
The Fight ( Balance of the sides )


(A/N)- I will try to post 3-4 chapters every week and sometimes 5, if you want extra chapters power stones are the only way so make sure you vote.

This is a bonus chapter.

Hope you enjoy the bonus chapter and the upcoming chapters.



After 3 hours of travel, Yui and the rest of the caretakers, and the kids reached the Orphanage. Things were a bit down, and the air was gloomier, especially around Melo, but soon everyone got over it.

Everyone sat for dinner, and two more guests could be seen in the Orphanage. Though the guests would be in the namesake as these guests would often visit the Orphanage, they were none other than Gran Torino and All Might. They thought of meeting Oki, but work fell on them, and they couldn't send of Oki.

" So... how was he?" Torino was a little emotional.

" Well, I hope he doesn't get scared of the new place." Yui was cheerful, and it seemed Oki's absence didn't weigh her down, but that wasn't the case in the lightest. She just hid it from the surface.

Soon, kids were put to sleep and followed by caretakers.

The only ones who are awake in the whole Orphanage are All Might, Torino and Yui.

" So, what made you guys not come and send him off?" Yui asked, looking at two in front in front of her.

"It's him, Yui, he has been on the move lately, and we had to investigate it and... we were late", Torino answered but as soon as he finished.



All Might P.O.V-

'AAAAAA! my ears hurt, what happened? Why is fire all around me?'

" You seem to be down on the smile their Symbol Of Peace " A man in a black suit over a white shirt with clear, sharp red eyes and mediumly spiked white hair looked down at All Might as he was floating in the air.

" ALLLL FORR ONNNEE!!!" anger flared in me.


General P.O.V-

All Might strain his muscles and jumps forward, disappearing from his previous place at a speed where normal humans eyes couldn't track him.

In a second, All Might reached AFO and faced him face to face for a brief second but as soon as the second was done, a full-powered punch from All Might is thrown to the AFO's face, but as if there was a repelling barrier, the impact recoiled, and All Might faced the full brunt of his own punch and was propelled back due to the air pressure.

" Acting on desires, are we? HEHEHEHAHAHA!!!"

AFO slowly descends and places his hands on the ground, and the next thing a tree could be seen maturing at immeasurable speed, and the brown tree filled with life could be seen turning purple and AFO standing on the tree.

" Come on, All Might, if such a measly air pressure brought you down, I could have gotten rid of you a lot sooner."

As if on queue, All Might landed in front of AFO with blood dripping from his face.

" Now, that is what I want to see. Show me- "

Before AFO could speak, All Might threw a ' Texas Smash 'barrage, and a visible crack could be seen in space around AFO. Looking at crack AFO's red eyes widen, but it was only a brief second before his pupils could be seen changed from a normal circle to a glowing yellow slit and back to normal.

The barrage of ' Texas Smash ' rained on the barrier, and all of them were reflected with equal strength, but soon the reflected smashes were solved by the new barrage of ' Texas smash ', and in 5 seconds, the barrier around AFO broke apart, and few managed to land on him knocking him pretty far.

As soon as AFO stabilised himself, All Might closed the distance and sent a ' Detroit Smash ' and coupled with anger, the punch was much stronger than his usual ' Detroit Smash ', the smash landed on AFO's face, but even before the punch landed, AFO's face caved in itself as the pressure came first before the physical contact from the punch, and after the punch landed AFO was lifted several meters up high in the air.

While AFO was defying the gravity, a kick landed on the upgoing AFO's face, which sent him back down but only to be getting hit by another ' Detroit Smash '.

AFO travels almost half a kilometre due to the Detroit Smash.

" Calm down, Toshinori, and we need to be careful as we can't lose today."

" All of em... all the kids... the-they , no-o eve-"

" Everyone died HAHAHA ", AFO interjects All Might.

Soon AFO starts floating, and his arms bulk up, and the next thing All Might could see was a fist towards his face, which sent him down to earth literally as a crater of 20 meters, and a hole of more than 50 meters was formed. Gran Torino could be seen fine but out of breath, and it was clear that he avoided AFO's attack, but he strained his body.

" Well, I expected nothing less from you, Torino."

" Stop your idiotic talks, AFO! " Torino screamed, and it was clear that he was angry at the man in front of him.

" Well, you won't hear me as this is your end." AFO's clenches his fists but soon relaxes them and points his index finger to the skies. Torino wondering what was happening wasn't given much time. As soon as AFO pointed his index finger, a bright silver sphere formed on top of AFO's index finger, and it was shot straight towards Torino.

Torino using his quirk, jumped up with all the power he could muster and barely dodged the attack but as soon as he realised he dodged, a shock wave hit him, and Torino had his eyes shut forcibly.

" Well, now that the irritating mole is done fo-"

Before AFO could finish, All Might burst out of the hole, yelling.


AFO's hands bulked up, and a powerful wave of air pressure was released. Looking at the incoming attack, All Might sent his own air pressure from one of his punches.

The collision of air pressures was equal, but soon All Might's dominated over AFO. AFO, who didn't predict this, faced the incoming air pressure head-on.

All Might followed the air pressure created by him caught up to AFO. As soon as he was near AFO, All Might caught his head with his hands and kneed the face.

AFO, who underestimated the Symbol Of Peace, was now having trouble breathing. He thought just like the previous One For All users, he could finish All Might, but he now understood he had seriously mistaken.

' One For All wasn't this strong in the hands of Shimura, and it seems the 8th as cultivated the power to the pinnacle.'

" All For One! This is for killing my master."

The angered All Might strained his right arm muscles for more strength.

" PLUS ULTRA! NEW YORK SMASH!!! " A powerful pressure concentrated at one point rushed towards AFO, AFO who saw the incoming knowing that he couldn't counter it sent his own pressure from his two hands.

The New York smash trampled over AFO's air pressure, but the New York smash lost nearly 30% of its strength. AFO ranked the attack by turning his body into a diamond. AFO was pushed back, but before he was pushed back according to the smash he faced, AFO magically negated the force.

All Might, with a smirk, was in front of AFO " PLUS ULTRA! NEW YORK SMASH!" Another New York smash lands on AFO, but this time AFO didn't prepare for it, and AFO tanked the attack with his natural body.

AFO soon propelled back, dragging the earth along with him.

AFO was using all the stabilising quirks he could and was able to stop himself but only for a kick to meet his gut and followed by many kicks towards his gut.

AFO was currently in bad shape. AFO could feel his skull cracked and many hairline fractures along with a completely broken left side of the ribcage.

" Well, after I thought I took care of the rat, another one pops up. You guys are really are something." AFO looks at a shadowy figure in front of him.

" You KILLED ALL OF THEM! they weRE INNOCENT!!!" The shadowy figure could be seen, and it was none other than Yui.

" Well, I wanted to hit the symbol of peace indirectly, and the kids seemed to have helped me," AFO said the words with a flat tone. But then, like a kid on drugs AFO started to cackel.

" Do you remember this quirk, Tsukikage" All of a sudden, the shadow of AFO grows, and some sort of vial could be seen being taken out from the shadow.

Looking at the quirk AFO using Yui's eyes became bright red, and her killing intent was all over the place.

" You seem to know whose quirk this belonged to you, well-"

But before he could finish, a barrage of air pressures rained on AFO. After the dust is cleared, AFO could be seen unharmed and also healed.

" Time for round:2," AFO said with a smirk and the duo All Might and Yui could see AFO's eyes become slits.


(A/N)- How is the chapter development? Any advice and suggestion, please mention them in the comments.

I wanted to express the cruelty of All For One in this chapter, so I hope you don't have a grudge against me.

I hope you look forward to the following chapters, and I ask you to please tell me the areas where I have to change things. I am a newbie, and I wouldn't like to be one.

Next Chapter- The Fight ( Balance of the sides ) (2)


Yes, then:

888 power stones for an extra chapter.

Currently (0/888)

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