
Fourteen 'Days' Later

Domain of Lucifer's Vestige

Unknown Planet

Unknown Galaxy

Varona Realm

October 15th?

Year 717 of the 50th General Calendar.

"🎶 I can't take the the cold, can't take the box.

I woulda tried to run I guess I got no pox.

I'm rappin' to the thumb,

And I'm gonna move your drum.

Yea, yaz, in a Cardiff state of mind. 🎶"

Young Progenitor Godslayer Arthur Vaughn sang along with the rap song that was playing through the headphones in his ear while he moved his hands in odd directions, twisting a weird purple elastic band at odd angles.

Or rather, the current expression would be to say that he 'attempted' to twist this purple elastic band at odd angles but was failing woefully.

Even so, he kept trying without giving up, rousing all his magic power to aid him in this adventure.

Sitting at a table a few metres beside him, was a half-transparent humanoid figure, with silver hair and red eyes.

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