
104) The Love Doctors


When we arrived back home Marco and Amanda seemed to be on better terms. They were having moments of eye contact and there was a lot less growling from Amanda. It was progress but the tension could still be cut with a knife. 

We pulled them into the sunroom and pitched our idea. 

"So Edward and I thought it would be nice if you two went on a date night. Just the two of you, no distractions," Vasili smiled as we stood in front of them. 

Marco seemed a bit keen on the idea but Amanda looked less than impressed. 

"No," she said matter of factly and looked away. Marco immediately deflated by her response. 

"Amanda come on. Just give it a chance," I begged as she looked at me with the grumpiest face known to mankind. She looked like a six year old in that moment. 

"My arms sore," she pouted and looked away once again. 

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