

When I woke up, I wasn't in the courtyard anymore. I was back in my bed, I sat up and was thinking about what happened. That's when memories came to me, I was in a battle against my sister and was knocked out when fire and ice came at each other.

"I guess I was knocked out by it." I muttered.

Then I noticed a small movement to my right, there laid my sister hugging a pillow. I caressed her hair as her twin blue eyes opened, I smiled to greet her as she woke up, but I was greeted by a sudden hug.



"I need to breath."

When I said that, she softened her grip as I took a few deep breaths in.

"Is something wrong Alice?" I asked.

"We were worried about you, we thought you might've gotten hurt." murmured Alice.

"It's okay, I didn't get hurt though right?" I asked.

"Nope, when you fell. You had a bruise on your head and mom immediately found a doctor to heal you." said Alice.

"Oh...where's Alex?" I asked.

If I had gotten hurt, he would definitely be here so where did he go?

"He's being punished for his actions by mom, he can't play with you for a week." replied Alice.

"And you didn't get punished?" I questioned.

"Uh..." Alice turned away, "Alice, what is your punishment?" I asked.

"I have to study about the qualities of being a queen." said Alice.

I thought it was something like this, but there was something I wanted to know.

"What age do you become candidates for the throne?" I asked.

"When we turn 13, because you're the youngest of us and had a different appearance from us, mom and dad didn't make you study for it yet." replied Alice.

At the age of 13 we become candidates for the throne, meaning you would be king or queen in 12 years. From what I learned in the history of Fiona, royals usually study a lot more due to the competition from the other royal families that are also candidates for becoming king or queen. When a someone of another royal family wins the position, their rank would immediately rise to the top as the family that was at the top would become second place.

Meaning the family could be at twelfth place, the lowest, win the throne, and their family would immediately rise to the top because of the absolute power they hold. However, the other royal families could overthrow them if they deemed them as unworthy or weak. I could understand this, even if the position of the highest gave you absolute power over people, if you weren't powerful yourself, there would be no meaning behind the title king or queen that was given them.

I looked up at Alice to see her staring back at me, at that moment, I wondered what would my sister be like if she became queen. Getting married to someone as they rule the nation together...that was no good! My sister is definitely not going to get married to a man!

"Alice, what would you do if you became queen?" I asked.

"Hmm, I don't know yet. I haven't really thought about it since I still have a few more years until I even become a candidate." replied Alice.

"That's right..." I muttered.

I was thinking too much, I guess that knockout I had really did something to me.

At that moment, my stomach growled as I hid myself under the blanket in embarrassment.

"Is little Ena embarrassed?" teased Alice.

"I'm not!"

"Whatever you say~ Let's go eat, mom made some leftover lunch for you." said Alice.

The word food immediately caught my attention, I peeked out from under my blanket as Alice gave a smile.

"Let's go!" I said jumping out from under the blankets.

Before I could dash out of the room to get the delicious food my mother made, I was picked up again. Seriously, wasn't I getting picked up too much? And how was she picking me up this easily? They made it seem as if I was as light as a butterfly.

As she carried me through the dignified hallways, I spotted Alex coming out of his room sulking. When he spotted me, his mood changed but it went back to normal as he walked the other way.

I laughed a bit, I guess he remembered he couldn't play with me for a week while Alice got off by studying about the qualities of becoming a queen.

Sitting on the chair, I waited for my sister to finish heat up the food. It was kind of satisfying watching my sister heat up the food with her fire magic. Then a thought came to me, why didn't we have technology made from magic. Like a microwave powered from magic that could heat up your food easily, I could even bring it around to heat up food whenever I wanted to.

When Alice placed the heated up food in front of me, I immediately dug in tasting the delicious food as the food was also heated up perfectly. The food in this life was much better than the food in my past life, everything just tasted so good as if it was from a high class restaurant. Well, I was the daughter of the king and queen, the youngest too, and I knew parents tend to be much more nicer to the youngest child.

Hehe~ I win!~

Finishing the plate of food my mother made, I stood on a stool and started washing the plate. Growing up in a royal family, manners were very significant. My family taught me about their etiquettes when I was old enough to sit at a table. We were taught how to sit like a royal, the correct way to hold utensils, and even entering the room in order.

Although it wasn't as strict as having to follow the etiquettes all the time at home, we still had to do it when we were in public or when there was a guest over. When I was first taught about this, it was a bit hard to get used since I was a pretty messy person in my past life, but now it was normal for me.

When I finished cleaning up, my sister already went to study leaving me alone. My parents were busy and Alex was probably training with the tutors. I wanted to go out again, there was something else I wanted. Pulling the bell out of my pocket, I rang it to signal Marie I wanted something.

"Is there something you need Princess?" asked Marie.

"I want to go out." I said.

"Have you gotten permission from your parents?" asked Marie.

"No...but they're busy." I replied.

"Then that's too bad princess, you must have your parent's permission first." said Marie.

Even if Marie seemed a bit strict, I knew she cared for me a lot and didn't want to get me in trouble. However, I am the youngest child! That is my special ability, my talent! I'm able to get away with a lot of things, just not everything! Marie, you underestimate the ability of being the youngest child...

"It'll be fine Marie."

"But you-"

"Are you going to disobey the princess?"

"Urg- Fine Princess, let's go."

I smiled when I won the battle, it was a line that would work every time.

Marie was thinking about how a princess could be so carefree all the time, she couldn't use magic yet she never saw the princess study. Marie would pass by multiple rooms as she was cleaning up the place, she would occasionally see the twin siblings training or studying but never saw the youngest princess study.

Although she had a few doubts, she didn't question the princess. Marie knew that Ena was smarter than she looked, she just never really tried using her intelligence. Watching the little girl gaze at the shops and buildings of the city, she felt a tint of happiness in her. The reason was because the youngest daughter was quite similar to her child that passed away, thus she grew quite close to the princess.

I had no idea what Marie was thinking about as I gazed at the shops and buildings near us. Since I just ate, I wanted to go to a shop. That was when I spotted something that caught my eyes, pulling Marie with me, I quickly made my way towards the shop. What I wanted was the violet like stone I was holding in my hands, it matched my eye colors and it felt like I had a connection to it.

There were a few people also in the shop, when they saw me, they showed their respect to me by putting one leg behind the other, bent their knees, and bow their heads slightly. I didn't pay attention to them, my attention was focused on the violet stone in my hand.

"Princess, do you want that?" asked Marie.

"Yes." I immediately replied.

I didn't want anyone to take it, handing the stone to Marie, she went to the counter to pay for it as I waited for her. I started looking around, everyone focused their attention on the jewels of the store, but someone caught my eyes.

There was a man looking at me with the same eyes, one that held hatred and disgust, I could already tell why he looked at me like that. I didn't look away, I stared at him back, as someone of the highest ranking family, there was no way I was going to lose to a commoner. I looked at him as if I was looking at an insect, I wanted him to know he was just an insect to me, as if he was nobody special. His expression turned red as he turned away, I knew I had won.

"Princess, shall we go?" asked Marie coming back.

"Yes we shall." I replied.

Some people were shocked about how the younger princess easily changed personalities but didn't question it. They knew what would happen if they minded into someone's business that didn't relate to them at all, especially the Quintus family. They could be jailed for life and possibly even executed. What's more was that they were people who didn't have the ability to use magic making their position worse than they were already at. They could only pray to god nothing would happen to them

When I made it back home, I immediately went to my room to inspect the violet stone I had in my hands. It didn't match the jewels or the other stones in the shop at all. Yet nobody noticed it or even cared about it. I threw the violet stone up and down and it was surprisingly light. It just looked like an average stone but I didn't believe that.

The words I read form the old book, "Not everything you believe is everything."

With that thought, I decided to pour a bit of mana in it to see if anything to happen.

Nothing happened.


I was about to leave when a violet light filled up my room. Looking over to the stone, it was floating and also glowing. After it fainted, I went to grab the stone.

But what happened next shocked me.

「 System Activated! 」


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