
Magic Earth [#1]

The world came to an end in a strange way.

An airborne disease was spread through the world, it had no symptoms and everyone didn't know that they were already infected by such disease. Until something changed- Everyone started to simply drop dead, one after the other, other passed out and entered a strange state of stasis brought by the same virus that would quickly overtake that person's body. 99% of the Earth's population had died, the last 1% was spread about the world and had grown inmunity to the virus, excluding the plants and animal life for some unknown reason. Only humans died in this, and the survivor's immune system was strangely strengthened too, alongside some of their bodily functions and other parts of their bodies such as muscles and bones. This was a strange event, and here was our protagonist, a young man with 20 years looking at the state of the earth... Stasis, remember? Every survivor slept for 5 years, and now the earth is slightly different.

Well, If this was a normal post-apocalyptic novel, you'd slowly learn that what caused this all wasn't a virus or an airborne disease, but the return of magic to the world after it laid dormant for thousands of years, going forgotten by many but not all. But, this of course isn't a novel, in fact, this was a novel until Kevin woke up in the body of a 20 year old guy, who was 15 when Magic awoke and his body entered a state of shock and stasis, adapting to magic slowly... Yeah, that's what happened to the world, only those with magic affinity lived while the rest died. "Fuck, shit, fuck!" Even though his body had adapted to magic and he had read this novel before, he still entered into a panic once he remembered the ending of the novel- Which didn't happen, because it was cancelled! The series ended in the third book, which is when they learn about Magic and how it works with intent and emotion, as well as letters and sigils after the protagonist "unlocked" it in a fit of rage in the second book when his girlfriend dies by the hand of the villain.

Also, magic explains the strange things happening around the world and how the animal and plant life expanded and evolved way faster than it should've, the storms, hails, and even volcanic eruptions that happened in the middle of the United fucking States! Not to talk about the Sudden Freeze, when a cloud of ice and snow simply appeared and froze everything! It was lster revealed that it was just a hole to the Plane of Ice, a magical plane of existence that is filled with ice and snow, and the portal opens randomly around the world due to unknown reasons. Geting up from his bed and lookig around his room, which was completely destroyed by plants and the ceiling had fallen off, leaving behind branches and the blue sky of the daylighy. "Shit..." he looked around and noticed, the walls were gone and he could see a sea of trees all around him, which meant one thing: His room was lifted from the ground by a tree that magically grew from below the house and lifted it up to the sky! He was quite high up, which waa both good and bad, because high up meant he was safe from the creatures below, but he also was at dangers by the giant birds and the fact that he can't climb trees!

If he fell, though, he would only break a finger of two, which was to show how his bodg adapted to the magic in the air! The more magic he has inside his body, the stronger it gets and soon he will be able to use it to cast spells and do magic, like- "That's it." He knew how to get down! Magic! Trees were alive, right? He remembers reading how the protagonist of the book controlled the wind with his emotions, maybe he could control the trees as well? And if not, maybe wind as well? "Well, might have to try-" he was about to try and maybe call out to the forces of nature when a snapping sound echoed from above, and as he looked up he saw it- A giant bird, looking down at him with its big eyes, which freaked him out a lot! "Oh no..." He whispered in horror as the giant bright blue pigeon screeched like a dying man, he remembers the name of these things: Men-Eaters was the name given to these birds due to their desire to eat meat, the protagonist managed to survive one of these birds by making a really loud noise with a megaphone that he found that miraculously worked due to his fucking plot armor, but he didn't have that!

His immediate reaction was to push back, but the feeling of footing on his foot just vanished, and he was now free falling with a giant bird that eats meat diving right after him. 'Well... This was a fast life.' He sarcastically thought as his back broke through the canopy of branches, snapping them and break them in the process, his fall was loosing speed but the bird above him still was diving, he was about to hit the florest ground and the giant pidgeon was about to eat him when something strange happened: He heard the bird screeching before a wet liquid hit his body, blood fell on him as he watched the dead body of the bird being impaled by branches of the trees all around him. He panted, his back surprisingly didn't hurt, in fact, nothing on his body hurts him at all! His state of shock was pretty much gone in the next few seconds before it instantly came back with a strange floating screen to his face:

[Congratulations on Unlocking your Magic!]

[Magic Tree Unlocked: Nature Magic]

[Due to Transmigration of soul to another world, protocol Starter Pack has been initiated!]

[You received the special boon:

Map: Shows at the corner of your eye at all times, you can maximize it if you focus on the map

Status: Shows only Strength, Endurance, Dexterity, Agility, Vitality, Wisdom, Intelligence, Willpower, Charisma, and Sanity. It comes with Energy bar to show how much of it you have spent on spells.

Inventory: You can put things here, has the size of a backpack, can be upgraded.

Starter Pack: Contains three items! Encyclopedia of the Multiverse (How to locate yourself and others), Automatic Weapon Ticket (Once you used, you'll receive a weapon and information of the basics on how to use it), and a Random Useful Knowledge ticket (Once used, you'll know something new and interesting that is useful for you).

Congratulations on your transmigration, hope to see you again soon.]

And like that, a small square was mow floating on the corner of his vision, which where he was aware of a small region around him, with several blue dots- A small explanation stood on the side of the map itself, which was very essential! Blue is friend, red is hostile, yellow is neutral, white is dangerous, and black is anomaly. That's it. He was surrounded by friends, and at first he was confused as to why, but there was this sudden rush of whispers from the forest around him that he couldn't help but smile at the tenderness of the words- The trees were alive, and they could talk to him, and he could listen and talk back to them. "Hey, uhm, can you big guy help me up?" He touched the tree before him, the one he was previously above on for the past hours having a mental breakdown once he concluded he was in the world of the last thing be read.

The large tree was thick and enormous, big enough to have some parts of the room this bidy slept on for five whole years! The tree seemingly reacted to his request, it bent and cracked, a long vine dropped from above and wrapped around his ankle gently, he grabbed it and soon he was being pulled up by the vine to his room, where above it was the nest of the giant blue pigeon that was killed a few seconds ago- He checked it just in case, and inside it he saw a single egg. "Should i..." He considered breaking it, but he remembered reading on the third book about how the protagonist heard of a rumor about a group of people who flew around in giant butterflies, since they were tamable and could be taken care of easily, as long as you don't let them taste blood because they go crazy or something like that. "Maybe i should." he took the egg on his hands and prepared to throw it out when- crack.

It cracked, and from it, a small little featherless birb appeared.

"Well... This is awkward."

-Scene Cut-

In the end, the featherless birb stayed. He couldn't simply throw a child away from this height! Also, he probably wouldn't survive on the wild, he's a child! So, due to his weak heart, he decided to keep the little guy and named him Emperor. Why? Because he was a spoiled brat, always hungry and screaming for food at the top of his little lungs, and since it couldn't fly he had to feed it, which leads to him learning how to hunt and fish, or rather, using his magic to make hunting and fishing easier for him to feed the screaming baby with enough food to last weeks. He had to feed the little bitch five whole fishes before it got satisfied! And the fishes he caught could swallow a cat whole in a single fucking bite, so you know that this little birb needed to eat, thankfully it had its place to shit and after he showed where it had to shit, it would shit there so he didn't have to clean the whole nest.

It took him a week to settle, making this place his home was a little difficult to do due to the fact that finding things from five years ago was hard, they were all burried down by the earth or they were destroyed by magjc, since it hated technology for some reason... He managed to get some things, like a cracked mirror, broken pieces of metal, a car battery, a fucking gun with some bullets (Maybe he was the protagonist?) and a knife! Well, the trees helped him finding treasure, as he calls it, by opening the earth and showing him what laid underneath it! He found coins and other stuff, but after the week went by he started to shiw signs of Awakening, something he wasn't prepared nor did he think I'd happen!

Awakening is the author's excuse to give power to the protagonist and his crew... Essentially, after magic went dormant, the Supernatural creatures kept living on, but their physical appearances and magical abilities were shunned and reduced to nothing but human, so they procreated with humans and their gene spread, laying dormant within humanity, until magic came along and awakened the gene within the body of an unsuspecting human. The symptoms of an Awakening, as it was called, is high fever and the deep hunger that came from the body needin more nutrients, which was what he felt at that moment! He gathered as much meat as he could before putting it to the birb, he ate as much as he could while thinking about how long it would last.

Essentially, the longer took to awaken their gene, the stronger they will be. They no longer will be human, instead becoming something more, like the protagonist of the novel awakened the Elven Genes that were deep within him, making him great with wind, water, and plant magic as well as bows, having an internal understanding of them and how to use them. It took the protagonist 4 days to awaken his genes, which was impressive since it'd take normal humans one to two days, so his genes were strong and rare, after all, he was a Fey of the Court of the Winter. Well, his white hair and skin gave it away, and his ice magic that helped him on the end of the third book with saving his girlfriend before she could be taken into the Plane of Ice by the Sudden Freeze.

He just hopes it doesn't take too long... he has to feed Emperor.


Name: ???

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Energy: 100%

Magic: Nature Magic

Sanity: 99%

Strength: 5

Endurance: 5

Dexterity: 5

Vitality: 5

Agility: 5

Wisdom: 5

Charisma: 5

Willpower: 5

Intelligence: 5

Boons: Map, Inventory

Inventory: Encyclopedia of the Multiverse, Iron Spear, Gun, Bullets (×9)

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