
Chapter 14 Telrinos Stone

The cart, with all of the added weight, made great noise back up the mountain roads. Lanthim sat contently as he ate an apple that Milty had purchased. The trip had been exciting for him, so many new things.

He had only seen from a distance from the estate. Now, as he looked back from his place on the cart, he felt pleased with what he had seen. It was still around midday, and the dry roads, made for little time wasted back up the mountain. The trees, like great towers, and lush grass, that covered the lower regions, of the mountain, looked eternal green.

'There is so much more to the world. Then what can be explained in books.' {Lanthim}

Lanthim thought to himself, having had gruellingly educated by his mother in many different subjects. Mostly about world politics and the different systems of society therein.

Mostly, boring and needless lectures that, for the most part, had no real impact, at least, he felt on himself or those around him. He found greater joy and peace in the study of magic, its many uses and how it influenced the world around him.

His studies, on this front, were almost entirely self-study, with only bits and pieces being given to him by his mother. Through books, however, she never allowed him to use magic in the estate. Or ever in fact where he could be seen by someone, that she might consider a threat to his safety. So his experience with magic was limited, not only because of his age, generally training for a young witch was when they turned eight or nine years old.

The issue for Lanthim was the fact that, unlike other men. He could manipulate Purified Mana without the assistance of Regalia. Every other human male in this world could not. The reason for this lack of male mana manipulators is not well documented.

So any actual information on the subject was limited. At present, however, he was happy just eating his apple. Biting the last of the apples remains, The sensation of the presence of Purified mana rushed over him.

His studies in magic had taught him the importance of being able to feel or sense the presence of others. Before they could become a threat was of the most importance. Almost all living beings had some level of purified mana inside them. So in a sea of humans, animals and other such creatures, it could be difficult if not impossible to pick out a single human male from a deer.

Learning to distinguish human from creature had been difficult for Lanthim. At first, he would be sitting out in the garden, and a flock of birds would pass by, so due to his heightened sensitivity to not only purified mana but natural as well.

He would sense all of the birds in the flock together as one. It was extremely frightening the first time this happened. As time went on, his ability to understand the small almost, indistinguishable patterns. That is made up of purified mana within humans and animals.

This was an important learning experience for Lanthim. His sensitivity to mana had, at that time, reached a point where he was not sleeping almost at all. Unlike other individuals that could sense mana. All were witches who had gone through the training to do so. However, there had never been any documentation of a witch having such an extreme sensitivity to mana. So unlike Lanthim, most would not understand the feeling of sensing the world constantly.

2years previous

His memory of that time was still clear in his mind. The near paralyzing sensation of all the world crowding you not from outside but from within. Slowly day by day, he would increase the amount of time he spent meditating helped, for the most part.

Being bathed in purified mana cleared the mind. However, it could never truly clear the outside world out completely. Due to the seal on his back. The amount of purified mana he had access to was small. Therefore, he could not use enough to enter deeper meditation. He had to find a way to block or reduce this sensitivity. Doing so would allow for greater understanding.

In the workings of both purified and natural mana. And their effect not only on the world but on living beings. The breakthrough came one morning during breakfast. Lanthim was sitting with his mother. His younger brothers were learning how to sit at the table with them. He looked incredibly tired not sleeping the night before.

"Young master, you should not yawn so much at the table, It is not polite and will set a bad example for your brothers," [Felyma]

Getting scolded for his tiredness by Felyma was not something he had too much worry about. The feeling of everyone around him in his head did, however. His mind these days was always troubled.

Was he ever going to be able to be free of this mass of sensations? Finishing his meal, he proceeded to the estate's main library almost every day. He spent a few hours pouring over books looking for the answers he sought.

Though there was no textual knowledge of his situation happening to others, all he would need was. A way to limit how the complex information feedback he was getting when he was sensing something would either lessen or. Be completely closed off for a time. It was this morning, after much searching, that he found what he was looking for.

The book he found was called Limitation/Restrictive Magics, an interesting read. If he didn't feel like his head was about to explode every time someone needed to bother him. In the pages of this book was everything he would need. All he would have to do was create a magic sequence.

That would limit the type and amount of mana. That would mean if active, his ability to sense other beings would not go away, only that it would lessen due to the amount of incoming communication between mana would decrease due to the limiter.

Sitting by himself, he looked at the page that contained the sequence required to memorize every part. A magic sequence at its most basic level was a series of magic circles that by themselves could make fire, could churn the wave of the seas and so on.

When these magic circles come together, they make much more powerful magic, thus a magic sequence. The amount of mana that would be required to create this sequence was what he could do on his own. However, having never used magic in this way before. He knew that he could not do this thing without help from someone else.

The need for such a person made his head hurt even more. The estate employed many talented witches for the protection of the family. Many others worked in other posts. Sadly though, he only had contact with these individuals when their work called for it.

He knew that Milty could do it but had been called to the main residence in the capital for some reason. The reason why had not been entirely explained to him. So there he was, backed into a corner that had no way out.

"Young master, books are for reading. Not to be used as a pillow for your head. Please wake up."

He had managed to fall asleep, but who was this voice that had woke him? He did not know it. The servant standing beside him was not one he knew very well now that he looked at her, he remembered. This maid had been sent to fill Milty's place while she was away, strange as it seemed to him.

At the time, his mother seemed pleased with the placement. She was not tall by any stretch of the imagination. But size changes nothing when it came to dragons. The horns on both sides of her head had an awkward spiral to them, with both points going backwards, not forward.

Lanthim sat with no real emotion on his face, just the same tired near-dead look on his face. Then a thought came to him.

'Wait, I was just asleep just now. How did that happen? I have not been able to sleep that soundly for days.'

His countenance changed completely at that moment.

"Young master? Is there something wrong I can send for the mistress if you are not feeling well?"

As typical of a dragon, there was no real sympathy in her words. It was all just a part of her duty. That she would eventually leave then she would return to the top of the mountain.

"Reiflin, while I understand the disdain you feel for such a lowly being such as I, can you not be so damn demeaning?" [Lanthim]

Lanthim looked back at the maid, an awful sour look on her face.

"Well, then what is there I can help you with since you seem to have nothing wrong with you?" [Reilflin]

Reiflin asked her tone, not at all that of a servant. With the eyes of a born killer looking down at him. Both stared for the longest time at each other, not saying a thing. Lanthim would not be backed into a corner by her. Fear of any race that lived in this world was not something that he had time for or cared about.

"Well, since you are listening, I will tell you." [Lanthim]

His face changed almost immediately after speaking. Reiflin saw it as if a wave of fear and pain had struck him, a hand raised to his right temple, almost driven to tears by the pain the overstimulation of mana was causing to his body, whenever he would sense anything.

Coming closer to him, she knew that only as part of her duties such as dressing, undressing was she allowed to touch him. For Milty, such restrictions. Had, been lifted for her to be better able to do her work. However, Reiflin had only just come down to serve here, and Litralia had almost no trust in his safety with her.

Sure, being ordered off the top of the mountain. To work in a human family was, she thought, far below her. This sudden reaction from Lanthim, however, had piqued her interest. In the past, she had seen young dragons. After being taught to take human form, would manifest similar symptoms during the time after transformation.

She had not gone through this thing which was called Tremgilma or Mana saturation by humans. Looking down at the book that Lanthim had fallen asleep on, she saw the thing that he had been studying.

"I see. Yes, this explains everything." [Reiflin]

A strange smile could be seen on her face as she spoke. However, Lanthim was lost in his discomfort. Reaching over to his left ear Reiflin placed her index finger. Whatever she was doing, he did not know, nor did he care at the moment as long as this confounded pain would go away. Then without warning, he lost conciseness and fell into a deep sleep.

"I understand now. Why I was sent here." [Reilflin]

Reiflin closed the book and returned it to its proper place.

"A male human capable of manipulating mana, I must tell my mistress of what has transpired." [Reilflin]

She spoke to no one, just open to herself. Picking Lanthim up from his seat, she carried him to his room with no pain.


With his apple now gone, all Lanthim could do now. Was to get back to the estate. He could not wait since Milty had promised to take him back after they had returned with the day's business.

"Young Master, you seem a little tense has something happened?"

Milty asked. Looking over at him, she knew about his sensing abilities and how he was affected when something he was unsure about came into his range.

"No, it is nothing just noticed that a group has arrived at the estate. People I do not know. I am slightly interested."

His answer did not shock his caretaker in the slightest. If he was ever afraid of anything, he never showed any emotion about it. Slowly the road began to take them up the mountain, too much speed, and something could happen.

Looking up at the home he had known for the last six years, Lanthim looked up to the windows of the East Library. His mother would be teaching as she always did from that library, occasionally looking into the garden to see her children.

Playing in the garden, looking up at these windows, he could not see her today. Something must be going on for her not to be there.

"Milty, I thought Mother had classes today."

Lanthim spoke as they drew just under the main gate entering the estate's compound.

"I believe there to be important guests arriving today, young master. Still, it should not impede our going back to the village later."

She sounded confident in her reply.

The unloading of the cart was taken care of by Milty and others. While this was all taking place. Lanthim had been picked off the ground, on which he stood and taken straight to his room. Felyma, in a near panic.

Undressed, then dressed him in less time than he could even comprehend what was happening. The next thing he knew, he was standing outside his mother's study in the northern section of the estate. Dazed, and confused he just looked at the door.

'Why is it when I am rushed around by these people? I am always left standing in front of a closed door?' {Lanthim}

Thought Lanthim to himself, true the clothes he had changed into looked and felt exquisite. He wondered who it was he was going to meet. Suddenly on the other side, he heard people talking.

"Why would you bring such a thing from the capital that stone is dangerous?" [Litralia]

One of the voices belonged to his mother, Litralia. The context of whatever the conversation was about on the other side of the door was unknown to Lanthim. But he knew that something was not alright.

"Before you say anything more, Litralia let the boy in I would like to see him."

A voice he did not know spoke, a woman, he could not place any more than this. He could hear footsteps coming to the door slowly it opened showing his mother with two others, a man and a woman. Looking at them both, he immediately knew them. Even though he had never in his life met them.

The woman, who naturally should be spoken of first. His grandmother Arielia Strentolos primary head of the family and all other branch clans. The Frenost clan being one of them, was only a branch family.

Beside her was his Father Nedral Frenost, the Head of his family as well as an influential individual. Within the empire's higher circles which might seem strange to some, but due to living a much longer life than most human males, his experience has placed him well in the councils of the empire.

Standing before these two persons, Lanthim felt excited. Never had he seen them before but just standing where. He was he could not deny who they were.

"I am sorry if I have interrupted your conversation by arriving late." [Lanthim]

Lanthim gave a bow as he finished speaking.

"For one so young. Your grasp for the language is quite strong, strange for a child of only six years it seems that Mynrea's letters about you are correct bringing the stone may prove fruitful after all."

His grandmother spoke before signalling him to raise his head.

"A human male capable of manipulating mana, we shall see, come he child there is something I would have you look at for me."

Taking, a small parcel from the table next to her. Arielia motioned for him to come forward. Fascinated by what this thing could be, Lanthim approached, looking closely at the parcel as he advanced.

"Mother, please, there is no telling what will happen when he interacts with the stone, it could kill him." [Lanthim]

Litralia's almost frantic plea was nothing to Lanthim. At this point, his attention was firmly on what was in the parcel.

"Those who desire power will be devoured by it. However, some are born to power and know what they can take. And what can not let us see what this child can take." [Arielia]

Said Arielia opening the parcel for all to see. Inside was a stone of incredible beauty, not a single edge or imperfection on it. Dazed by this, Lanthim stood looking examining from a distance. The stone was about the size of one of his hands.

What caught his attention eventually, after a good long look, was the magic sequence that was on its face. As he looked closer, he could see the complexity of its structure. Thinking more about what it could be. He decided not to touch the stone. Instead, he would try to intact within through mana.

Holding his hand over the stone he began by just passing small amounts of mana to the stone. Unexpectedly there was an immediate reaction. The stone began to change colour from its original light green to an extremely intense white.

The reaction was so intense that everyone was blinded for a few seconds looking at the stone.

'Such a reaction! I barely used any mana at all, and it shone so magnificently.' {Lanthim}

Looking around himself, he saw two faces that had the expression that they had seen the impossible. A mixture of excitement, fear, and disbelief. Restoring the stone to its tablet, his Father spoke for the first time.

"This stone has been used for much longer than I have been alive. To measure the abilities of the daughters of our family, to ascertain whether they can deal with the harsh training required, to enter the Magic Academy at Trelgamin. Generations of our family have done this, now to think my son will be the first human male to manipulate mana in over four millennia."

The pride seemed to seethe from Nedral Frenost. He now had a true miracle standing in front of him. Arielia, however, sat silently. Eyes do not leave Lanthim for a moment.

"We will have to keep this information in the family, for the time being, if it were to get out that there is a male capable of such things. Who knows what the elves will do? That aside, we must look for a master for his training. As soon as possible, this child seems one to go beyond the conventional limits." [Nedral]

Said Nedral as he stood and began to pace about the room. Finally breaking her sight from him, Arielia stood, making her way to the door.

"The Talrinos Stone has never given a false reading since it was first made. Let everything be put in motion." [Arielia]

Speaking while holding the doorknob in her left hand, Arielia Strentolos left the three of them alone in silence.

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