

Lina crumpled the letter in her hand. She gritted her teeth, walked downstairs to the stove, and turned on the flames. But then, she stopped. In her moment of anger, she nearly burned evidence of harassment. Wordlessly, she unraveled the letter, went upstairs to their bedroom and placed it under her jewelry box. Maybe, one day, she'd use it.

Beware of those who love you. 

Six words. Six damn words and it cut so deep.

Lina already knew that. She already knew she had to  be wise in putting her trust in those that claimed to adore her, for they only wanted to exploit her. She knew this applied to Lawrence and Rina. All along, she thought she was pleasing them by behaving like their perfect puppet. But that wasn't enough. It would never be enough. They wanted to live their youth through her. They wanted her to remain obedient. A pretty bird in their porcelain cage.

"Do you hate your jewelry that much?" A low voice coaxed.

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