
Alchemist [#4]: Jackpot

So- He didn't remember exaclty the time Lillianna Hale is going to get kidnapped,  he just knows that it's between 13:00 PM and 14:30 PM, which was the time she vanished from the Hale Hotel (One of the many In this county) reception area and reappeared later dead beneath Copper Bridge a few counties away. So, what did Stiles do? He sat down by the lounge of the reception room, took out his phone, and started to browse through the internet using his own mobile internet because no way in hell will he use the Hale's free Wi-Fi! They take your information the moment you connect to their Wi-Fi, that's how they know a lot about many people- Whoever connects to their Wi-Fi has their data copied into a folder inside their server that is overseen by an A.I. 

This genius work has been done by none other than Laura Hale, or as she is known by her hacker tag: PanCake. She is a very famous hacker and information broker, she knows a lot about people and based on Stiles' own information gathering she is very much like Bastet from Magic and Might, a curious cat.

'Ah, there she is.' Walking alone in this large reception room was this petite and shy-looking girl with long black hair and soft green eyes, looking around anxiously for someone else- Did she get separated from her father or something? She walked around for about 3 minutes until this woman approached the little girl, Stiles' blood boiled when he saw who she was- Kate Argent. 'Ah fucking bitch.' Stiles wanted nothing more than to just walk towards the bitch and fucking punch her in the guts, but by the way he saw her look around, she wasn't alone. 'They knew she would be by this place at this time. How?' Stiles slowly got up from his seat and walked towards the little girl as Kate was talking to her- She looked visibly anxious. "Hey, Lilly!" Stiles smiled openly and brightly to the little girl, catching not only her attention but also Kate's attention, who tensed up for a second and tightened her hold on the little girl's hand: "Your dad is looking for you, he sent me down here to get you!" He walked right by Kate's side, expression innocent and bright, like a small baby Golden Retriever! I mean, he was small for his age, always has been. "Who's this old lady? Hey lady, let go of Lilly's hand, never heard of stranger danger?" He raised his voice high to catch the attention of the other people in the reception room.

"Uhm, sorry, I'm Lilly's brother's girlfriend." Kate spoke with this look of shy gentleness- If Stiles didn't know she was a bitch beneath that mask!

"Well lady, girlfriend of Derek or not, it doesn't matter." Stiles saw how her eyes glistened with a dangerous light, making Stiles feel flames burning in his body for a split second before he steeled his expression and emotions. He lowered himself to be by the little girl's height and offered her his hand before saying loudly enough for everyone in the room to hear him: "Let's go Lilly, your dad is waiting for you! We're gonna take the elevator." The little girl hesitated for a moment so Stiles said, urging her: "C'mon Lilly, Petey is really anxious, he wants his baby girl there because he has a surprise for her- What do you think about a certain little pink Strawberry bowl of ice-cream?" The glow in the little girl's eyes was enough of an answer, she eagerly took his hand and pulled her hand away from Kate's hand with some difficulty, which earned her a glare from Stiles alongside a lifted eyebrow of a very sassy 'what?'. 

She did let go of the little girl's hand reluctantly, which had Stiles smiling widely at the little girl, getting her on his arms and lifting her up: "Lilly, let's go! Wanna take the elevator?" She only nodded, so Stiles walked away with the little girl in his arms, ignoring the murderous glare he got from Kate and instead focusing on her he decided to focus on Lilly. He took the elevator and took the little girl to the highest floor, where upon the elevator door opened and Stiles came face to face with a very anxious looking man he recognized- He was a little younger than Stiles expected but he looked exactly like Peter Hale: "Oh, is this your daddy Lilly?" The girl nodded enthusiastically, making the man stop and look at them: "Here sir, you should be more careful with this little one- I might've promised her a bowl of Strawberry ice cream, so that's your responsibility now~" Stiles chuckled, the little Lilly had given him her favorite hair clip for some reason? Anyway, he was wearing it right now because it was cute! "You-" Before Peter could say anything, Stiles' face went from goofy and into a dead serious one: "Listen, there was this creepy blonde woman by the reception that tried to take little Lilly away, she looked really uncomfortable to went there and pretended to know her daddy- You -so the woman could let her go, now she's here and safe." 

Peter's eyes widened for a moment before this cold look of rage steeled into his face, he simply nodded. 

"Tiles?" Looking down at the little girl who he had placed by her father's feet, Stiles smiled- Peter, however, looked shocked! His daughter doesn't say people's names unless she likes them, and it took her years to say Peter husband's name after he married him when he divorced her mother: "Yeah little one?" Peter soon understood why she liked him so much- He looked gently at her, the majority of people she meets that isn't family are people that work for them, and the grand majority of them are large and Intimidating men and women. "Play?" Peter had to stop himself from smilimg widely and threatening towards this Tiles guy, he was the first person besides family that little Lilly has ever invited to play with her before! She doesn't even invite his husband Chris to play with her! "Of course little one- what do you wanna play?" 

"Gun." By the confused slash amused expression Tiles guy had, he didn't know that 'Gun' was Little Lilly's way to say she wanted to play a shooting game. Well, she was peculiar like that, she loved shooting games, even more so horror games! "Sure, can you teach me how to play 'Gun', little one?" She nodded firmly and offered him her hand, Stiles turned to look towards Peter and took his daughter's hand, following her into their room. The place was actually quite lovely, small, but lovely! On top of the coffee table stood a bunch of papers, investing? Stiles has invested money in the stock market his past life, he still remembers some things that are going to happen, like the rise in popularity of Magic and Might once they introduce currency exchange and the rise of a company that would in the future make billions of dollars. 'Maybe i can invest in them this time?' He was dragged by the little girl into the living room where this giant television stood, and connected to it, a Playstation! Lilly swifted turned the tv and the Playstation on at the same time, making Stiles smile softly.

The was also an Xbox there too, but it wasn't turned on.

"So, which game are we playing little one?" 

"World War Z."

Stiles paused: "...what?"

"AAHHH! To the left! Left!" 

"No, to the right."

"AH, SHIP! Why is that guy shooting us with a boom boom laucher!?"

"Rocket launcher?" 

"Lilly, help!" 

Little Lilly started to giggle loudly and that was the most beautiful thing Peter has ever had the privilege of seeing- She hasn't laughed so openly like this ever since Peter divorced Beth to marry Chris! 

"Just a little more-" The boy, who he came to learn was named Stiles, was honestly entertaining. He knew how to make his daughter come out of her shell more and how to make her smile and giggle, he considered offering the guy to work for him just so he could always make little Lilly smile and giggle. They've been playing this game for about 2 hours now, Stiles has been making his little girl laugh more in 120 minutes than he has done in his entire life! 'I should really keep this guy, maybe as a gift for little Lilly.' He really considered it, and the more he considered it the better it sounded in his opinion! That was when the door to their apartment opened, and walking in came his husband and love Chris Hale: "Hi Love." Peter greeted him while he paused at the crossroad between the living room, the bathroom, and the kitchen: "Come, come watch this- this honestly hilarious."

"I'm glad my suffering and lack of video gaming skills are an entertainment for you, Lilly's daddy." Stiles tilted his head to the side and look at the newcomer, his eyes widened slightly when he saw the guy who walked in- Chris Argent. What is he doing here? Stiles remembers seeing him in various photos on the dark web and deep web, mostly his "services" that were offered in certain sites. Murdering people for money is kinda of a hard job, isn't it? "Oh hey, you must be little Lilly's other daddy! Nice to meet ya, name's Stiles and I- SHIP!" Chris just lifted his eyebrows when he heard him scream ship- Well, he can't exaclty curse in front of the little eight year old girl, can he? "Anyway, nice to meet you! Let's go Lilly, we're almost there-" 

"No." Peter's voice broke them out of their game: "The adults are going to have an important conversation, so i think it's best for you Lilly to go to your room for now, okay?" Stiles sighed softly when he saw the disappointment in the little girl's eyes and expression, so he did what he does best- He rambled: "Oh hey, looking on the brighter side of things at least we can have Strawberry ice cream now! Of course, after you eat all your vegetables and other things, only then snacks!" The little girl sighed before nodding reluctantly, following Stiles to the kitchen to eat- Oh, right, they haven't had anything to eat for a while now... They didn't have dinner because Peter was too focused on work. "Hey, Double Daddies, what can i use here to make food?" Chris, amused by the boy's antics, answered: "You can make her anything, we'll just eat later anyway."

In the end, Stiles made little Lilly mac and cheese! She absolutely loved it as did Stiles because they also got Strawberry ice cream after, he made the little girl do her homework and helped her through it too. Why was he doing this? What better way to work for the Hales if not as a babysitter? That way he is connected to the main family and can intervene when the fire is going to happen in about three months from now! 'But the future might change- Butterfly effect and all that jazz.' Stiles knows that there might be fixed events in time, like things that he knows are going to happen, the way they happen can be changed though! He just wants to change the Hale Fire and make his life a good one, maybe kick the Argents ass a lot and kill them all...

After about 4 hours ever since he saved the little one, Stiles managed to put her to sleep, so he left her room and came into the kitchen to get a cup of water to see the two daddies just staring at the papers in the table: "Your daughter is the most cute angel ever." Stiles spoke to clearly announce he was coming, they didn't really hide what they were doing so Stiles assumed it wasn't that important: "Anyway, today was a nice evening- Well, better than my plan to just sulk in the lobby using my data to browse through the internet and try to see if my ex was still around- The guy was an asshole i tell you, i just wanted my shit back." Stiles sighed before putting the glass back on the kitchen, he wiped his hands and turned to say bye when Peter spoke: "Stiles." 


"I... Well, i really appreciated what you did today for our daughter." Peter held Chris' hand tightly, there was a small amount of terror on his eyes about what could've been, Chris just looked enraged: "And i saw how good you were with her, so, I'm offering you a job right now. Would you like to be Lilly's babysitter?" 


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