
The start of the journey

Kaito often dreamed about his past, but those were more like a fleeting feeling he had from time to time and by the time it was over, all he could remember was the feeling he had felt at the time of the dream. The sadness and the happiness of the past emotions were all that were left behind once he woke up.

But this one, this one felt more like he had been submerged right in the moment that dream had taken place and he had been held there for a long time.

In a way, it was refreshing to feel so much but at the same time, he wanted to forget everything and focus on the present times instead.

"Young master, it's time for school. You need to be present in person when you submit your leave application" the old caretaker was the one who opened his door. Her face betrayed her surprise at seeing him awake and he knew why.

Kaito, despite being a calm and happy child, hardly ever woke up in time. That was the one flaw he didn't bother to hide at all.

And yet the morning sun had woken him up even before the caretaker could.

"I'll freshen up now. Please have everything prepared for me" he ignored the look of concern being aimed at his way by the old lady as he went past her to the bathroom.

Was he being too polite to her? Too out of character? Or was it a motherly thing to be so concerned? His head was not all here, some part of him was still trapped in the past emotions and feelings to truly be able to think.

Of course he snapped back into reality as soon as the icy cold water hit his body.

Since he had been sleeping comfortably in the bed, his body was naturally warm and the direct contact with the water served as a jolt to his system, causing an almost shock in his brain.

He turned off the water by reflex but it only caused the shower overhead to start instead, once again spraying cold water all over him.

But the shock was milder compared to the initial one so he allowed the water to flow all over him and wake him up. The other routine followed in it's regular manner and soon he was out.

The clothes were already prepared for him and he hurried out for the breakfast which was devoured in a hurry and then he was out.

As soon as he reached the front of the school, he could make out the familiar shape of Jess. He waited for the familiar feeling to arise inside him but there was nothing significant. Even when she did something that he found endearing, he could not make the feeling appear.

But as he approached the female, the smell of her drifted toward him. It was familiar and it was clogging inside his mind. The closer he got to her, the more intense the feeling got in his gut and for the first time he felt that something was wrong.

The feeling was overwhelming and it did not allow him to think much of anything but her for long. Noah and the trip made its way between here and there but they never seemed significant when she was around him.

He did manage to give the permission slip to his teacher and get the permission for the leave he wanted but that was not such a high priority to him. It was only a miracle that he did not inform Jess about any of this throughout the day.

But it just seemed to be insignificant when her attention was drifting all over the place.

Once he reached home, the smell and the haze almost lifted and so did the memories. It just reaffirmed to him that he did indeed love her enough to get enchanted by her smell again and again.

It was honestly a breather for him and it reassured him enough to make his mood better.

His luggage was already packed, the servants already roaming about to make the trip even more comfortable than it already was going to be. Really, the 21st century was a time of convention and even travelling saw the boon of it.

"Young master, the head is waiting for you in the main hall" one of the servants directed him toward the side hall as soon as he had finished freshening up.

Kaito wanted to protest but they did not give him anytime to do so. He just wanted some time to relax before he had to face the music, was this too much to ask for?

But he took a deep breath and opened the door to the room right in front of him.

His grandfather sat there with Noah right beside him and it struck him at the first glance. Noah looked different, far more human than a fox and the hair that exited on his head were considerably short.

They were up in a ponytail that reached the upper shoulder blades, the traditional robe substitutes for the more modern turtleneck and black jeans. It made him wonder just who was responsible for dressing the other.

"Kaito, come inside. I need to have a talk with you about what is expected of you in this journey" he felt something in the back of his mind roar at the hand that landed on his shoulder, the full intent to suppress him.

Had it been a few days ago he might have crowded under the pressure, but right now? Right now it felt far too stifling for his own good.

"Good, Looks like you are progressing in the right manner. The animal inside you is almost awake" Kaito almost growled at the offending limb too close to his person and his grandfather let out an amused chuckle at him.

He did not like the tone which was belittling him but he only had to endure for a little more before he could take the matters in his own hands. He could already taste the Alpha venom on his tongue, lethal and sour - just like his previous life.

It was a privilege only awarded to some and he could not smell it on the elder at all. He was going to suppress him and soon.

"Master, we should leave now" the fox's voice made him look at the snowy white figure at once, taking in the modern look on the old face. It really was as blank as a jade and just as beautiful too.

"Don't interrupt me or you won't like the consequences of doing so" the tone was acidic and promise only bad things but it mellowed out at the second part "but you are right in that regard. I've made the travelling arrangements myself. I hope you'll see to everything else?" the fox nodded.

Kaito could not look away from the confrontation that was happening right in front of him, his eyes taking in everything and registering it into memory. Hopefully he would pay back the other for all his humiliation he was facing and he would hopefully be forgiven by the other when the time comes.

"Come, make sure no one sees you leave this place and keep a low profile on the way out" the old man finally led the pair toward the back side of the place where a car existed. Kaito looked inside only to find that there was no driver inside.

Who was going to drive this from here? Kaito was underage and from the looks of it, Noah was not one who knew how to drive at all.

"I'm sure you know what to do from here fox" the other nodded who entered the car in the driver seat. Kaito hesitated on entering the car now that the driver was someone who had perhaps never touched the driving wheel before.

Seeing his hesitation, his grandfather passed him another amused look.

"Don't worry, the fox knows what he is doing. It's not the first time for him and besides, magic does exist" the words solved some of the doubts he had but not all. Yet, he had to take the elder's words for it and get inside the car.

Mostly because he did not want to leave Noah alone in an awkward position and right in the middle of this mess.

The car ride started in a smooth manner and even as he looked at the fox, it seemed like he was driving in a normal manner. It was evident that he had at least some practice in the field and it made him wonder - just who had taught the other how to drive.

The ride was bump less and almost flawless, much better than any professional one he had been and he entertained the thought of magic being actually involved. He found that he did not really care that much about it overall.

Soon they entered the town area and suddenly Kaito's mind flashed to all the fun places he could take the other. From what he had seen so far, he was sure that his grandfather had hardly allowed the other to be out of his sight for long.

Surely the other had no real experience with such things and places.

Maybe Kaito could help him see more of this world in a way completely different from before? He could make this trip outside much more than about the awakening - he could make it into a fun memory for both of them.

And the first thing to do was to visit the most famous attraction of the city - the central theme park.

He ignored the part of his brain that whispered that it sounded far too much like a date because this was not it. It was just showing the other everything he had missed, not a date at all.

The car was still moving and he woke all of a sudden and his voice came out loud enough to startle the other.

"Stop" Noah flinched but the car came to a safe stop on the side, all on it's own. Maybe the claims of magic used to drive were true after all. Not that he cared, since he had far more important things to think about.

"Young master Kaito?" Noah called out in the hesitant voice of his.

"Stop, I need to visit some place with you before we move on. Follow my instructions" yes, he owned it to the other to make this outing fun.

Finally reached the 15k mark. Please vote for me if you like it

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