
You're Safe

Whilst Atlantis was deep in his coma, so was Lina. The two had been unconscious for more than a day now, worrying everyone around them.

"You're horrible," the Queen instantly said to her husband the second she heard of what happened. "Under my own roof, as well!"

"My sweet, if I had told you my plan, you wouldn't have approved of it," the King gently coaxed his wife, grabbing her and pulling her into his gentle embrace. He was worried she was standing for far too long. Ever since the birth of their children, she had never been able to walk the same. The doctors said she could never run. That was more than ten years ago. The truth remained.

Adeline, in all her beauty and grace, would never be able to run again. Her walking improved and so had her endurance. She could stand for longer periods of time, but her knees would eventually wobble, and she'd collapse without warning. 

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