
23.1st Trainer Battle (4)

Paul: Talonflame you are my last hope i believe in you! attack with Ember!

"Huh why isnt it moving?" Didnt He order it to attack?

Paul: Talonflame attack!

But instead of Attacking the Talonflame just turned around and now Facing The Trainer it shot its Ember torwards ITS OWN TRAINER!? why is attacking its own Trainer??

Paul: Ah what the fuck TALONFLAME! why!?

The Trainer dodged the attack but i dont wanna imagine what would have happened if the attack hit.

I should probably interfrere because to be honest im not too keen on seeing some kid get killed right in Front of me. Cant He just i dunno get it back in the Ball like He did with the other 3?

Paul: Talonflame get back in the Ball!

The Blue light appeared but just just bounced off the Bird.

"Interesting" it Was about to attack The Kid again. When i shouted "Ey Talonflame why dont you attack someone on your Level? or are you too weak?" i said with a smug look my Plan was to avert its attention to myself so i could fight it.

Talonflame: Shut up Dumbass you are not worth my time!

"Oh am i too strong for you? Or are you scared?"

Talonflame: Why would i be scared of a little weakling like you?!

"Come on stop lying to yourself i know you are scared and to be honest i would be too"

Talonflame: Thats it im gonna Show you what im capaple of!

Its Body Started to Glow Red and eventually caught on fire The Moment it started to Burn it flew at me. But because my speed stat is higher than his i was able to dodge it fairly easily.

"Really this is your strongest attack?

Talonflame: Shut up!!

"Guess its my Turn to attack now?"

"Energy Ball!"

The Talonflame avoided my attack last second and without hesitation started to use


The Talonflame started to Glow and suddenly there were now 3 of it standing in Front of me!? what i thought it raises the users speed and not clone it?

Right the second it "cloned" itself the "clones" disappeared into thin air.

[Talonflame's Speed raised by 10% for the remaining duration of the Battle, New Speed stat 110]

Oh shit now it actually rivals my speed stat gotta take this serious now!

Talonflame: Haha now you wont stand a chance!

"You think so?"

It once flew torwards me but this time it Was so fast that i could barely follow it with my eyes. It flew past me i Was confused for a sec. Then Suddendly it appeared to my left werent you just behind me!? It hit me head on.

The Knockback of the Attack Flung me right into a tree. "Ah shit i really have to Start to train for Fights soon"

Talonflame: Had enough? you are inferior to me!

"Nah im alright but if i were you i would Turn around"

Talonflame: What? how are you uninjured!? Behind me!?

Behind there were still Leaves laying on the ground from the time i used Leaf storm and because there were still part of the attack i Was able to manipulate them at will.

When turned around it could see the Razor sharp leaves flying right at itself. It used Ember before the Leaves could reach it but it Was not able to Burn all Leaves and some hit it in the wing.

Talonflame: AH FUCK!

I used the attack to distract it because while it Was distracted with the leaves i got up activated Leaf Blade and came from behind.

I Thrusted my sword in its Back. It screamed In Agony as it Fell to the ground. I took a look at its stats to see if i killed it and no i didnt its HP were just dangerously low it should probably go to a Hospital as soon as Possible.

Paul: D-D-D did you just k-k-k-Kill my Pokemon? Pls be alive.

He Held up his Ball and the Talonflame got sucked back into the Ball. I could Feel the Invisible walk fade as The Trainer ran away after giving me one Last Terrified Look.

[Trainer Battle Won Earned 2000XP]

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