

That night, Kaden and Lina cuddled for the longest time. They talked about their future with or without children, their dreams, the weather, tomorrow's meals, their schedule, and everything that could be talked about. Kaden held her for the longest time, ignoring how quickly his arm fell asleep. He didn't mind not feeling his limbs anymore. Soon, her eyelids grew heavy and she slept. He watched over her the entire night.

Kaden didn't sleep a wink. He was worried. Terrified, even, that he'd wake up and she would be gone—stolen right under his nose. Atlas, the morning light flashed over them.

Kaden pretended to sleep and wake up at the same time as her, for he knew she'd get concerned about his lack of sleep. The pair refreshed themselves together, with small banter and nudges in the bathroom, then began their morning.

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