
Chapter 39 - Fangs Throwdown!

Damn it Chara! You can give me the 'I told you so speech later! Just throw the packages into our inventory and get a move on!

Micro, Spike, and Fluttershy were all shooting toward the street Scoots told Micro about in her message. Spike was already in Dracokin form.

"So what exactly are we dealing with?" Fluttershy asked.

"Basically someone like me," Spike said. "And considering how easy you took me down Saturday, you should have no problem. Though I am shocked she only mentioned Garble. Usually he has at least Fume with him."

The bots they were riding shuddered for a moment before more speed was piled on.

"What was that about?" Spike asked turning to his friend. Micro ignored him and turned to Fluttershy.

"You sure you can open the barrier for us without breaking it?"

"If they are as weak as you say, yeah. Why?"

"Because it's a lot more than just Garble." He closed the party message and tore open a package from his inventory.

Time to take off the kid gloves.

With Scoots

The semblance lost power and the two girls tumbled toward the street. On instinct, Rainbow held out her hands and a cushion of air formed beneath them, softening the blow. With grunts, they pulled themselves up.

"Scoots...what's going on? Why are they after you? What does this have to do with Micro!?"

Scoots turned toward Rainbow before looking behind them.

"We don't have time for the whole story. Basically they went after Micro to get to one of his friends, and then Micro kicked their asses and so they want me to get to him."

She reaches into her smaller inventory and pulled out two Kama (Basically hand scythes). They were wooden with a skull at the top of each one and a blade sticking out the top of said skull. At the base of each were metal cylinders. Scoots adjusted her grip until they felt comfortable.

Micro would've gotten her Crescent Rose, but he said it would be way too heavy for her to use properly now, not to mention complicated. So now she was a mix of Ruby and Maria wielding Life and Death.

"What the-? Where the hell-!"

"Talk later! Hope you're ready for a trial by fire with your new ability!"

Scootaloo threw one of her Kama toward a particularly speedy Dracokin who was ahead of the pack. He ducked the spinning blade with a grin. Scootaloo flicked a switch and the base of the Kama glowed purple. She held her ground as the force nearly pulled her off her feet, but instead the other Kama came flying back toward her, tripping the Dracokin before she caught it.

"Thank you boosted DEX," she muttered. She heard the sound of a fireball incoming from one of the roofs and turned just in time to see it batted out of the air by a gust of wind. Looking over at Rainbow, she saw the older girl still looking panicked, but with a hint of determination in her stance.

Scootaloo threw the Kama at another enemy as he approached who thought he would be smart and caught the weapon. Looking down at it and seeing it glow purple he held firm.

"You won't be getting this back you little-"

His words were cut off as Scootaloo flew in and kicked him in the face, sped up by the pull of the Kama. The Dracokin was knocked back and she grabbed her second Kama. Flipping her weapons around she held them by herself the Dracokin's ears. With a smirk she pulled a trigger and two hidden barrels in the skulls fired.

"Gah!" The guy screamed as he held his ears. "I...I can't hear! Why can't I hear my own voice?!"

Scoot would have continued her attack on the now deaf man, but she heard Rainbow call out. Turning, she saw a Fang member approaching her idol. Rainbow tried pushing him back with wind but it wasn't strong enough as he dug his claws into the ground.

With a burst of speed Scoots shot toward the man and hooked him with one blade. It failed to pierce the scaled hide, but firing the gun in the skull gave her enough force to throw the Fang member sideways.

"Scoots...how are you…"

"Instinct and a crash course on these weapons. But still…" She looked up and saw others approaching. "I can't handle them all…"


Spinning around, Scoots saw Garble with a claw to Rainbow's neck.

"Throw both those scythes away or else she dies!"

Scootaloo look on in fear and defeat as she tossed both her Kama away. Garble grinned as he shoved Rainbow toward two of his other friends who grabbed her arms.

"Good." Before Scootaloo could move to strike the two holding Dash, Garble grabbed her wrists. "Now...what's the best way to hurt Micro through you…"

Scootaloo struggled as she saw Garble eye her body.

"Not big enough for my tastes..,but I can settle if it will hurt that punk." A clawed hand slid across her back toward her rear.

'He...he's going to...no! M...micro!'

"Boss! Look out!"

Garble turned just in time for a flying fist covered in yellow metal slammed into his face. A shotgun blast was heard and a small fire shot forth from it, sending Garble flying into a wall. Scootaloo looked up and saw Micro with a smoking gauntlet covering his hand. Gamer's Mind must've failed, because he looked downright murderous.

"Micro!" Scootaloo said. Suddenly, a grunt was heard behind them. Spike buried a fist in the stomach of one of those holding Rainbow as Fluttershy was staring into the other's eyes.

"Let her go and help beat up your friend over there."

The Dracokin absently nodded and turned to the one doubled over from Spike's punch before launching himself at him. The two began fighting as Rainbow looked up.


The vampire turned to her friend, a small smile on her face.

"Are you ok?"

Rainbow began tearing up and hugged Fluttershy.

"I'm so sorry! I treated you like dirt and…"

"And I kept a horrible secret from you and went behind your back for years now. I'm the one who should be sorry."

"But I-"

"You son of a bitch!" Garble growled out as he pulled himself from the wall. "At least you brought that Kin traitor with you, and another chick for us to have some fun with later."

Micro held his hand up when the others went to charge him. With a burst of air magic, he brought the Kama over to him and Scootaloo. He handed them back to her and smiled.

"You held them off for a while. You are a natural aren't you?" Scoots blushed.

"Well...I have you to thank for-"

"Oh shut up you fucking brat!" Garble snarled. "If not for your boyfriend here, you would've been my pet so don't act all-"

"Two," a cold voice said, coming from Micro. "You were given two chances to leave my friends and I alone. Now…"

His hair grew longer and his chest grew in size. The other were shocked as the female form of Micro stood before them. She looked up at Garble who was also stunned.

"Time to put a mad dog down! Hard Drive Divinity!!!"

The group turned away as a blinding light surrounded the brainiac kid. When they looked back, they got their first look at Neon Heart. In addition to the new hair, skimpier outfit and voluptuous figure, the gauntlets on Micro's hands changed.

In place of Ember Celica (Yang's weapon from RWBY), they were now much more akin to the Nemean Cestus from God of War. Instead of silver lion heads though, they were gold dragons.

"What the hell!?" Garble cried out as he backed away. The other Dracokin were nervous as well.

"Oh! You're going all out dear?"

The group turned and saw Chara standing there, dagger in hand in her Black Cat outfit. She smirked.

"Did you like the picture I sent by the way?" She asked with a wink.

"Indeed I did," Neon smiled back. "But if you want in on the fun…" She threw a punch toward the ground of Dracokin. A ball of fire shot toward the center of the group and burst in a powerful explosion. Garble flew with half his men toward Micro while the other half toward Chara. "You better save the small talk for later."

"Very well then. Time for my goddess debut! Hard Drive Divinity!!!!"

In another blinding flash, Chara transformed. The power symbol formed in her scarlet eyes as her hair turned blood red. Twin braids formed and stretched down to her back. Her outfit shifted to that of a leather corset with the front halve held together by threads of leather. It only really covered her breasts though (which had shot from D to an E Cup) and left her stomach exposed. Her bottom half was barely even covered by a leather thong. Her shoes stretched up to form thigh high leather boots. The dagger grew into its sword form, but seemed to take on a more wicked look than when Neon used it, complete with jagged edges and a black tinge to the steel.

The newly transformed Chara let loose a wicked cackle.

"Alright you limp dick fucks! Who's ready for a taste of Bloody Heart!"

The Fangs all trembled before Garble barked out.

"Who cares if they turned into these bimbos! It's just two of them! Are you Dragon Fangs or what?!"

The group seemed to find some resolve as they faced their respective opponents.

"Protect Scoots and Rainbow," Neon told Spike and Fluttershy. They were still a bit stunned at his...her transformation, but nodded nonetheless.

"Micro…" Scoots said. Despite not technically being the right name at this point, Neon turned.

"Yes my dear?" She blushed a bit.

"Be safe."

Neon smirked at her. Leaning down she whispered.

"Only if I can get a kiss when I'm done."

Leaving a blushing Scootaloo behind, Neon looked to her opponents.

"Hope you punks are ready, because after what you tried to do...I'm so cold!"

Background Music Start

Madworld- So Cold

Taking off like a shot, she and Bloody Heart charged their targets.

On Bloody's side she deflected a blow from one claw before stabbing the blade forward. The Fang chuckled as the blade was stopped against his scales.

"Sorry brat but…" he trailed off as he felt a hot burning sensation. He jumped back and felt his chest where the sword had jabbed, and realized with horror that some of his scales had melted.

"Note to self," Bloody said. "Sun fire beats dragon hide!"

She swung the blade and smacked a fist away before dodging a burst of fire and allowing it to knock another Kin back. As another tried to swipe at her back, she had a wicked smile.

"Izanagi! Zionga!"

A huge burst of electricity shot forth from her and zapped the gang members around her. When it faded, a tall man in a long black coat, blades boots, and a white mask stood holding a spear. Bloody Heart stood up grinning.

"Ready to die bastards!?"

With Neon, she delivered a powerful punch to one Fang's chest. All the air rushed from him and he couldn't breathe fire. Neon pulled the trigger inside the gauntlet and the powerful explosion sent the guy flying into one of his comrades.

Neon grinned as one person tried to pierce his claws into her back. By the cry of pain, it was clear Arsene was doing his job and keeping Tetrakarn up. After a fireball bounced off him, Marakarn showed itself to.

"Time to test out a move from the one who's soundtrack this is...or at least his successor," Neon muttered. With a burst of speed, she uppercutted all but Garble into the air. Getting beneath them, she began rapidly punching the group, launching explosives at the same time. "SUPER SEXY FISTS OF FIRE BABY!"

With one final punch, Neon launched another explosive and it blasted the group apart. They slammed into walls and the ground as they fell unconscious, leaving only Garble standing.

Skill Create!

Super Sexy Fists of Fire (Lv1)

Launching bursts of fire while punching an opponent up in the air.


-Fire Gauntlets

"Wha...what are you?! You're just some human filth!"

"Oh," Neon said with a chuckle. "I'm much more than that."

Kneeling down she held the gauntlets behind her, mouths facing the ground. Firing the shots within, she launched herself forward and reared back a punch. Garble smirked and bought his arms up to block.

"You stupid or something? You can't get through Dracokin scales with a pun-!"

As the punch connected with his arms, a satisfying crack was heard. Howling in pain as his arms dropped limply to his sides, Garble stumbled back.

"I don't understand why you think that skin makes you invincible," Neon said examining her gauntlet. "Just because I can't pierce it, doesn't mean I can't get to what's inside. A hard enough hit can still break bones, and your skin keeps it all inside. Really saves on cleaning."

"P…please don't-!"

A punch to the jaw silenced any please as another crack was heard. Garble spat a few sharp teeth out with blood. He spun and tried to run (wings having been destroyed last time) when a sharp pain shot through his legs.

Two clones of Neon Heart were at his sides and had just bent his knees backward. They vanished as the real Neon walked over dismissing her gauntlets and twirling her braid.

"You lost your chance at mercy when you laid a hand on my Scoots."

Whipping the braid out, Neon wrapped her braid around his throat. With her control of wind, Neon rose into the air, lifting Garble with her. He began choking, unable to claw the hair noose apart as his arms were already broken. With a twist of her grip, she turned him to face the rest of his group, the men Bloody Heart was fighting were bleeding and a few even were missing a claw or foot from when she cut through them.

"How does it feel knowing in your final moments you led so many of your Fangs to their doom?"

"They aren't his Fangs!"

Fighting stopped at the combatants turned to see a female Dracokin standing on the edge of a building. She had light blue scales and two horns curled out of dark blue hair. Orangish eyes shone down at Neon. She wore a black tank top that covered an impressive chest and ripped up jeans. In her hands she held a staff with a blue handle and a large red gem at the end.

"They're mine!"

{Written by Twistedphoenix1}

{Edited by SpedaHooves/KenKanekiTheCat/Me}

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