
Calling his bluff

Actually Su Wan knew that Lin Jing was good with his hands , she had seen the table legs and it's craftsmanship , even though Lin Jing alone was working on it , he had done an excellent job on the table. After spending some time with the brothers , she now understood that each brother had a different talent and skills . For example , Lin Yan , he was a smart businessman and had a flare for cooking , Lin Yu was skilled in embroidery and Lin Rui was a wise scholar - just like that Lin  Jing was really good in wood carvings . 

As for Lin Chen , he was such a free minded soul that Su Wan couldn't grasp his talents and skill yet . Though she knew that he can be smart when he wanted to , but he usually never showed his smartness which made Su Wan wonder whether Lin Chen really was as childish as he acted or he was just pretending . 

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