
Chapter 8: Mean Time, Part 1

"I'm glad you could make it, Mr. Thomas," said Ben Hall. "Please sit down. May I get you some tea?"

Benjamin Hall was a large, well-dressed man with a distinct London accent. He sat behind a large desk in his Greenwich office, overlooking the Thames River. He was talking with American-born Seth Thomas. Seth was on a pilgrimage from National. He was in London to observe and take readings of key points in recent British history. The first mission was supposed to start in 1953 for the coronation of Elizabeth II and end with the failed Chunnel bombing attempt of 2027.

He'd just learned that Ben Hall headed up England's own time-travel facility called Sundial Research Centre. Sundial was unknown to the Callahans, and Seth worried about the consequences of having the secrets of time travel so widespread. He hoped he could establish Sundial's motives.

"It's lucky that our gifted transporter, Mr. Zulu, discovered you in...what year was it?" Hall asked.

"It was 1997," Seth answered.

"Ah, yes, August 31: the morning Britain woke up to the news of Princess Diana's death. What exactly were you doing there at that time period?" the portly Hall asked.

"I'm afraid that's confidential," answered Seth. "But I assure you, it was only for observations."

"We know all about the organization you work for, Mr. Thomas," Hall continued. "We do the same thing here at Sundial. The point is, we could use another good transporter. We would make it worth your while to consider working for us. We'd double your salary, put you up in a nice flat, and basically wine and dine you every night if you so wished it."

"May I ask what the main intent of Sundial is, Mr. Hall?" Seth asked.

"The same as National, I assure you. We do research to better understand the nature of the world around us."

"Is the British government involved?" Seth continued.

"I should say not, young man. No need to have world leaders involved. That would be the destruction of us all, would it not? So, what do you say-can we shake on it?"

"Let me think about it," Seth answered.

"Sure, sure, you sleep on it. Let's see now. You're staying at the Devonport House. We have your number. Good day, Mr. Thomas. You'll be hearing from us."

Upon leaving Sundial, Seth immediately sent a quick report back to the Callahans.

* * * *

Seth answered the room's display unit. "Hello, yes Kevin, hi." The 3D projection was of Kevin Callahan.

"Hello, Seth. I talked it over with Cher, and we're going to ask you if you would be willing to join this Sundial joint for a while and tell us what they're up to."

"You want me to spy?" Seth asked.

"I know it's a huge request. This isn't a good situation, Seth. Do you realize the safeguards Cheryl and I have taken to keep the secrets of time travel from getting out? There must have been a breach. I'm hoping you can find out who betrayed us."

"Are you certain that there was a breach?" asked Seth.

"The likelihood of an organization advanced enough to have their own version of our pilgrims at this stage is remote. In our own interests, we need to do what we can to make sure our security hasn't been breached, and to find out how advanced they currently are."

Seth interjected, "Or maybe someone went back in time and revealed the secrets to them in the past. Kevin, they seemed even more advanced than we are."

"Holy crap," said Kevin. "I know it's a lot to ask, but we need you. You have to find out for us."

"Okay, I'm in," Seth said. "My fiancée is not going to be happy about this."

"They may offer to transfer her as well," Kevin stated. "Let me know if they don't, and I'll take care of it. That is if Minnie agrees."

"Tell Cyrus I'll keep in touch," Seth said.

"I will. You guys have become really great friends," said Kevin. "I'm glad."

* * * *

One month later

Dawn was sitting, facing an empty chair. Cyrus and Katya were behind her. Her face was drawn up in deep concentration. Then, in the blink of an eye, she vanished, and over in the next room she could be heard:


Katya and Cyrus ran and saw her sitting on the floor with a defeated look on her face.

"Well," started Katya, "at least you didn't end up across the river this time. You'll get it. Let's switch to pure time travel for a moment. Let's go to the Raymond Room."

When they entered, the lights were off, and Katya had candles lit around the room. "Now let's sit and be comfortable. Don't think about anything, just relax. Listen to my voice. We're connected to the past, even if it isn't in our lifetime. But I'll start by concentrating on what you can physically remember. Now close your eyes." At this, she placed something under Dawn's nose and asked her to describe the aroma.

"Wow," Dawn began, "it smells like crayons-oh, what a nice smell."

"How about this one?" Katya continued. "Keep your eyes closed."

"Licorice," Dawn said. "I used to love it as a kid."

"Okay, one more," Katya said.

"Dang, it smells like the lotion my mom used to use. She would rub it on my hands when I was little."

"You see, Dawn," Katya instructed, "right now you're connected to your own past. As a pilgrim, all you have to do now is walk through the door of your mind, and you'd be there. But it goes beyond that. You have to be aware of the water within you and around you. The water that's in your body right now is the same water that's been on Earth for millions of years. All right, now onto phase two. Close your eyes again."

Dawn closed her eyes and Katya placed something under her nose.

"Hmm, I'm not sure. I don't recognize it." Dawn continued to sniff. "But it smells comforting somehow."

"Don't try to recognize it, Dawn; go into yourself and see how it makes you feel. What comes to your mind?"

Dawn concentrated on the smell. "It makes me think of music and dancing and happiness."

"You've got it, baby," said Katya.

"Well, what was it?" Dawn asked.

"It's a vintage scent. It's called Mariah Carey perfume, and your mom used to wear it to clubs before you were born. She helped me with these. See? You've connected with the past in which you have no actual memory."

"Wow," said Dawn. "That was so rad pink!"

"Ha, you kids and your modern colloquialisms," Katya said.

Dawn looked at Cyrus. "What does she mean? She's the same age as me!"

Cyrus just shrugged.

Katya continued. "Now let's try a jump. Once you master it solo, having a partner makes it ten times easier. You'll eventually have to take a compatibility test to see who's best suited for you."

"Have you had one in Elgin yet, Katya?" Cyrus asked.

"Nope," she answered. "I'm still grounded, so your mom hasn't scheduled one for me. Are you ready, Dawn?"

"Yep!" Dawn answered eagerly.

Pilgrims could time-travel without a partner within the walls of National. This was because of the proximity to the Fox River, the mild electrical field that was purposely generated, and the concentrated brain activity of the entire facility.

"All right, then, do you remember last week, Saturday when I came to your house and brought you that homemade cinnamon roll because you'd never tasted one? Remember how you loved it? Go back to last week. Concentrate on the cinnamon roll, but also concentrate on staying right here in this spot in the Raymond Room. Nobody will be here last Saturday. Ready? Hey, Cy, you mind going back ahead?"

Katya watched as first Cyrus vanished and then Dawn.

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