
Flight to the Lightclaw pack

"Are you doing alright, kitten?", Damon asked Talia when he helped her buckle the seatbelt of the front passenger's seat of a small jet.

Talia nodded in confirmation. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes while reflecting on the last few hours.

Was she doing alright? Considering what all happened and what this day still has in the store for her, Talia was fairing rather well.

She spent the morning in the spa with Maya, and when she came home, Damon was packing things for both of them and he gave her a brand new cell phone.

In a fit of jealousy, Damon ripped her panties and gave her the wildest ride she ever had, but the most outrageous thing was that he forbid her from wearing panties.

Why did she agree to that? Talia was not sure. Maybe she wanted to show Damon she is not weak, and lack of panties can't phase her, or maybe she was enjoying the perverted game where only the two of them knew she was butt-naked under that dress.

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