
Chapter XVII

As Elaine told the blonde haired girl about the reason why she journeyed here while Artoria was listening with half lidded eyes and smiled, Dainsleif silently came in with the warm piped stew on his hand.

He noticed that Artoria seemed to hide her pain well enough as the light gray almost turned white haired girl to noticed it as she told why she came here.

Dainsleif didn't know why that women sympathize her as if she compared Elaine with someone else.

But he thinks it is wrong what Artoria was thinking, because Elaine is her own person who has the desire to explore this world and showed to him the light he wants to keep it for himself but hesitate if he truly deserve it.

Honestly, why is his mind spinning around about her.

"Ah, You're back." Elaine greeted him once more in delight. Dainsleif grunted in response as he handed her the stew which she thank him with a grateful smile on her face.

'Her smile is more suited the most on her face.' That thought came out all the sudden for the cursed human and wonders if he deepened a bond with her in such short time.

Then he quickly noticed a small chunk of carrot sticking on the side of Elaine's lips and without warning he lifted her chin to him.

"Dainsleif?" Her eyes were showing the wonder of what he was doing and felt the drawn to his eyes who speaks the melancholy of a distant past.

Elaine wants to know more about Dainsleif... or so her heart was telling her with an loud bumps and its burning like fire.

"Sorry." He said to her as he whipped her side of her lips where a piece of food was. "But you leaving a mess while you keep eating and there aren't any napkins to wipe out."

"Is that so? Thank you." Her cheeks turning to a slight pink color as he removed.

Artoria was in deep thought as she keep blinking her eyes back and forth at them then she realized.

'They acting like... In love with each other without realizing it,' She thought with a grim on her face and sighed. 'Oh well, I pray for them that they reach a peaceful ending without regret.'


The fae blinked when the child of man calling out her name.

"What is it?" She asked Elaine who is looking at her.

"Can tell us more about this place?"

'Ah, This question was expected to come.' With half-lidded eyes and a thin smile, Artoria spoke.

"This is the place where everything and everyone drifted here, after the event that their home world has been destroyed by mercy. I would like to call this place, the island of the lost but its a melancholic name for it that I came up with since I don't know what originally called."

Elaine and Dainsleif were silent when they heard about this.

'Her world has been destroyed by mercy!?'

Artoria sensed their distress, not that she cannot blame them to hearing this.

"Everything has their beginning and end, this is the unchanging law of any world. Including to this world, unless you have the power to overturn it. And also, there's nothing to be sad about my world. Since it lived for a history that is deemed to be an 'error' by the will of the planet, hence the mercy kill by a single human with her companions who came from the Pan-Human World, the correct history." She told them as if it wasn't a big deal.

"...How come that you are here then since yours was destroyed?" Dainsleif asked. Many questions were scrambled in his brain like, 'Why does it sound similar to this world when it comes about erasing history? How does that happen? Was is the work of a entity?'

"Dain... Are you alright?"

He turned his head towards the girl that he must protect, Elaine look worried at him while she also doesn't believing it like he is. "Let's not thinking to much of it, Dainsleif, It wouldn't helped that much. Just keep your eyes open here in the present, here and now."

"You're right, Elaine." He slowly said and hold her hand out of his instinct which she didn't find any discomfort when he did it, far from it.

Meanwhile, Artoria scratches her cheek lightly.

"I must apologize. I did know that these informations I told, is to much to bear for the natives here that didn't know much about the universe fully as how it wasn't advanced enough yet. I advised you two to keep quiet for your own good." She reassured them and clapped her hand together as Artoria sensed the anomaly outside was no more.

"How about taking a breather, shall we? I would like to show you the other residences that settle here down like I am."

The fae raised her head high with a smug on her face as she catches their attention.

'Good. Good. It's better to have this curiosity than thinking hard about the complicated stuff.'


The rural village was quite small, a lot smaller than back in Springvale as Artoria showed them.

Although, there is only three cottages that are very close to each other. Elaine can get the sense of 'home' that she familiar with, having no way to return but it was her choice which she gradually accepted as Elaine grew to love this world even it was a prison with a fake sky.

However, as soon as she learned about herself by her memory lane, she wonders if her sense of home can be change anytime as she was quite nervous to meet the residents.

It's everytime, meeting someone new is something that she keeps fascinating how her small world change by these encounters.

Her eyes swayed up to the biggest tree that she ever seen in entire life so far before Sumeru.

It's interesting to see how different it was by any others like these colorful spores that coming down like fireflies.

'It's hard to count how many colors these lights produced from that tree.'

Elaine blinked when she felt someone was tapping her shoulderblade with their finger. Her eyes widen a bit as Artoria suddenly was to close on her face which she almost stumbled, but was thankfully got caught by Dainsleif who pulled her close to his chest.

He looked at her then back to the obnoxious girl with a neutral facade on his face, Elaine was wondering as she put her hand where her heart beats and heard the sound is faster and louder than usual which she silently questioned why. It has never happened her before.

"There is no need to be on guard! You are a guest after all!" She declared at the human girl in cheer and graped Elaine's wrist of all sudden.

"Ah! Wait-" Her blue eyes widen of the sudden action of the newfound friend she made and her legs automatically moves where ever Artoria leads to her with a laughing face, that Elaine also gave out a small smile and glanced back to Dainsleif who just stood there, watching her with a gaze that told her only much that he wants to check out this strange place as much as she does.

"Let's split up. I'm not used meet around strangers at this moment, you don't mind that I stroll here around Artoria, right?" Dainsleif asked which she turned away and waved her free hand with sigh.

"Yes, yes. Why do do you need the permission to ask me such a thing, this is a no man's land after all. Anyways, you're a strong and smart enough to withstand the abnormalities here I wish you best luck to deal with it."

Just what the twilight sword needed and who nodded slightly at her, before he departed, his eyes meet Elaine's eyes once again.

"We will see each other soon, so have some fun with her." Dainsleif told her and leaving them behind.

"Artoria. I have a question. Why do you don't like Dainsleif? Did he done something inappropriate to you while I was unconscious?" Elaine asked her while following her with her own pace as the fae let her go of her hand and was thinking how to respond her question.

"Well, I know that first impression and first encounter are two importent things to learn what kind of person they are, If they are acting shy, cheerful, lost and etcetera." Artoria lifted up her head and gazed up the small lights that fall down and vanish to the ground then turned towards Elaine, "But mine was different. It was childish of me to dislike him as the moment I looked at him, I thought it was natural as I saw his... 'filth' with my eyes. But now I see he is tired of his own nightmare, that he has to end it from his own hands and I also respecting him that he never gave in to this madness."

Elaine blinked and thought about it. Yes, Dainsleif was a man she didn't know much about him except he's willing to atone his past of what he has done which she assumed and never dared to questioned him nor Romani who shares history with him.

The current and the future is more important than clinging the past. It isn't healthy and makes one person's mental states even worse, also adding another party that meddles in who who sniffed with their nose that doesn't even belong, is a troublesome person which Elaine do not belong it to this category.

None of this doesn't matter to her, allthough there is something that her curious of what Artoria meant about seeing Dainsleif's filth in her eyes.

"Artoria? What do you mean by seeing his 'filth' with your eyes? Does it holds any special ability?" Elaine.

"Mm? Does this world far of behind by the research of the first oldest Magecraft or are they chosing to stay ignorant for their sake? Oh well, what a shame." Artoria said with a shrug, "As you sensed that I am not a human but a fae who came from the lostbelt and I give only the brief explanation to understand. First of all, my eyes are called the Fairy Eyes that my kind naturally born into it which has the ability to see through the lies and their true intention of the people who laid eye contact upon me." The white-haired girl wided her eyes, an ability to see through the lies and the true intention sounds to be a terrified to have such thing, Galahad never told her how much power the faes have over the humans only thing he told her was they aren't to mess with and if they hold any interest over a human being, you fuck up and you have nowhere to run.

"Does that mean you already saw my intention and what I really am?"

Artoria didn't blink her eyes as Elaine asked her which the fae responded deniedable with a smile on her face.

"No I can't, for some reason I cannot see what you true intention is."

"Eh?" The gray-haired girl was in confused.

"It seems you have a high resistance against my fairy eyes which is useful ability and I wonder right now if you also any resistance of every Mystic eyes users...? What interesting human you are, Elaine." Artoria then comforted her while she was a bit curious why if didn't work against the Demi-Servant but right now, she didn't care this about.

Rather, Artoria was glad that she was unable to see Elaine's trueself with her fairy eyes which lessen the madness in her. "But you shouldn't worry that much, because even though I can't see it, I can still in your expression and your character that you are a gentle person who still needs to see more of what the world has to offer."

She told Elaine then took her hands that are clapp together between hers and smiled with her eyes closed, which slowly relieve Elaine who also couldn't helped but smile.

"Well then, shall we going? I bet everyone will be overjoyed of your arrival as a visitor." Artoria offered a hand that the Demi-Servant graciously took it as she decided to follow to were she's going with her.



Dainsleif looked upon the massive tree in all seriousness.

"This is no ordinary tree." As he said as he saw the true form behind of the mirage.

The tree is only a mere white glowing branch that is growing out from the cracked sky that is meant to be mend by the original God who has been absent for who knows how long that has been since Celestia took over.

He turned his back around, to see the horizon that Elaine and Dainsleif came from. He realized now this place was also not an ordinary place as he recalled these Artoria's words in his thoughts along with his.

'That place is not important to Celestia as they see no value to it. What a horrible joke is that? There is no way that they could leave it as it is, unless they aren't aware of this place and the Abyss Order didn't know it either that this another gateway to travel the sea of stars and beyond.' Dainsleif put his finger under his chin as he was thinking deeply then decided to leave this place immediately and meeting up with Elaine, unaware that a strange entity watched him when Dainsleif turned his back away from the branch.

Or rather it has been here as it following a certain person that the cursed man growing fond of her.

>The trial has yet begun, walk this path to become the comet that carry that wish you keep seeking, uncrowned child of the distant world. The day of your rebirth will be coming<


"Hello~ I'm back." Artoria came announced with a happy tone as she stepped into the house while behind here Elaine was standing alerted as the girls dodging a discus that flying very fast towards them.

"What is the meaning of this Artoria?! Coming back with a human. Are you asking for a fight?"

A male voice echoed aggressively that makes Elaine wondering why he has so much hate towards her as he looking at her in disgust and seeing his appearance that makes her think if he was some part of a deity.

Also from presence wise, it will be true as she can feel the divinity from him alongside with a girl besides him who has similar features as him.

'Are these identical twins? This my first time I've ever seen ones before from my travels in Teyvat.

"Big brother, calm down. You don't want wake up the children upstairs don't you?"

The girl reassured her brother who was about to kill the visitor who was also ready to draw her shield.

"But my lovely sister, Pollux. We can never be sure if this human will-"

"No means no, Big brother. I will kill you." His twin sister who was calling Pollux threaten him in annoyance which they start to bickering each other of how they should treat a visitor that came here while Elaine watched in dumbfounded eyes.

"Is this normal?" She asked Artoria who laughed lightly.

"It is. Don't be disheartening of what Castor acting towards you, Elaine. He has some... Issues against humans due some bad experience in his past." Artoria explained her to make it sense then she lean on Elaine's ear with a smirk. "But once you know him and vice versa, there will be a chance to get his softer side."

The gray haired girl slowly nodded her head, "I see."

Artoria smiled wide and keep a short distance at her. "In this house, there only lives are four children in this house that we found them stranded here before you and the other guy. We've taking care of them as the best as we could, normally I should take care of them while the inseparable twins Castor and Pollux should be doing the patrolling." She shrugged her shoulders, "But alas. We switched our duties under some circumstances that you can see that they should the job."

"I see... It's only guys and... wait, Children? Like living ones?" Elaine realized and was worried how they could survive. She wonders how they could take of them with the food supplies since as she can see, that island is not suitable for it except only hunting fishes and picking palm fruits along the way.

"I know." Said Artoria with a grim, "This is the reason why we have planning to escape this island for the children's sake to able to have a chance live here in this world. But unfortunately, I and the twins cannot stepped out of the mist barrier as I tested out not so long ago which we need another way to bring these children to safety."

"Ah, I see. That's rather unfortunate." Elaine couldn't help but saying it.

It leaves a bitter taste to say those things for her and wondering why the heroic spirits couldn't leave as if something or someone bound to them to stay here. She wonders if there is a way that could help them by these dilemma.

"This why you come to the play, human!"

Her eyes widen in surprise as suddenly a slender finger pointed close to her face.


It was Castor who took this action and looking at her with a usual disdain on his face.

"Don't acting like you are stupid to remember how you came to this cursed island! Or did the shipwreck did so much damage that you lose few brain damage in your skull." He snarked at her.

"Big Brother!" Pollux warned her brother, "I don't think she would any help of us. She only came here recently and looks like she have the same problem like us as you noticing she's nearly the same as us. She is a Demi-Servant."

Castor crossed his arms. "Dear Sister, she isn't any like us even she is a Demi-Servant that has been fused by a heroic spirit once. From what I see is a disgusting human who is running away from her problems, so it should be logical to help us even though she is now stuck here like us."

"Big brother!"

Her deep blue eyes widen, cold sweats are producing from her skin when Elaine was aware of what the twins pointed at her of her being. It shouldn't be surprising that they knew maybe also Artoria, who quiet the whole time.

Honestly, she was excited as they are heroic spirits, she had met so far asides from Galahad and Romani, perhaps also that man in Wangshu Inn at her younger days.

But now everything has been thinking just now of what he said to her coldly, like he knew right through her soul that she's running away from problems she had been faced since everything she faces.

What Castor told, was right into the middle.

Elaine can see that Pollux come to eye contact her.

"I'm sorry of the way my big brother has acted-"

"No, he is right." Elaine stopped her which caused an eye brow from Castor who is now listening as he noticed her unshakable resovle, "I'll help of the best what I can!"

"Very well, human. Let's decide the result you can make here. Failure is no needed there if you can't make it, I will kill you with my bare hands." He said to her in mildly bloodlust.

Then Artoria raised her hand. "How about you guys started to introducing each other before we discuss this first?"

Castor huffed and turned his back on them while his eyes are still on Elaine.

"Castor. And this my beautiful, adorable sister, Pollux. Better remember our name, human. Especially Pollux!" He introduced shortly his name along with his twin sister's name in affectionate tone with a hint of pride.

"Big brother!" Pollux shouted at her brother in embarrassing which makes the Demi-Servant chuckle.

Elaine then bowed her head slightly. "A pleasure to meet you both, Castor and Pollux. My name is Elaine."

Pollux just kept a polite smile on her face. "It's also a pleasure to meet you, Elaine. Let's do our best together!"



[To be continued... Let's hope Dainsleif doesn't get an heart attack of meeting the Dioscuri.

Wonder who is this mysterious entity? A bit inspired from Honkai impact and Honkai star trail because I am very into the space themed things! And also got interested on looking to Lovecraft

I'll do my best for the next chapter

But first things first I have a midterm exam on Friday so I have to learn this week to do my best wish me luck!!!]

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