
The Isolated Island (58)


No matter how many times they experienced it, the terror that flooded the player's hearts at the sight of the gruesome death of people who had just been alive, would never dissipate.

The bright red blood, the miserable cries, and the smell of blood occupied all his senses.

The player who watched his companion die and might have even inadvertently accelerated his death stood stiffly, his pale eyes bulging from its socket.

He has lived for so many years and has seen many big scenes, he has also experienced rioting and killing people in different dungeons a few times.

But that scene still made him shiver all over.

All those who were trapped.....including him...

They were doomed.

They rushed in so confidently and their plan succeeded wonderfully. He was even a bit complacent thinking he was smarter than others and acted fast.

But at this moment, he only wished to travel back in time and kick his past self in the head.

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