
Chapter 49: Quitting Time, Part 3

The church was done in classic Eastern style. As they walked inside, Cyrus realized that he and Katya had crossed themselves in an opposed fashion. They entered the pews to pray in silence. Cyrus prayed for his family, his friends, and for Katya. He looked around at the beautiful church, adorned with many holy icons.

As a western Catholic from the Roman rite, he felt a little out of place but also felt a strong connection between his church and this one. He wished for a moment that the great schism of 1054 had never separated them.

They left in silence, and once outside, Katya put her arm around Cyrus's back. "I miss it," she said. "There's only one Orthodox Church in Elgin and the service is in Greek. Don't get me wrong, I like going with you to Saint Lawrence, but this is my home parish."

"When did it become your parish?" he asked.

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