
What could be better after eating, like no sleep

The eyelids lifted with difficulty, as if they were cast from lead. Kaligo found strength and sat up, the bed seemed so fluffy that he did not want to get up, but the smell that flew into the room and the furiously rumbling stomach did not agree with this.

Getting up, Kaligo went to the kitchen from where he could hear the sizzle of butter and the smell of fried meat.

Upon entering, Kaligo stood in a stupor, an Ekutem was hanging over the kitchen stove and stirring something, noticing Kaligo, he closed the pan with a lid and jumped off the kitchen hood.

- I see you're better, sit down, I'll serve breakfast now.

- Firstly, no *** yourself, secondly, what happened yesterday?

-Yesterday a truck ran over us, and you stopped it in some way unknown to me, and this, by the way, is 66.5 tons of impact force, I didn't notice anything there and I considered your inability to move as a state of shock, but when you came home you collapsed unconscious, your organs and bones were crushed and torn, I kiss the night was building us a new body, cell by cell.

- Nihu * se

- And then, here help yourself

Ekyutem handed Kaligo a plate of rice and chicken with some strange sauce, and a cup of fatty chicken broth.


- What?

- it's in Japanese "thank you to everyone who is involved in the fact that the food is on the table"

- I see, bon appetit

Ekyutem, got comfortable at the other end of the table.

Half an hour later, both were lying on the floor, their bellies stuffed up.

- Uh uh, thank you…

- P.. ic please ic …

- Something is getting sleepy

- We have a lot of things planned, don't you dare fall asleep to Kaligo.

Kaligo no longer heard Ekutem..

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