
Chapter 76

Her voice sounded a little husky from the tears that were going down her cheek. I reached out and grasped her hand again. I needed to reassure her that I was still there even as the pain started to pound in my breaking heart. Her hand turned and grabbed mine like it was a lifeline, and her eyes begged me to forgive her.

“I swear to you, Bethany. We are not trying to abandon you. But we got the call last night that we have to come back and finish this. If we don’t, this may never be done,” Alyssa said.

“But you guys will be back?” I asked, needing to hear the verification.

Alyssa's sad face turned up into a small smile. “Yes, I promise. We are coming back.”

“Of course, we’re coming back,” Kevin repeated. “What makes you think we weren’t?”

I pulled away slightly, feeling a bit put on the spot. I shrugged my shoulder, not really wanting to get into something so intense before they left.

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