
Chapter 19

"I take it you don't approve?" Landon questions with a smirk.

"That was the most disgusting thing I've ever tasted," I reply while choking, wiping at the liquid slopping down my chin.

Landon looks over my shoulder with a hard stare and in seconds, the waiter is running to our table.

"Yes, sir?"

"Get us a green apple martini," Landon demands, his eyes never leaving mine. The intensity of his stare causes me to hold my breath. He's obviously a man of power and wealth, but that's not what strikes me. It's the way he looks at me, how he looks, and the way he makes me feel, like a cross between a horny teenager and a crazed, smitten woman.

"So, where are you from, Charlie?" he asks, cupping his chin. I open my mouth to respond but stop short, remembering Jayden and I are on the run.

"Around," I hesitate.

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