
Chapter 775: Underworld.

Chapter 775: Underworld.

"Hmm, so this is The Underworld. It's quite different from the Hell I know," commented Morgana as she looked around. "It's darker and more depressing... It almost feels like I'm in the Hell of Suicide."

Unlike usual, she was wearing completely black armor, quite similar to the one she used when she was Lilith's General.

"If it's based on appearances, it's only when we get closer to Tartarus will this Underworld begin to resemble Biblical Hell," explained Nyx.

"Could we stop talking about the appearance of Hell and focus on the main objective? I don't want to stay in this place any longer than we have to," grumbled Aphrodite.

Morgana and Nyx looked at Aphrodite, raising their eyebrows when they saw that she was dressed more appropriately for a mountain excursion.

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