
Chapter 14 - Baldi's Basics


(Evil Math Obsessed Teacher)


Stats: (Not a high enough level in Observe)

A teacher obsessed with mathematics and known to attack anyone who fails to answer a question correctly.

Relationship: You are a new student and he is waiting to see how you do in his preferred subject.

Quest Alert!

Baldi's Basics

-You are stuck in Baldi's school and need to escape

-Find the seven scattered notebooks

-Make your way safely to the exit

Quest Reward

-$5000 each survivor

-2500 exp to each survivor

-New Weapon

Bonus Objective

-Don't cut Playtime's jump rope (CHA Increase to anyone caught by her)

Micro swallowed hard as he read the information.

"Micro…" Sugar started. "Is this what I think it is?"


"And I'm guessing your ability is going to prevent escape," Spike continued.

"Appears so." He just tried ID Escape and the notification popped up.

You are in an Event Dungeon

ID Escape is unavailable

"So we have to complete this whole thing before we can go home?" Sugar droned in monotone.

"And there is a chance we can't make it out?" Spike echoed.

"Seems likely."

"Will someone explain what's going on!?" Scootaloo shouted. Micro looked up and saw her still above him, straddling his stomach.

"Not that I mind the position," Micro said. "But can we get up before we continue?"

Scootaloo looked down and saw the position they were in and blushed. She quickly scrambled back up and off him. He stood back up and brushed himself off.

"Thank you." He took a few deep breaths to compose himself and then looked at her. "You just couldn't stop snooping could you."

"What!?" Scoots shouted before pointing at him accusingly. "You're the one who was using their power in the open! If you hadn't shown up in the park I wouldn't have seen anything and-"

"As much a point as she has," Spike said shooting Micro a small glare. The young Gamer looked sheepish. "I think we have other problems to deal with right now."

"Oh yeah. Back to my original question. What the hell is going on!?" Scootaloo was still shouting. Micro sighed and decided to cut through the bs.

"Long story short," he started. "I have weird powers, my life is now a game, and we are now stuck inside a recreation of a horror game."

"Hi...horror game?" Scootaloo stammered. "I...I don't do good with horror!"

The three boys looked at each other and then at Baldi. The strange man was still just staring at them. That was a relief at least. No reaction until they get the second notebook wrong.

"Ok," Micro said as they strategized. "We should split up to get the notebooks. I have…" he does a brief calculation. 10 clones were dungeon diving, one on PS4, one on Switch, one on computer, and one on 3DS. "6 clones available. Spike and Sugar, you should team up since Sugar can't really do much in regards to defense again Baldi."

Sugar looked like he wanted to say something, but then remembered his only form of defense was a metal bat that Micro kept in his inventory for him.

"Makes sense," he muttered.

"I will have one clone go with you as well. Two will split off on their own, three will try to hold Baldi off while I keep Scootaloo safe."

"Wait wait wait wait!" Scootaloo started. "What do you mean clones!? What do you mean keep me safe?! What flipping notebooks!?"

"This game is all about collecting seven notebooks scatter throughout the school," Spike stated. "All the while Baldi will be coming after us."

"Other obstacles include the Principal who will throw us in detention if we are caught running," Sugar said. "The Bully who will steal an item we have on us."

"And then there is the weird hug bot, Sweeping Time who will push you around, the sock puppet who will take you straight to Baldi, and finally Playtime who will make you jump rope with her." Micro finished listing the other enemies. "By the way, bonus objective is not to cut the rope but if it's between that and surviving just do it."

The boys nod while Scootaloo just looks confused.

"Wha...what…" Micro turned to her and saw how truly frightened she was. He gripped her by her shoulders and looked her in the eyes.

"Scootaloo," he said. "I am sorry you got dragged into this. You are right, if I had been more careful, you wouldn't have seen anything. You wouldn't be in this position at all. I promise you I will get you out of this."

Scootaloo looked up at him. She saw something in his eyes. Something that made her trust him. She swallowed hard and nodded.

"Ok. Now then…" Micro set up the party and sent an invite to the other three. They all hit yes, though Scootaloo was caught off guard by it. Micro quickly remembered something and switched his title to Scholar.


The mark of someone very learned in the magical arts.

-Doubles INT growth rate when equipped

-Halves the MP cost of skills when equipped.

He had a feeling he would need all the MP he could get.

"All right then...Kage Bushin no Jutsu!"

A troop of six clones appeared. Scootaloo jumped back in shock as they drew out their billy clubs and took up position. Two in the right hallway, one joined Spike and Sugar beside the left door. Micro pulled Scootaloo with him past Baldi to the middle hall and by the first class room door.

On the desk at the front of the room floated a pink notebook.

"Is...is that one of the things we are supposed to get?" Scootaloo asked.

"Yeah," Micro said. "Nothing happens until the second one though. Though if we were to get one of these basic questions wrong we would trigger him early."

Before Scootaloo could ask he grabbed the notebook. It briefly turned into a strange handheld device and he quickly answered the three basic math problems.

"One down," Micro muttered. "Six to go."

"Are they all that easy?" Scootaloo asked hopefully. Micro looked at her sadly and her hopes sank. "Too much to ask I guess."

"Wow!" Baldi's voice sounded. "You did great! Come here so I can give you a shiny new quarter!"

Micro opened the door and saw a giant pixelated quarter. He casually grabbed it, causing it to shrink to normal size and nodded at the teacher. Scootaloo followed him as he entered the next door.

"What is that for?" Scootaloo asked.

"Either buying soda that can be used to knock Baldi or the others back, Candy to give running stamina, which I don't think applies to us since we can just run, bribe the Bully to move, or it could be used to activate a sound machine to distract the bald bastard." He flipped the quarter to her. "Hold on to this."

They entered and Micro walked up to the next notebook.

"Be prepared to run after this one…" he said before grabbing it. The first two questions were simple, just as he expected. Then the numbers got jumbled, overlapping, nonsensical. He took a deep breath and just hit enter.

The air grew cold. The feeling of dread filled the air. He quickly stowed the notebook in his inventory and he turned toward Scootaloo.

"Time to go!"

They shot out the door and saw Baldi slowly moving toward them, looking angry and smacking his ruler against the palm of his hand. The clones charged him, billy clubs at the ready. Baldi swing his ruler at one and it raised its club in defense. The ruler snapped the weapon in two, causing the clones, Micro, and Scootaloo to look at it in shock. Before the clone refocused, it was struck down.

"You've got to be kidding me," Micro muttered as he and Scoots shot through the doors as the other clones began trying to deflect the strikes to the sides. With a hand sign, another clone was made to going the other two.

MP (600/725)

Scootaloo kept running full speed before she felt Micro grab her arm and pull her to a stop.

"What are you doing?!" Scootaloo yelled. "If we don't get away-"

"If we run haphazardly we will get locked in detention and will be sitting ducks for Baldi."

As if on cue, a 2D picture of a man holding a finger in the air went down the hall past them before disappearing into the cafeteria.

"See what I mean?" He clutched the side of his head and went wide eyed as the clone's memories came back. "Hopefully the other clones understand they have to deflect that ruler rather than block it."

We got another notebook!

Micro nodded upon seeing the message from Spike. With a though, the young genius sent their current total over chat.


Make that four boss!

A clone got another.

Anyone know where Baldi…

Gripping his head again as four clones were dispelled in quick succession.

"I don't know how much use these clones are going to be," he muttered. It seemed like not only was Baldi getting faster in regards to chasing them, he also was getting harder for the clones to keep up with. Quickly making five replacements and splitting them into a group of three and two.

MP (405/725)

"If it keeps him busy," Scootaloo said as they made it to another room.

"True." Micro looked inside and saw another notebook on the table. "You take the notebook. I will guard out here in case he comes by."

"But if he attack you-!"

"He is far away," Micro said. "I just want to be safe."

Scootaloo looked at him and then ran into the room.

Detention! I got five seconds, Spike got ten, and the clone got 15!

"Damn it!" Micro cursed. "Scoots, hold off on the final answer for 10 seconds!"

"Why!?" She asked surprised.

"Spike and Sugar are stuck in detention. The more notebooks we get, the faster he moves. We want them to have enough time to…"


Micro turned just in time to see a large push broom slam into him and begin pushing him away from the room.

"Micro!" Scootaloo shouted.

"Be careful!" He called back. "Finish the book! I will find you!"

Micro hoped she heard him before he was shoved round a corner. It was still a few seconds before the broom stopped, by which point he was far away from Scoots.

Scootaloo are you ok!

It was a few moments before he got a response.

I'm fine. Stuck in jump rope

He sighed.

Ok, where are you? I will try and…

The sound of smacking sounded around him. He turned and saw Baldi coming towards him rapidly. Micro raised his hand and began firing Magic Arrows rapidly.

Magic Arrow (LV7)

Active (MP Cost ? Min 5)

Create a bolt of pure magic that shoots through the air. The amount of magic poured into it is up to the caster. The more magic, the more damage

Baldi raised his ruler and began batting the arrows away as the Gamer backed up.

'This might be a good thing,' he though as he made sure to move back at a pace just above Baldi's. 'If I can keep him focused on me…'

He backed away past a side hallway and rounded another corner. Moving a few spaces away, he waited for the teacher to follow. A few smacks later, and it sounded...like they were moving away?

With immense caution, Micro crept toward the corner. Not seeing him, the Gamer looked down the side hall and saw Baldi moving away.

'But I'm the closest. Why would he…?'

Two messages came through party chat then.

Sixth notebook secure boss

I was running from se weird green machine and got caught. 20 second detention!

Micro saw the message from Scootaloo and cursed. He ran after Baldi, using Blink to close the distance as much as possible.

"No ITeM, nO pASsss."

Bully showed up in front of him. He growled and looked through his inventory for candy. Pulling out his last purple lollipop, he dissolved the bully and began running.

I can hear him and o still have 10 seconds left!

'I won't make it like this!' Micro shouted at himself. 'How can I-'

His answer came in the form of a 2D man appearing in a side hallway.


'What can I do?! What can I do!?'

Scootaloo was panicking. The smacking was so close now and she had five seconds left.

'I should've left well enough alone! Why did I have to snoop?!'

Right as her time ran out, Baldi stepped into the room. She fell back on her rear and began scooting away. The man drew closer, frown on his face and ruler smacking hard.

"No...NO!" Scootaloo screamed as her back hit the wall. She covered her head right as the teacher brought the ruler down.


The clinking of chains was heard as Scootaloo waited for the ruler to connect...it never did. She looked up and saw Baldi struggling to pull his ruler arm free from the chains that were now wrapped around it.

"You just going to sit there or are you going to move!?"

Behind Baldi was Micro. Blue flames flickered around him and a tall thin man in a red suit. The chains connected to the man and Micro held the other end in his hand. They were straining to hold Baldi's arm still. Scootaloo got to her feet and ran around the insane teacher.

"Let's go!" She said as she tried to pull Micro through the doors. He pulled his arm free.

"I have 25 seconds in here," he said. "If we had the keys that would be one thing but…"

"I'm not leaving-"

"I can hold him here. Just try to get the last notebook and get to the entrance."

"But I-"

Micro felt the chains slack in his hands and turned to see Baldi stopped trying to free himself. Instead he was moving towards them. Micro growled and shoved Scootaloo out of the room as Arsene used his wings to block the ruler. A grunt escaped Micro's mouth as his Persona was damaged.

"Eiha!" He yelled and shadowy tendrils shot out of the ground, sending Baldi back.

15 Seconds

Baldi shifted forward and Micro raised his hand. A machine gun burst of Magic Arrows flew toward the teacher, some were deflected, others found their target...for what little they did. The teacher brought the ruler down again and Arsene grabbed it. A scream erupted from both the Persona and Micro as the blue flames rose up again and consumed the Persona.

5 Seconds

Micro collapsed against the door. He was breathing heavily as he looked up at Baldi. It was hard to tell, but the teacher looked amused. The ruler was raised high into the air and was about to come down…

When a sharp noise pierced the air. Baldi stepped back and seemed distracted by the noise, as if he couldn't decide whether to pursue the sound or finish Micro.

0 Seconds

Micro didn't hesitate and shot out of the room. He heard the slapping behind him resume and didn't bother looking back to see if he was the one being followed. With a turn, he bolted down the longest hallway in the school. Scootaloo was at the end waving him on. The young Gamer poured on the speed just as the world around them turned blood red.

"Congratulations!" Baldi called out behind him. "You've found all seven notebooks! Now all you need to do is GET OUT WHILE YOU STILL CAN!!!"

He was so close to the end of the hall. Was he seriously going to lose this closer to the end?

"Duck Micro!" Scootaloo shouted. Micro did so instantly, sliding under a blue cloud just seconds before Baldi's ruler came down on him. The cloud shoved Baldi toward the opposite end of the hallway and showed no signs of stopping. Micro looked up to see Scootaloo throwing a can of soda to the side. "It's a good thing you told me about these things. Let's go!"

Micro smirked at her as they ran for it. They reached an intersection and Scootaloo panicked, looking both ways.

"Which way do we go!?" The slapping behind them resumed, telling them that Baldi had freed himself. Micro was about to dart down the one hall, when suddenly a sock puppet entered that direction. It looked at them and seemed to grow angry.

"Not that way!" They shot down the other direction with the puppet in pursuit. They had to continue running, the slapping continued to grow closer. Panic began welling up, especially when they saw the principal coming after them. If they got thrown in detention now…

"This way!"

Spike was holding the double doors open. They could see Sugar waiting by the exit. Smiling, Micro and Scootaloo poured on the speed as much as possible. Bursting through the doors, Spike joined them and as a group, the four exited the schoolhouse.

In a burst of light, the low graphic building faded from existence.

"Why does everything hurt?" Sugar questioned.

"I feel like I just sprinted a mile," Scootaloo moaned

"We probably did," Micro responded.

"What do we do now?" Spike asked. They group looked at each other and all came to a silent agreement.

"Sugar Cube Corner."

The group left the bathroom, the boys making sure no one was in the hall before Scootaloo came out. The last thing they needed was someone seeing them and spreading rumors about the four of them.

After they exited, the door to one of the stalls creaked open and a half naked Frida leaned out.

"What do you think that was about my love?" She asked. Zecora didn't respond with anything more than a moan, causing Frida to roll her eyes. "Oh fine! We will discuss it after I'm done with you."

Quest Complete!

Quest Alert!

Baldi's Basics

-You are stuck in Baldi's school and need to escape

-Find the seven scattered notebooks

-Make your way safely to the exit

Quest Reward

-$5000 each survivor (4x5000=20000)

-2500 exp to each survivor

-New Weapon

Bonus Objective

-Don't cut Playtime's jump rope (CHA Increase to anyone caught by her) (Micro +2 CHA)

Micro gained 2 levels

Spike gained 1 level

Sugar gained 3 levels

Scootaloo gained 3 levels

{Written by Twistedphoenix1}

{Edited by SpedaHooves/KenKanekiTheCat/Me}

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