
Chapter 2 Life

In the far southern lands of the Lucrentian Empire, far beyond the great cities and the towns and villages that fed them. Further than the great river Slavakor. Which split much of the empire, in the foothills of the Madrikal Mountains. Nestled nicely at the base of Mount Gretalros, was situated the small town of Lorenta.

With the towering mountain standing guard in the east. As well as many small rivers, and streams this place was beautiful and tranquil. From the town, if one were to proceed up the mountain itself not a great while. They would find the place where our story begins. In one of the homes of Nedral Frenost current head of the Frenost Clan. Servants were hurriedly preparing for a happily anticipated event. A baby was coming, and all in the house were preparing everything that would be needed. Not just for the birth but for the care of the child as well.

"UM, what is this sensation I feel."

Malic felt a sudden shift, almost like he had been moved instantly from his previous location. With the six other entities to some other place entirely. Where ever this place was he had some sense of feeling. He felt he was contained in some small space. There was no light here, to be sent from one darkness to another was not overly pleasing to him. Strangely though this place felt warm and comforting it was nice to be in such a place.

Then, as soon as he had arrived where ever it was he had found himself. Started to slowly but gently move him, with the purpose he did not know. But, how could one who was about to be born into a new world?

'It seems to me  quite a few hours have passed since this movement began.' {Malic}

Malic just lays comfortably where he was, nothing seems wrong to him at present. This warmth he feels is so tender and comforting. Suddenly, without warning he notice something he had not realized earlier. He was moving again, but this time he was not moving inside whatever this thing was but outside of it.

'I see light, it feels so painful to my eyes I don't know why. My eyes, barely want to stay open what is this place? Maybe it is day or just a well-lit room I have no idea.' {Malic}

Confusion raked Malic, as he left the safe closed space of his mother's womb to enter the world.

'I can hear voices, and when my eye stays open for even a second I can see faces. There is so much information, I can't take it all in. OW! What the hell was that pain just now?" {Malic}

Immediately, Malic felt a sharp pain from the location of his navel.  The doctor had cut his umbilical cord, considering that for a time. It had been a part of him, having it removed since it was part of him would be painful. The doctor, however, seemed a little concerned. The child had not made a sound during the entire birth, not until just now. With the umbilical cord being removed, he wondered if there had been something going awry at some point. Sadly if anything had happened, it would not be until later in the child's life that he would be sure.

'I'm still not able to see all too well. Everything is mostly still a blur, I don't know how but I am being held by someone at the moment. When I look up at her I can see a strong smile. However, I don't understand if have I shrunk or something. Because, of the way she holds me while it feels right, but I don't remember being so small what does this mean?' {Malic}

The news of the birth of a son spread as fast as people who had mouths to speak it would carry. By the following morning, the whole town knew, and flowers of every description could be prepared. Where sent for the lady of the house, truly did they give congratulations for this most joyful time.

As the sun sat high at midday Litralia watched the boy sleep peacefully. She was exhausted, but she liked to look at him. In her long life, this was her first son, his face was like his father, as was his hair raven black. Except for a little deep emerald green, that flowed peaceably down the side from his ears forward.

He had all the Traits of the many generations that followed him. From his chin to his hands, even his eyes spoke the most ancient truth. His mother's family line was as old if not older than his father's. Which bore the blood of both the Haldrathin and Dragons. A mix that should not exist but in the old world even for a short time there were such beings.

In an age long lost before the world was broken. Then remade by the six True Magi, there were countless races of magical beings. Some weak but most strong stood the Twelve Clans of the Dragons. Old, and wise, they're powerful rivals the Haldrathin. Human in form, they're almost angel-like wings and intelligence. Were greater than most lesser races. As one could expect, this difference continually leads to misunderstanding and even the destruction of entire peoples.

Still looking at him she wished to talk to him, and while she did. His understanding of her voice, and the meaning of her words. Would not come quickly, his growth would take years and she knew this. Many other children she had, before he came into the world. So being patient was not going to be too difficult. Soon he would be moved to the nursery, and there to be taken care of.

Litralia while wanting to be with him always. Had obligations of a social nature, that would require her attention in the coming months.

Soon the nobles from the capital, who owned villas in the south. Would be escaping the cold northern imperial winter. Bringing their family's with them, around this time Litralia opened her home. To the children of these nobles for tutoring, and study during their stays in the southern regions.

This practice had become popular over the years. Since she had previously taught, in the Academy of Alistri one of the nation's great cities. Sending their daughters to her,  while they were young. Helped a great deal, and moulded a good strong character in each child. As well, increased the possibility of being accepted, into any of the Empires of many Magic academies.

Litralia by opening her home would search for young girls who could learn to manipulate mana. By giving basic instruction into its uses, if any could perform a predetermined magical sequence. Then she would send the required information, to her superiors in the capitol. Afterward depending on their review, a child would be sent to an academy that would suit them.   

Sadly, this would leave little time for her to see this little boy. With all that would unfold over the coming months. She would see less and less of him, this deeply saddened her. However, it would likely displease her husband if she was to suddenly stop teaching. If her only reason was to be with her newborn it would cause problems.

If people who were in as high of society, as they were just went off doing whatever they pleased. Not thinking of how it affected others around them, would see such a drop in their status that their clan. Could completely disintegrate, and all they knew would just disappear into nothing.

This was something that at all costs would be avoided, as long as he was healthy and happy so would she be. Just laying where she looked out the window. Feeling a light breeze comes through it, seeing the beautiful view of the town, and hearing the celebrations of the people there, it was all so very wonderful.

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