. She had stood the whining of the lords and ladies as long as she could, but that time was very brief. After she confirmed that there were no gnomes, she moved on to track the three who hurt the Empress. "Your brother and the other two are gone, I am sorry."

"What about my parents?" Mairwen tried to look brave, but she was clearly scared.

"I have no news on them. I am hopeful that no news is good news." The elf tried to stay positive. Neither of the royals seemed in great shape.

"Is Her Highness in here?" a woman called from the hall.

"Eira! I am here!" Mairwen motioned for one of the healers to fetch her personal guard.

Eira fell to her knees in front of the princess, "I am so sorry," she began, "I failed you. I should have been with you when you were injured."

"Don't take fault, Eira. You would not have been able to protect me." Mairwen brushed off her guard's apology. "Anyway, I am fine. How is Father?"

"He seems to be slowly coming around. I came to find you because he is calling out for you and your mother in his confusion." Eira's brow was furrowed.

"Any word on Mother?"

"Is something wrong with Her Majesty?" The guard was confused.

Mairwen grunted as she tried to stand. The pain medication helped, but her feet still hurt. "I will fill you in on the way all that has happened. Spymaster Brinn?"

"I will check on your mother and meet you in the Emperor's room." Brinn already was planning to do it before the girl had asked.

"Thank you. Now if you would not mind helping me walk, Eira, I would like to see my father."

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