
CHAPTER 9: The Forest

"We can't rely on the army anymore we have to survive on our own."

"Kean, can't we stay in your house."

"I guarantee you that place will be flooded with the undead in less than a days."

"Umm, guys I think I have a place we can all stay in."

We all turned to the shy boy with glasses, he never introduced himself when he joined us while we where escaping.

"I'm Josh by the way, my uncle has a house up in the hills. it will likely be safe for now since it's not close to the city, and he's not around anyway."

"I like the idea, let's go there for now."

Everyone nodded at the suggestion.

We drove about four kilometres away from the city, the road was narrow with tall trees along the road.

Alice rested her head on my shoulder while staring outside the window.

"Isn't this forest lovely, it's full of life and energy."

"Nop it's filled with poisonous snakes, wild bears and all the dangerous animals that pose a threat to humans, I hate forests."

Layla replied with a dull expression while looking through the other window on my left.

"That's your fault for wondering in that animal's territory,and not everyplace in the forest is dangerous, you need to appreciate the beauty of nature." Alice retorted

"Beauty of nature my foot." She spoke mockingly.

"Kean! how did you become friends with this stupid little girl."

"What's that suppose to mean? I'm not stupid and not little either." Layla grumbled while emphasising her body.

"That's not what I meant you dumb ass, are you sure there is something in that head of yours, or it's empty?"

"Big talk from someone who once boiled popcorn."

They all erupted into a long laughter, I giggled recalling the event where she ruined our movie night.

Alice spoke with an impassive face

"What's funny? cooking is complicated sometimes."

There is only one way to piss off Alice, tease her about her bad cooking skills.

"Oh wow, miss perfect here can't even cook without burning something." 

Alice gritted her teeth while leaning to Layla, she smirked and also turned to her. They tried to drag me in their battle, I cursed myself for seating in the middle.

Sigh. 'Why do they argue everytime.'

Alice and Layla continued bickering until we reached our new home.

Josh jumped out of the car to unlock the gate, it also looked surprisingly fancy. The lawn that coverd the hole area along with the trees in the yard looked really fresh.

We glared at the two story house design, with wide glass windows, along with the small balcony.

We parked the cars in the huge garage, and headed to the fancy wooden door.

The interior apartment of the house had greyish tiles and white walls, the ceiling had an Italian design, it was quite scenic. Red couch, infront a small glass table and a flat screen tv on the wall, this was the sitting room. On the left side was a table surrounded by fancy chairs and a large staircase, the huge kitchen on our right was really mesmerising.

This house is insane, everything here was fascinating, it gave me many questions. Who the heck is Josh? and where the hell does he's uncle work at?

Everyone around me had the same expression, they where all curious by this majestic house.

"Wow! This is my style." Isla spoke with admiration.

"Dude who is your uncle?"

"Marcus Evans."

The atmosphere became intense.

"What??? You mean the popular handsome photographer Marcus Evans is your uncle!"

Isla screamed while Josh only nodded silently.

"This is really a huge surprise." The blond girl replied. 

"No wonder he built a house in this forest, most of his art are related to nature."

We explored the house, while the girls headed to the kitchen to start preparing food.

"Kean! over here."

I ambled to where Ace was.

"Whats the plan, since you are an expert in these sort of survival things."

"It's just video game knowledge, I happen to have played many survival games and read a lot of books relating to apocalypse."

"Your knowledge is helping us survive so that's still impressive."

"I suggest we eat, rest for an hour then we start fortifying this place."

"That's a great idea, but you know the food is not going to last us more than three weeks."

"We will worry about that in the future."

Ace told everyone about the plan, we then had a quick lunch that satisfied my hunger after a long battle.

We sorted the leaving arrangements, girls will sleep in the rooms upstairs while boys take the downstairs, same as the bathroom arrangements.

For some reason I was given the second biggest bedroom downstairs, everyone said that I deserved it for what I did today, in truth I didn't really care which room I sleep in, I just wanted a long nap. Josh was given the master bedroom as he was the owner.

I slipped in the bathroom and took a long shower, the warm water was really refreshing, just what I needed.

The door clicked as I opened my room,

this bedroom was really specious, a walk in closet and of course a bathroom.

I fell on the top quality bed which beat mine in terms of comfort, just like that.. I dozed off.

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