
How well does ‘Mountain Split’ fare against a Real Mountain?

The destruction energy cut off Sigesi's connection with the ice shards, making it so that it was no longer 'her power'.

This meant she had no choice but to fly out of the way to dodge the rapid firing of these icy projectiles that Arthur subjected her to in the next second.

He used the law of time to mess with their speeds, as well as her own speed, slowing her to the point where she considered flying away as fruitless and instead erected a defensive barrier, before taking a moment to break out of his time slow.

Immediately after, she had to use Frostshade to slash down at the projectiles that blasted through her hastily created barrier at supersonic speed.

While she was occupied with this, Arthur proceeded to chuck the second orb at her, using the same Gravity, Destruction and Time combo to increase its lethality.

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