
Biologic mother is a crazy bitch! By the whay... who really cares? Bakachichiue (japanese)

"So, wizard, may I know why you asked for a meeting in a private room?" the creepy goblin asked me after a particularly unfunny game of wisdom. "Remember time is money for us Goblins and..."

"Whatever," I interrupted. "I want to take a bloodline test. I know this is one of the services. I also know what you're going to say next, Goblin, but saving you and me the loss of money, I don't I'm muggle born. So let's speed things up so we can follow our schedules later."

That was the best way to deal with Goblins. They respect form but they respect gold even more. This can be translated as respecting wealth in general since gold was just an easy way to quantify values ​​in the wizarding world. Anyway the goblin used its tongue to instruct another goblin who didn't look much different and this one left while we waited for the apparatus that would finally tell me who gave birth to the body I inhabit now.

"The price for a test like this is quite expensive."

"I have enough money for this. Don't worry" he said relaxed. "But while we wait I'd like to make some requests..."

"You can always say what you want, wizard. Whether it's going to make it is a different question."

"I wish that no one but Gringotts and I was aware of my lineage." He said seriously. "And I want a signed contract that such information will not be sold later. Of course, such a request will not be made without adequate payment, but the terms are non-negotiable."

I said deterministically and asked him to prepare the documents. Ironically they already had magically bound contracts with the Goblin King's magic seal on them and was faster than the goblin with my inheritance check. This was good as they couldn't raise the price if my family is really rich. A kind of vain hope if I were to say it myself. After all, I was already rich enough for two lavish lives and would only get richer with time.

We signed the contract as soon as it was ready and smiled happily and mischievously towards the goblin sitting behind the desk. Hahaha, you wanted to play with me now you're going to have to turn around to explain to your king why you couldn't extort me enough.

"I am here." Said another goblin identical to the original who wore a shamanic-looking tribal outfit and held an incredibly beautiful silver goblin dagger and a shallow dish with a tree design on it.

"Excellent. Let's get this over with." I said decisively, "I am giving you Goblins permission to use my blood solely and exclusively for the ritual that will reveal my lineage."

"Tsk" the original goblin sounded disgraced as he instructed the shaman to begin the process. I cut off the tip of my index finger and let the blood flow into the dish. One glow later and I had the result.

Castiel Lelouch Lestrange-Black Hass Cadre

Age: 10 years old

Date of birth: November 31, 1990

Place of birth: Azkaban

Father: Lucien Salvatore Hass Cadre (lady Magic champion)

Mother: Belatrix Lestrange (nee Black)

Available inheritances:

Lestrange (by conquest and magic)

Black (by blood and magic)

Ambrosius (by legacy and by magic)

Inherited assets:

Black – trust vault: 11,000 gold galleons;

- Main vault: 100,000,000 gold galleons, 300,000 scythes and 1,000,000 knuts.

Properties: ...



Lestrange – trust vault: 11,000 gold galleons;

- Main vault: 70,000,000 Galleons and 17,000 Knuts.

Properties: ...



Ambrosius – trust vault: 1,000,000,000 gold galleons.

Properties: ...



Now that was something...

I was Merlin's own heir! Wow. I could feel the Goblins in the room go completely stunned as they read my results. I was the richest person in magical Britain. Now... son of Belatrix Lestrange was an unwelcome surprise. If I hadn't cashed out this contract I could have been in trouble. Anyway thanks for my prediction.

Anyway... I was heir Black, Lestrange and Ambrosius. Now that I think about it... how can I be a Lestrange heir? It will be... ah, that explains Rudolph Lestrange's submissive form regarding the horny his supposed wife had for the darkest lord creep in the wizarding world. She must have completely defeated him and taken his family inheritance. I think she only left him alive to torture the poor Death Eater further. Nothing to do about it. Mom is really stone crazy by the looks of it. Being pregnant she didn't even mind going to Azkaban... If Lucien Salvatore Hass Cadre (my father and champion of lady magic) hadn't prepared a safe path for me I could have my scrapped soul without even having time to enjoy the magical world.

Anyway... Now I was really happy. It looks like Malfoy will no longer be able to inherit the Black family. My mother was the eldest after all and as such her offspring is the obvious choice to inherit thelandlady.

"I would like to get the three house heir rings please." I asked indifferently. I warned you goblin, I thought wryly.

"Yes, Ambrosius Heir...

"Call me by the surname Lestrange-Black. That's what the document says after all. Although Hass Cadre is suitable as well, he is not known in the wizarding community of Great Britain."

"As you wish Heir Lestrange-Black."

"Now that I think about it…I have no qualms about you selling the information on my inheritance from the Lestrange and Black houses. But... make the buyers bleed... especially if they are Malfoy or his allies." I said with a predatory smile on my face. Soon the little creature followed me and emulated a smile just as malicious.

"I like the way you think Lord Lestrange-Black."

"I do what I can…back to business anyway. Merge the two accounts you currently have along with Bellatrix and Rudolph's personal accounts into one. Name it Lelouch. As for the Ambrosius account... just let it be. I will check when I am 17 and become master of the houses that fit me."

"As you wish."

"I also want you to be my account manager from now on. You will be responsible for the restoration of the Black houses and the sale of the Lestrange houses. Remember to return all artifacts and books found in Lestrange Mansions."

"It will be done!"

"Well that's. I wish to withdraw the money from the three trust accounts and put it in an extended bag please. I need to buy my materials for Hogwarts."

And so ends my adventure in the wizard's bank that is ironically managed by non-wizards. I didn't even leave the private room.

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