

Obligatory Disclaimer : I do not own anything (except maybe OC characters) all characters, places, worlds, universes…etc mentioned here belong to their respective owners and/or companies. 

This is purely a work of fiction. Not meant to offend or incite, but to entertain and (maybe) inspire.




It was a vent, hidden behind a metal shield obscured by arid sands and boulders. I pulled it open, letting my guide head in first. The vent led into a chilly underground passage, one lit up by crystalline circuits engraved into the walls and ceilings. 

The dark crevices of the passage hid a few waddling Sequids that screeched at my presence and leapt for my face. 

Slaps painted the rocky gray passage with fresh red blood and organs, some of it splashing on my trembling guide. 

"Keep moving." I ordered. He nodded and quickly led me along. I noticed the presence of the Martians disguised as rocks on the wall, I just ignored them to reach my destination sooner. 

We arrived at the passage's end where massive vault doors held. The Martian cried something foreign at the doors, a deep rumbling hum followed as the metal gates slid apart. 

I stepped past the border and into the palace; a massive section decorated with shimmering crystal lattices and accurately square slabs of rock laid into the ground. Elite guards lined the room on either side, most of their numbers were concentrated on the steps that led to a chair on a raised podium. 

I settled my gaze on the Martian adorned in white and blue garments. A golden crown rested on his head, the thin metal strip circled around his head and up into two small pillars.

Past the Martian king and his throne was a glass shield which presented the subterranean city in all its glory. In the oppressive red atmosphere stood towering skyscrapers and apartment complexes the facsimiles of those on earth, except these were underground, lacked a visible sun and seemed to be grown out of rocks rather than built. 

"Welcome to Mars, earthman." I refocused on the now standing king, noticing that he was much larger than the guards around him. 

My guide however chose this moment to join his brethren, perhaps emboldened by their superior numbers.

I pulled the breather helmet off with a soft hiss. The Martian air had the same scent a humid cave did. 

"What is your purpose for coming here?" The king broke the silence again, maybe a bit unnerved at my unnatural silence. 

"You have a big problem." I said to him, "I cannot allow your problem to become one for my planet."

"What problem do you speak of?" He frowned. 

"The parasites. The ones that crash landed into your world; the ones your ancestors used as slaves until they nearly destroyed your entire civilization."

"It is true that the Sequids have been a problem, one we have tried and failed to eradicate." He nodded. "But who are you to come into my palace and demand action?" 

"I'm the solution to your problem. But I could just as easily become a problem for you. One worse than the Sequids." 

"How dare you speak that way to his majesty--!" I blurred, the arrogance on the face of the advisor turned to fear in the split second the back of my palm met it. 

Splat His head—what remained of it stained the glass wall, vaporized blood condensed and fell where his still convulsing, headless body did. I held the king's garment and used it to wipe away the steaming blood on my hands. I respected his decorum and composure even as his eyes minutely quivered. 

He was someone I could work with. 

"You do not want me as a problem." I smiled at the alien. 

He spent a pregnant moment in thought, maybe his guards could harm me, maybe they could take me down, but could he survive it? No, no one here could—either harm or survive me. 

He gestured for his soldiers to stand down, and then turned to face me. 

"We would be glad to have you as a solution." I shook his outstretched hand. Smart people, gotta love them. 

"Let's get to work then."


"Day six." I spoke to myself, bursting out of a blood puddle and into my next location.

I flew around the planet at supersonic speeds, pecking through sequids with specialized Martian made equipment that grinded them into mush. The Martians updated my maps, giving me the real time location of the creatures on their planet and their specific numbers. 

I burrowed five hundred meters into the ground and banked right into a tunnel system where a hoard of the creatures huddled and waddled together. They swayed like a sea of pink flesh and swallowed me whole. 

The metal blades in my hand hummed to life and took on a luminescent green glow. I spun on my axis, the now green blades blurred into a brilliant circle of light with a vacuum function. Following the hum of a million bees trapped in a metal box was the ear rattling, wet scrunch of firm flesh into fine paste. The scent of warm blood was soaked into my very flesh, now an ever-present perfume on me.

I spun to a stop, the blood and gore on me whipped away by the sudden stop. The whirlwind settled, the barren crimson soil speedily lapped up the red ichor like a maiden hoping to regain fertility by swallowing as much seed as she could, a futile attempt that left chunks of undigested gore on the ground and walls instead. 

If this planet wasn't so thirsty, I would've created a blood sea by now.

I flew back to the mobile control station. 

"Commander, none remain!" The elite guard said, presenting me with a new and updated map. 


"Yes commander, not a single living Sequid remains on Mars. This is truly a historic day!" The bastard laughed, clearly happy that the world ending threat at their doorstep was done with. Good for him. 

"Start the Terramenders, fix the pits and damages." I told him as I removed my suit and handed it to another Martian to clean. Resting in nothing but my boxers, I kicked my feet up and shoved the Martian slug snack down my throat.

Another reason I needed the Martians was to get them to fix the geological damage I did to their dead planet— erasing traces of my actions— to block out and alter all broadcasting signals from satellites and rovers and the not-so secret surveillance devices on my gear. No one back home could know what I did here, I did not care for the rewards or praise. 

We have our own reward after all.

You're enjoying this, brain. 

I reached the palace, received a very genuine thanks from the king himself who offered me a seat at his kingdom, which I declined. 

I left them to their celebrations and entered my chambers, took an uncomfortable sonic shower to remove dirt and grime from every square inch of my body and flopped down naked on my new bed. 

"You can change." I said to the green crystal by my bed, which morphed into feminine figure with undefined facial characteristics. 

"I am yours lord commander." She implored, wrapping her eager arms around my neck. I avoided her kiss yet humored her show of affection—or what she thought human affection was.

I gave the Martian an image of Mystique, comic book accurate with red hair, an oppressive bust and a figure that put coke bottles all over reality to shame.

She morphed into a mirror image of the comic book character, clothes and all.

"Come." I pulled her by the arm. Her blue skin was feverishly warm and silky soft, her pupiless eye was a world on its own—one that drew you in. She smelt of something exotic and alien, like an undiscovered type of flower. Something I'd destroy once I was done. 

The beast in me roused, the lust took precedence to logic. I wrapped my fingers around her neck, knowing that an uncontrolled twitch would shatter it.

I gave her directions, her throat lengthened, her tongue extended to her navel and wrapped around my length. Every individual taste bud stuck to my member and massaged it. Down went her head, in went my rod's, into the fleshy oven that was her mouth. 

She focused on the job like it was the sole purpose of her existence. The pleasure was beyond the scale humans could provide me. She lacked the need to breathe through a nose, I lacked the need to point it out to her. Her tongue twisted and roped around the entire extent of my throbbing member, her mouth wrapped everything up in a vacuumed seal and her throat vibrated around it in hums. 

I plastered enough seed to seep out her tear ducts, painting not only the insides of her oral cavity pearl white but even her eyes. Superhuman stamina meant that a second was all I needed to regain myself.

The beast took control, I flipped her over and ascended the bed, suspending the both of us in the air. 

She was wet and dripping, the scent off her was borderline intoxicating. She egged me on with her gestures and moans, I pierced as deep as my rod allowed and went further than that. Her spineless back bent to an unnatural degree. Her vice-like depths, possessed ridges and appendages the same as her tongue. 

I reared back and pounded. "Uhahh~!" Her facial expression melted the same as every muscle in her body. She left herself to my hands, a terrible thing to do. I brought her to the ground and held her face to it, each piston movement I took remodeled her insides. Each thrust altered her anatomy as she tried adapting to my force. A lubricating fluid gushed out her snatch as I thrust against a fleshy wall within her tunnel. The fluid dripped uncontrollably down her legs, hissing as it puddled on the floor beneath her knees, eating through the rocks underneath us. She moaned then wailed in my ear, begging me at the top of her lungs to tear her apart. I grabbed her waist, elevated myself to a half-standing position and thrust downwards. 

"UUWAH! YES LORD!~ YES LORD!~" She yelled, releasing more of the fluid not only from her vulva but from her mouth and skin as well. The caustic erogenous fluid only went lubricating and warm to me. I clapped against her cheeks with enough force to turn her sweat to steam. I pounded away like the beast I knew myself to be, unbidden by anything else, the tight control over my powers gradually loosened. 

My fingers dug grooves into her waist, my pelvis blurred against her bountiful ass, her wailing moans were drowned out by the thunderous applause my body produced against hers. I grunted, behind the powerful thrust that created a stifled shockwave, I emptied the entire weight of my testicles down her pleasure canal. She released a high pitch moan, my seed coated her insides and mixed with her caustic love juice, poured out of her gaping slit. 

Her tongue was on the floor, a deep blush covered her blue skin. Her eyes remained unfocused, she barely moved, only shuddering and convulsing as visibly steamy breaths left her mouth and more fluids dripped out her. 

I sat by the bedside and stewed in the pleasure. A baseline human would've sustained paralyzing injuries and physical trauma. The Martian sustained trauma, but it was of the psychological sort.

We're keeping her.

Zip it, brain.

The groves on the base of her waist gradually filled out. She was recovering, so I allowed her a moment of respite…

Round 2.

The moment was done. I pried her legs apart, letting her sprawl out on the floor amidst the puddle of semen and alien lubricants. I gently massaged her massive breasts, my brain wanted a bimbofied Mystique, I appreciated the female bust no matter the shape or size they came in. 

"M-my lord…I..uhm~" She rasped with new emotion, blushing with tears down her cheeks as she wrapped her arms around my neck. I frowned at her genuine affection, I wasn't the one for it. I slowly pushed my way into her, the scalding hot hold of her interior coupled with the prehensile ridges and micro-tongues within was a work of biological art that did indeed prove a master engineer was at work. I left my weight on her slippery cleavage and swayed in and out of her slick canal. She wanted a kiss, I offered my neck. Focusing only on digging out her depths.

This Martian mussy is to kill for.

My brain conjured up words for her soaked slit as I drilled deeper, faster. My fingers furrowed into the ground as the female beneath me bopped up and down with increasing speed from my pounds. 

Her tongue whipped around her face and her juices splashed all around the room as she made a cartoonish bouncy moan like she was strapped onto a gigantic, vibrating dildo; the imagination and her antics left an amused smirk on my face. 

Yes, I was definitely keeping her. Not only for pleasure but for observation. I have been informed that Martians were basically sterile and reproduced via a crystallization method I hardly understood, I also obtained evidence that they had no ovum producing capacity and that their secretions were basically acid to sperm. But my paranoia would not let it slide. 

I released a guttural grunt, and with it more seed into her. I folded her legs over my shoulder and went for another round, she pleaded for rest. This wasn't the time for it, I informed her. 

She was useful for more things than one.

Oh, you mother--

Don't say it, I already know I was a bastard, pig or whatever name they came in, but at least I'm honest.


Thissu Chapteru Omae wa mo shinderu! HAHAHA! Yes, I can hear your souls rejoice. Your praise is accepted. 

Your duty is to leave a like, fave, comment and review. I shall return with more once the pledge is fulfilled.

Stay dangerous. Live safe. I'll see ya again mi amigos

GIGANTIC shout out and thanks to my Patrons, you do not realize the magnitude of good your support does. Thank you very, very much;

● Andreas Samuelsson (Slade Killson) ● Clinton (Titan Breaker) ● King_Reaper ( Kaiser Raiser ) ● PbookR (Infinity's Librarian) ● Ido Gormizo (Gravity's Tyrant) ● Godkingash (Heavenly Overlord) ● Douglas Pilkington (Storming Sword) ● Joseph Bipp (Bad Prince) ● Turtle (Slow Die) ● Aaron Kay (Mean Keyz) ● Devan Kincaid (Killa Tin) ● Wiley Chriis (Pierce Bonbon) ● Windblown leaf (Gale Force) ● OneManArmy (Gun Gator) ● Danny M (Phantomizer) ● Adam Moret (Kilforce) ● Leslye Pena (Red Sage) ● Alex Estrugo (Dion Jones) ● Yahya Mokheimer (King Rooter) ● Patrick Seastar (Jack Sins) ● Steve Tiam (Sky Dragon) ● Z3ro S1l3nce (Slender Ender) ● Jeff Abozne (Dark Saber) ● Kobe Brown (Gold mamba)● Rebek (Radioactive Knife) ● Mahad (Power Supreme) ● Lamontre (Ender) ● Stranger Soulz (Undersider 1) ● Thomas Hodge (King Weller) ● BlackjackPershing (Firebolt)● LPummill3 (Yeeter) ● Garrett Conley (Mufasa Lincoln) ● Shadi Elmowafi (Zim Zoomer) ● Xerias (Spartaforce) ● Alex (Pyromancer) ●Tony Brittain (Lorde Push) ● ____(Kabuto Ken) ●

Well, I'll leave you all to enjoy your day/night with me in your mind.

Till next time, Rain (the best ever) away!

You can come find me, 

ON TWITTER: @Rainreider https://twitter.com/RainReider

On PAT RE ON: https://www.patreon.com/ReidR41n

On YOUTUBE: https://is.gd/RaiNation

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