
Chapter 12

The problem with channeling a voice that wasn't your own? The shrink who used to look upon you as if you were crazy got a horrified expression as she realized you weren't just telling the truth but also possibly possessed.

"What just happened?" Kyla squeaked. Because Adara personally thought they'd gone past doctor and patient to, if not friend, then at least acquaintances that should use first names.

"That's my other," - Adara used finger quotes to emphasize - "voice. Remember, I told you about it."

"You said you spoke a few times in a deep voice. That wasn't you!"

"Obviously, it wasn't me," Adara said with a roll of her eyes. "Well, I guess technically it was, but not really. I think it might have been my old doctor, who planted those weird messages in my head. It mostly emerges when someone is asking too many questions." And makes her memories strain too hard.

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