
Scaling system + ‘BASE’ Powers


CLASS of ranks (This is for Patrick's earth and related timelines) = F, E, D, C, B, A, AA, AAA, S, SS, SSS, Mythical, Sage (Then half-immortal and so on)

Qi condensation-10 

body refinement-10

spirit accumulation-10

spirit awakening-10

spirit king-10

spirit emperor-10

divine spirit-10




full immortal-3

true immortal-9

celestial immortal-9


celestial emperors-9

star entity-9

star sovereign-3

star celestial-9


saint kING-6

saint ancestor-3

Heaven Realm-3

heavenly king-3

heavenly emperor-2

heavenly ancestor-2

heavenly venerate-9

god -3

realm god -12

true god -

celestial god -

god-emperor -

god ancestor -

Beyonder -

endless -

void -

origin -

cosmic entity -

box being -

verse entity -

Desolate Ultra -

Origin ultra -























1 God Cycle = 100,000,000 Immortal Cycles

1 Immortal Cycle = 100,000 Normal years


???, ???

Infinitesimal % of Patrick's Known BASED powers!



(?????) - ????

Absolute True Omnivastance - I am Patrick Alexander King.

Absolute True Will - Own a Will that transcends all will.

True Ultipotence- Wield absolute infinity of raw power, force, ability, skill, and potential.

Absolute True Omnipotence - Can do absolutely anything Ω^Ω^Ω^∞

Absolute True Omni-Incomprehensibility/Indeterminacy - Be always/permanently incomprehensible. Nothing ever makes sense.

Absolute Internet Ownership - Own anything and everything on the Internet. Manipulate every idea, character, story, and network on the internet.

Absolute True Derivation - Be the prime source of everything.

Absolute/Selective/Eternal True Transcendence (Eternally Passive)- Transcend absolutely everything, including itself, any forms of definition, limitations, and the concept of transcendence itself.

Absolute True Autopotence - Have absolute power over your Existence and everything related to it.

Absolute True Welding - Have every power and ability, thus being able to do absolutely anything.

Absolute True Omni-Manipulation - Manipulate anything and everything, even the power itself.

True Eternal Existence (unknown) - Having always existed.

Absolute True Flawless Existence/Indestructibility - Possess absolutely no weaknesses or outlets of harm.

Absolute True Freedom - Be unconstrained and unrestricted from everything, including the internet and story.

True Supreme Omniarch - Rule over absolutely anything and everything, completely control all, and be superior to all in power, authority, knowledge, and ability. Everything is at your mercy, have complete command over everything and anything.

True Omnilock (Sealed)- Exists outside of absolutely everything, beyond fiction, the author, and the author's consciousness.

True Omnipresence - Be everywhere and anywhere all at once.

True Omniscience (Sealed) - Know everything and anything.

True Perfection (Irrelevant) - Be in a state where one can no longer improve.

Absolute True Singularity (Unknown?)- Absolute and only one.

True Totality Embodiment - Be the embodiment of anything and everything, thus having absolute control over it.

Absolute True Unity - Be one with totality.

True Almighty Arsenal - Owns every existing and non-existing weapon/Item/Object in Existence and beyond; all are capable of self-transcending.

Absolute True Change - Change anything, even the unchangeable.

Absolute True Condition - Have the ultimate levels of everything.

Absolute True Destruction - Destroy anything and everything.

True Apocalyptic Force Manipulation - Control the final force.

True Ultimate Erasure - Annihilate/wipe out anything/everything on any/all levels.

Absolute True Force Manipulation - Control, create, shape, and destroy all forces.

Absolute True Fusion - Connect/Fuse anything.

Existential Distinction/ Absolute Singularity - The state of being completely distinct from everything.

Absolute True Life-Force - Control absolute-infinity amounts of spiritual force.

Absolute True Restoration/Construction - Restore/construct anything at will.

Almighty True Magic - Use magic to accomplish anything. Manipulate all forms of magic.

Almighty True Law/Dao Creation - Create unbreakable and Alpha laws.

Almighty True Replication - Replicate all/any powers.

Almighty True Science - Control almighty/omnipotent science.

True Alpha Reality - Rewrite the laws of reality without limit.

True Amortality - Beyond life and death.

True Boundary Manipulation - Complete control of all boundaries.

True Causality Manipulation - Complete control of the cause/effect relation.

Absolute Concept Manipulation - Create/manipulate/erase all Concepts.

True Cycle Manipulation - Manipulate the cycles of Existence (creation, Existence, destruction).

True Definition Manipulation - Manipulate how anything/everything is defined.

True Duality Transcendence - The ability to transcend duality and all binary oppositions.

True Existence Manipulation - Manipulate the entirety of Existence itself.

True Primordial Force Manipulation - Manipulate the prime force.

True Existential Plane Manipulation - Manipulate all planes/realms/domains of Existence.

True Absolute Size (Sealed) - Everything is an atom compared to you.

True Logic Manipulation - Control and defy logic without limit and achieve any impossible feat.

True Miracle Manipulation - Make miracles/wishes come true.

True Perspective Manipulation - Manipulate all perspectives.

True Power Manipulation - Create, control, and delete powers on an absolute infinity level.

True Omni-Ability Creation - Can create whatever power one wants with no limits.

True Power Destruction - Can destroy whatever power one wants with no limits.

Ture Omni-Immunity - Be immune to all powers and totality.

True Immunity Bypassing - Bypass all immunities.

Absolute True Power Augmentation - Infinitely increase and amplify any ability to any power level.

Absolute True Probability Manipulation - Control all possibilities.

True Metaphysics Manipulation - Control the aspects of metaphysics.

Absolute True Omega Reality - Decide the end fate of all realities.

Absolute True Omni-Absorption - Absorb anything. (The 'Omniverse Devouring Robe' also has this installed power)

True Omni-Detection/Omni-Sense - Detect/Sense Everything and Anything. Nothing can be hidden from him.

True Omni-Negation - Negate and nullify everything.

True Omnicide - Can kill all life at once.

True Omnicompetence - Can solve all situations or problems.

True Omni-Mastery - Already mastered every known and unknown skill/ ability/ title/ profession.

True Omnifabrication - Inventing anything that can do anything. (Ex: Patrick scientifically creates a pen that can do anything, including but not limited to erasing the universe.)

True Omnifarious - Change your form and appearance into anything without limit.

True Omnificence/Absolute Creation - Create absolutely anything.

True Omnilingualism/God Tongue - Decipher and speak any/all languages.

True Absolute Existential Authority - Authority Overrides Everything.

True Origin Manipulation - Manipulate the origins of all that was, all that is, and all that will be.

True Paradox Manipulation - Override the laws of reality, logic, and common sense.

True Physical Godhood - Manipulate all scientific laws and concepts.

True Power Anchoring - Immune to all alterations, including the writer and his subconsciousness.

True Prime Being - Be the beginning of everything and every species, or being the absolute source.

True Ultimate Erasure.- Erase any existence at will.

True Absolute Separation - Separate/Divided from everything. Exist beyond comprehension and totality.

Absolute True Supernatural Manipulation - Control everything supernatural/Unnatural.

True Incomprehension/Comprehension Manipulation - Manipulate the abstract concepts of comprehension and incomprehension.

True Absolute Invincibility - Be invincible beyond reason and thought.

True Almighty Mind - The state of using the mind to do ANYTHING.

True Omni-versal Irreversibility - Actions cannot be stopped or reversed except by him.

True Absolute Technology Manipulation - Absolute control over all existing and non-existing technologies.Almighty Manipulation - Capable of manipulating even manipulation itself.

True 'ALL' Manipulation - Manipulate the ALL concept, can manipulate 'ALL' of everything.

True Omnimimicry - Capable of turning oneself into any energy, matter, animal, or character. 

Absolute 'Omni' Ownership - Own and manipulate the abstract principle of 'Omni.'

Absolute 'True' Ownership - Own and manipulate the abstract transcending principle,

Absolute True Superpower Ownership

Absolute True Anti Ownership - The only and sole authoritative over the abstract concept of 'Anti'

Absolute True Download - Download Anything infinitely. Download the ultimate of everything that was, that is, that will come, and that will never come.

'True'+True ΩΩΩ (Too many to list them all, the skills he has used aren't even here, like the absolute breath and many more.)

The Eternities of Patrick Alexander King

[NOTE: All Cardinals are directly connected and linked to Patrick, He decides how powerful they can be, but they also have their separate powers]

1- Raleigh- (The Known: The abstract embodiment of everything known, wield absolute control over everything known from present to the beginning of everything.)

2- ??????- (The Unknown: The abstract embodiment of the unknown, absolute manipulation over all that is unknown and non-existent.)

3- ??????- (The Unnatural: Almighty ownership and manipulation of all that is unnatural and beyond.)

4- ??????- (The Ultimate: Absolute embodiment of the ultimate of all things. Weild complete ownership and be the ultimate of all that is, that was, and that will come.)

5- ??????- (The Dreamer: Ownership and absolute manipulation of all that is, that will come, and that will never come.)

6- ??????- (The Presence: Almighty embodiment of the present, absolute ownership of the present and all within.)

7- ??????- (The Last: The Omni embodiment of oblivion. Absolute ownership and manipulation of all ends.)

With this, you all can have a tiny perspective of how powerful our Protagonist is.

With infinite skills, we are destined never to know them all.

The next update will be ten chapters.

Lordflashcreators' thoughts
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