
B Rank Adventurer: Note

We entered the guild hall and immediately all eyes were on us as now instead of one mysterious masked adventurer, there were 2.

"Oy Rez, what's with the twin? You starting a cult or something?" A loud voice rang out that belonged to the one and only Marno, from when I first became an adventurer.

"Marno, it's good to see you." I said as I held out my hand and he reached his out to shake it with a big smile on his face.

"You too Rez. Been a while, I haven't seen you since the tournament." I nod my head in understanding.

"Yes, it's definitely been awhile. But as for your question this here is my new protégée, I'm here to get him all signed up and become an adventurer." I said as I placed my hand on top of Arthur's head, to which he tried to shove it off. Marno and his group chuckled, as he elbowed his friend.

"Hey, maybe I should make sure this runt is up to snuff. Wouldn't want somebody ruining your reputation, especially with that school you're building. Oh ya about that, let me know if you ever need some muscle, or a guard for the school. You know I won't let anyone mess with the kids, especially if they're trying to learn." Marno's face grew serious with ending of his words and knew he wasn't joking. Marno has been doing more for the youth of Xyrus than me, and it was the perfect opportunity.

"That would be great Marno, to both things! The kids seeing a familiar face every day or at least regularly would go a long way, and how could I ever say to no to getting to see you fly around like a rag doll haha." His smile turned to a frown as his party members laughed at his expense.

"C'mon Rez, you were a deceiving little guy back then. Bah! But I'll still check your little student out if you want." I shake my head in the negative.

"No Marno, that's alright. My friend here wants to keep his abilities hidden, so me and Ms. Flamesworth are just going to sponsor him and have them give him B rank." All their eyes widen and they look at Arthur with more approval now.

"To be sponsored by a S rank and a AA rank adventurer is big stuff there. He's got a lot to live up to." I nod my head and bid them farewell as we reach the receptionist desk.

"Hello, how may I help you?" Jasmine was the one to take the lead this time.

"Me and Rez are sponsoring this adventurer, and request that he be given B rank and no test." The receptionist looked dazed for a second before asking one of the neighboring receptionists if she could even do such a thing.

"Uhm, okay since both you and Rez are sponsoring him that's fine. I just need his name and his mage type." She pulled out a piece of paper and prepared to start writing.

"Note, Augmenter." Was his response and she quickly wrote it down before disappearing to the back. Moments later she returned with a B rank adventurer card with his name on it.

"Thank you for adventuring, and come back safely." She said in goodbye and we waved as we left. Exiting the guild hall we make our way to the gate square where the Beast Glades gate is located.

"So what are we going to be doing?" Arthur asked as we all walked to the gate.

Jasmine looked to me and was basically asking a question to which I just nodded.

"Dungeon-Exploring." She had a smile on her face and though I couldn't see Arthur's, some excitement radiated off of him. We passed through the gate after showing our guild cards and Arthur gasped upon seeing the massive trees that signified the Beast Glades. They weren't as tall as the Elf forest trees but they were thicker with lots of underbrush. It had a different appeal than the Elf one.

"Wow." Arthur said as he looked back and forth before Sylvie took off.

"Hey! Wait, Sylvie." But she was full speed ahead into the glades and I just patted Arthur's shoulder.

"She'll be okay, besides you can still feel her connection can't you?" He nods to that and I give one final pat on the shoulder.

"Which dungeon do you want to go to?" Jasmine asks.

"How about a new one?" I suggest, gaining a nod from Jasmine as well as Arthur, though he was just sort of following us.

"Very well, there is one I know of that I haven't entered yet. Do we want to post a message through the guild for help?" Arthur just looks between me and Jasmine, but she just stares at me.

"This is Arthur's journey, but if you think we can handle it then it would be more beneficial for just us." I think it over, and I only remember one strong mana signature in the dungeon so I nod.

"We should be fine. Alright I'll go slow so try to keep up. All 3 of us being wind mana users allowed us all to will it to our feet and we took off running towards the A rank zone of the beast glades. Arthur was having trouble keeping up, so I slowed my pace down a little. At this rate it will take us about 5 hours to reach the dungeon, so we will be able to enter just before sundown.

"So Note, what's your plan for this journey?" He picked his head up to look at me while we continued running and in between huffs he responded.

"Well, I was planning to focus purely on my swordsmanship to get it to my ideal level. I'll only be using mana to strengthen my body." I nod as we run but I turn my head slightly towards him.

"That's dumb." He almost stumbles, but catches himself.

"Wha-? Why?" He asks in confusion.

"Because so much of our core progresses through using magic in our battles, it helps us gain insights into our magic in situations you can't get while meditating. I'm fine with you restricting yourself on your elements as it would be hard to perfect each element. However if you want to only use the sword I won't stop you, you will just have to practice conjurer like abilities in our off time." He looks back down to run as he thinks about what I said and I can fee Jasmine's gaze on me.

"Very well, I will focus on water and fire while adventuring and when I go to the academy I'll use wind and earth."

"Good, but in our downtime wind and earth will be what you train your conjurer abilities on. No need to let them fall behind. Jasmine and me can help you get your swordplay where you want it to be. Lucky for you I'm a master of multiple weapons, so I can provide a range spars." They both look to me strangely.

"What weapons have you mastered?" Arthur asks and I can see Jasmine strain to make sure not to miss it.

"Katana, Bo staff, and Kukris." Jasmine looks confuse so I draw the blades at my lower back.

"Kukris?" Arthur asks and Jasmine looks even more confused and I just laugh.

"Don't worry I'll tell you about them another time." I said waving off their potential questions.

"Alright enough talking, lets pick up the pace so we can get there quicker." They both nod and I feel the mana they fuel to their feet increase, I also use my mana to get rid of the draft pushing against each of us. Several hours later and we finally made it to the dungeon, it wasn't on any maps I could find and the next nearest dungeon was 5 hours away for the average adventurer.

"Here we are, check your stuff before we go in." I say to both of them and after a quick check and tightening of belts and laces we head in. Like most dungeons it's a cave style, with stalactites hanging from the ceiling. Arthur takes lead while I conjure a a light for us as we go deeper into the dungeon.

Our first enemy that appeared, made goosebumps for my flesh and I almost immediately turned around and left. Only that would completely ruin my reputation even if it's only with these 2. The damnable mana beast was a Widow's Weaver, a Great Dane sized spider. Arthur and Jasmine didn't seem to have the same reservations about engaging the abominations and I was happy to let them.

I had of course come across spider like mana beasts before, but I was always by myself and a small forest fire layer there were no more spiders to be seen. To say I was on edge would be an understatement, every fall of rocks or shadow flickering caused me to ready my mana in case I needed to cleanse this cave. Arthur was channeling Fire into his sword and I couldn't help but cheer the fire on, not Arthur, the fire.

His sword sliced through a leg of the beast and the fire stayed burning the nasty, ugly hairs on its leg and I could feel joy rising up inside me. I was too preoccupied that I didn't notice a Fuzzy legged monstrosity until it was already on me. My whole body went rigid, and my head slowly turned to see it crawling on my shoulder. I knew instantly that it was one of the few non venomous spider mana beasts, that plenty of people keep for pet.

However to me I could only the reaper preparing to send me to my 3rd life. With my mind not thinking straight instead of just covering my body in fire mana, I swatted it away with all my strength where it impacted the wall like a bug getting smushed underneath a shoe. It was definitely already dead, my mind knew that, but that didn't stop me from sending a couple fireballs it's way to make sure. When I was down I huffed out some air I didn't know I had been holding and adjusted my clothes.

Turning back towards my companions I see them staring at me in confusion.

"Ah sorry, mana beast on the wall there. Haha" Neither seemed to have actually seen what happened so they just shrug it off and we continue forward. Thankfully I could feel ourselves getting closer to the end, only a room or 2 more. However the next thing I saw sent my whole body into burn it to the ground mode as hundreds of shin high spiders came pouring out of wholes in the walls.

This time I had a bit more control over my actions, and I just started lighting them all on fire. My bright blue flame roasted the demons to a crisp and Jasmine and Arthur just watched my rampage as I killed each and every spider. Waves of flames poured from my hands and went into holes the spiders had come from. 10 minutes later and I no longer heard the squeals of pain as they died, was when I finally stopped channeling fire mana into tunnels.

I feel 2 hands weigh heavily on my shoulders and if I hadn't just annihilated the devil spawn for 10 minutes they might have ended up with fire balls to the face, but I realized it was Jasmine and Arthur.

"The great Rez is scared of spiders~?" Arthur teased and I turned around ominously with an aura spreading around me as I glared at Arthur.

"Yes, and unless you won't to become a roasted splatter on the wall yourself, it will never leave this cave. Now come on I want to leave here as soon as possible." He and Jasmine shared a chuckle as they followed behind me, I was stomping and fire was bursting off with each step. We entered the dungeon boss room to find a bus sized tarantula like spider. I channeled my flames into both hands as me and the spider stared each other down.

It could smell it's dead young clinging on to me and it's eyes turned red in rage and it screeched. My flames surged, but then I retracted them and channeled it into thousands of mana strings that slashed out. A thousand whips of fire lashed out and cut, slash, sliced and finally charred until there were only little bitty pieces of spider left. Then using wind and fire magic in conjecture I incinerated the remaining pieces.

One last huff I looked around the room to find it completely cleansed of spiders.

"Don't worry guys, I killed it. Lets loot up and get the hell out of here." I headed for the treasure trove, and ignored the giggles from my travel companions as they joined me.


Author's Note

This dungeon was obviously not that serious, but there will be at least 2 serious dungeon that they will fight in together with other adventurers. I just wanted to get the adventure started. As for the Kukris, those will be explained in the next chapter as it will be a flashback. The chapter after the flash back will have time skipped a few months before we take on the next dungeon.

Hope everyone enjoyed the arachnophobia dungeon. I really do hate spider IRL as well, so I don't think I quite got across how much I hate them. I've hated spiders ever since I was a kid because of one time.

Mini story time:

So 5-6 or 7 year old SocioPhobia was taking bath and then out of the corner of his eye he spots a a huge fast moving brown thing. Turning his head he and the thing lock eyes and he feels absolute dread shoot through him. It's a Huntsmen Spider!

Sensing the fear in its prey, it starts hopping toward the bathing adolescent at speeds no spider should be able to. It relished in the screams of for help coming from SocioPhobia, but thankfully for the boy his savior appeared and killed the spider.

And they all lived happily ever after.

The End.

Thanks for reading.


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