
True but sad story

Part 1

One night a long time ago there was a man. That man was driving home at night after a long day at work. It was raining hard and the road was hard to see....

As the Guy slowly felt sleepy & tired, suddenly the car hit something. As the guy slowly got out of the car to check what he hit. There was nothing except a splash of blood on the front of the car. As the man was examining the blood he felt something hard hit him on the back of his head, Then suddenly everything went DARK!...

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Part 2

He woke up slowly & dizzy in a small dark room. The man completely lost his memory & didn't know where he was. At the end of room there was a door he tried opening it but it was locked!.

After waiting 5 Min the man heard footsteps at the other end of the door. The man started shouting for Help! He then slowly stepped back as the door was being unlock, patiently and very nervous...

As the door creaked open there was a dark man with muddy boots a black Jacket and brown wet pants..

The stranger started growling and loud breathing. His dark tired eyes looked the man right in the eye. As if he was sending a warning.

The Man: who are you?, Where am I ?

But the stranger gave the man a serious look and went out the door..

A sharp pain started pounding in the man head. It was painfully but as the pain got worse his memories started caming back to him slowly...

Part 3

As the pain and memories came dashing in the man starts to remember his wife. With beautiful blond hair, big blue eyes but the thing that he can't stop thinking about is her laugh.

She had a beautiful laugh, her laugh always made the man happy. As the men thought of these things he started to cry at the dark corner of the room.

He wasn't crying because of the pain or because he was scared & alone, but he Cryer because he knew that he wouldn't be able to tell his wife he loves her one more time. This broke him deep inside..

But as he was sitting there he suddenly felt a small blow of air blowing on his shirt behind heavy boxes. As he pushed those boxes there was a vent.

He slowly crawled in the vent but it was too dark to see. But he then remembered he had his phone.

Man: Damn! No service.

His phone's battery was low running about 10%.

He switched on the flash light and stated crawling slowly in the vent..

He then saw a small light and followed it as he had no idea where he was going..

As he looked down he saw the stranger. he appeared to be pouring some red liquid in a white stained mug . The stranger suddenly stood still as if he knew he was being watched. He froze for some time the started walking away... The man knew that staying in that vent isn't a good idea so he started crawling again after about 15min of crawling in a dark filthy vent he then saw a little light again and as he follows it he starts hearing music. He slowly follows the music and as he cames closer the song starts sounding familiar...

He cames closer and sees a room. It looks empty from up there so he opens the other one and jumps down.. he started looking around for tools he could use to get out of this house.

But then he sees some old lady on a bed, sleeping peacefully with pandages on her head and that's when he realises that what he hit wasn't something it was that old lady!

Part 4

The man stood in the room motionless with shock! The sharp pain in his head came back to him slowly. That was when things became clear. He knew he had to get out of that house ASAP!

As the pain became worse the man saw the mug on the countertop. It had red liquid inside, he thought it would be wine so he took a sip. The mug fell on the floor as taste of the liquid tasted like Blood!

The smashing sound woke the old woman up. With red tired eyes she looked at the man with pain & anger.

As the man was making a ran for it the door creaked wide open. The stranger stood on the door with a bat in his hand he hitted the man on his head. The man fell unconscious & motionless.

After some time he finally wakes Up , but he was no longer in the house. In fact he was at the back yard. It was dark and the yard was full of junk as the man tried to ran he tripped & fell on the ground. As he looked at his legs there were chains on them raped on a pole .

As the man was trying to get the chains of he heard footsteps coming towards him .

Then suddenly the old woman looked at him with deadly eyes, as she was in a wheelchair

The man: please let me go ! I am so

I didn't mean to hurt you..


The stranger suddenly appeared from the dark with a huge knife .

As the man looked at the knife he already knew his life was going to end!

The man : I wish I could tell my wife

How much I love her for

The last time.

As the hand of the stranger went in the air ready to stab the man a gunshots went off!


The knife fell on the ground & the

Stranger went on his knees and flat face on the ground . His blood was allover the ground.

At the back of him was Kelly ( the man's wife) ..

Kelly: Mike! You are alive !

She ran towards Mike (the man ). She gave him a warm hug with tears in her eyes. Mike was happy to see his wife..

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