
Chapter 20: Dance till a Quarter to Three, Part 4

The party ended with the last guest leaving at nearly three in the morning. Only Katya, Cyrus, Dawn, and Louie remained.

"Do you want us to help clean up?" Dawn asked.

"Nope, just go on home," Katya said. "All I have to do is remove some of the bought items and garbage and then just close the door. The rest will go somewhere in 1983."

"Thanks so much for my party," Dawn said. "I hope I remembered to thank Les. She really got into it, didn't she?"

"Yep, and her cake was delicious. Now take her right home, Louie," Katya said, and then looked back at Dawn. "Monday, you'll have to fill me in on how your date went last night. Good night, guys."

Louie turned around as they started to leave. "If you ever throw a party like this for me, I'd like to have one take place in the year I was born: 2015."

"We can make that happen," Katya said with a laugh.

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