
Pick Your Poison

It had been three days since they left Obsequence when Aurora decided to change back into the Guardian's cloak and her regular dress. Devrim did not like the idea, but she pulled rank and ignored him. She had dutifully worn the headdress to hide her face and hair, but she saw no reason to do so in the middle of the wilderness. For that is where they were now. Aurora wrapped the cloak around her shoulders and felt an immediate sense of calm. The scarf around her face had kept the sun off of her, but the cloak's hood actually brought a coolness to her warm skin. Devrim gave her a weary look as she sighed contentedly. They walked along side by side.

"You know you will eventually have to return that cloak, right?" He reminded her.

"I know," Aurora said defensively.

"You just seem like you are getting attached."

"Did you see what this thing did at the inn when that idiot tried to touch me?" Even though Devrim could not see Aurora's face beneath the hood, he could hear her enthusiasm. "It made this weird zzzzz sound and shocked him!" She whirled around in the air. "It protected me before you even could." Aurora was so involved in her story, that she missed seeing the root that was sticking up right in front of her right foot. She tripped, releasing a high pitched yelp as she fell.

Devrim could see the whole event about to unfold moments before, and he gracefully let the Empress fall into into his waiting arms. Her hood fell back from her face as she peered up at him. "Hm, it didn't seem to protect you from that, now did it?" He asked with an amused grin.

Aurora wrapped her arms around Devrim's neck. "My hero!" She exclaimed with only a hint of sarcasm. Their eyes locked and their heads grew closer together. Just then Nurlan, who was checking in front of them for possible problems and Junayd, who was sweeping behind them, both came running into view. 'Ugh, they have the worst timing ever!' Devrim glared at the men, who wisely looked away as soon as they realized what they had interrupted.

"I heard a scream." Junayd explained.

"Me too!" Nurlan said quickly. "Is everyone ok?"

Aurora frowned. "I was attacked by a tree root, but Devrim saved me." She smiled up at the handsome man holding her.

"How very heroic..." Junayd rolled his eyes.

"Yes, it was!" Aurora was so serious that it made Devrim's cheeks flush.

Nurlan cleared his throat. "If it pleases Your Majesty, perhaps we should rest. There's a stream just up ahead where I can refill the water."

"That would be lovely…" She was still staring at Devrim. "I mean, yes, that is perfect!" Devrim reluctantly released the Empress. Nurlan headed off to refill the water skins while the other three found a shady tree to rest.

As the other two continued to stare deep into each other's eyes, Junayd could not help but feel like the odd man out. "So…anything new happening?"


Gandr followed behind Junayd. The soldier was a good sweeper and a few times he seemed to have caught a glimpse of the gnome. But Junayd never managed to get a clear view, and he eventually moved on. Gandr continued to shadow him, searching for the right moment to carry out his plan.

That moment came as Junayd joined the Empress and her husband. Gandr watched as the other soldier headed for the river. He circled round the trio and tracked down Nurlan. The burly soldier arrived at the river and scanned the terrain before filling the water skins.

Gandr came up behind him. In his hand was a shimmery white powder. Nurlan heard his approach, but it was too late. "Sleep," Gandr said, blowing the white powder into the man's face. Nurlan sputtered and choked. His arms swung wildly as he tried to grab Gandr. But the effort was futile, and Nurlan collapsed beside the water in a heap.

The gnome took the water skins and removed the one belonging the Empress. He pulled a small vial from his belt that was filled with a clear liquid: nightingale. While nightingale was used to help gnomes relax and focus, it was deadly to humans. Unlike gnome stomachs, which were lined with stone, human stomachs were weak and the corrosive acid would eat through it easily. Gandr tested the nightingale on the closest flower. He let a drop fall from the vial. The flower turned black and melted away, leaving a patch of black, pungent foam behind.

"Still good!" Gandr nodded approvingly. He picked up a stone and held it up against Aurora's water-skin. His eyes glowed as the stone and water skin merged. "That will keep the water skin from leaking before she drinks," he whispered to the unconscious Nurlan. The gnome placed three drops of nightingale in the water and replaced the stopper. He then took a drop of nightingale for himself to calm down.

Gandr had tried to assassinate the Empress over and over the few days before, even aiming an arrow at the woman's heart while she slept. His fingers refused to release the arrow, however, and so he had come up with this plan. He could not kill her directly, but the poison would do all the work for him this time. The gnome smiled at his own cleverness. Soon he would be free of all the turmoil and guilt that raged inside him.

Shapeshifting into the likeness of Nurlan, Gandr picked up all the filled water-skins and headed back to the rest of the group. They were deep in discussion and barely registered his arrival.

"I swear someone is following us. I keep seeing him duck into the bushes or behind trees, but I can never get a good look." Junayd was very concerned.

Gandr tensed. They were talking about him. Aurora, however, seemed unconcerned, "You have been saying that ever since we left Obsequence. Wouldn't they have attacked by now?"

Junayd shook his head. "I don't know. Maybe they are waiting for reinforcements."

Devrim also seemed skeptical, "Are you sure that it isn't just animals? We are in the wild and there are bound to be animals hiding in every bush and tree."

"What do you think, Nurlan?" Aurora turned to the forth member of the group. Gandr had been pretty sure that he had taken the place of was Nurlan, and Aurora's expectant gaze confirmed his suspicion.

"Ah," Gandr said in his best soldier-sounding voice. "I think it is wise to be vigilant. Never can be too careful. But what do I know? It was probably nothing." The last part drew the other three's attention. Nurlan never questioned his own ability.

"Are you ok, Nurlan? You sound a bit off." Devrim asked.

"I'm fine," Gandr said gruffly. The rest of the group relaxed. Gandr was not used to pretending to be a person that others knew well. This was trickier than he thought.

"All I am saying is that I will not sleep until I catch whoever is following us. But I genuinely hope no one is there." Junayd said.

"Pick your poison," Aurora teased. "Getting no sleep because you are waiting for a boogey man that will never come or being right and finding out someone is still out there plotting to kill us."

"Laugh if you want. I am resting with one eye open." Junayd pressed his lips together, annoyed.

Gandr smiled, "Who wants a drink?"

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