
Chapter 89: Why is this Night Different? Part 2

The Lord Elgin Office

"I just don't know if I want to," said Cheryl to her husband. "Do you really think I should? I could still cancel."

"Of course," urged Kevin. "It's Cathy's wish, it's who you are, and besides, we need to give Cyrus a feeling of normalcy in our home."

"Well, I did sort of invite Ansonia and some of the kids over for it." Cheryl paused for a second. "All right, I'll have the Seder meal. I better send out reminders. Passover starts at sundown tonight."

Cheryl started to walk out but paused at the door. "Kev, do you think it's safe to send Louie and Howie to Virginia?"

"We already know that time-travel isn't a safe business. That's why we give them hazardous pay. I'll make sure they're sufficiently trained to avoid injury. They only need to stay during the initial onslaughts. This is important information. We could never go as far back as the Civil War period before."

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