

Days passed in the hospital and Lina was beginning to recover. She rested in the hospital for two more weeks for physical therapy. By a miracle, she didn't suffer any internal injuries. However, she did need to warm up her body to begin moving regularly again. 

On the last day of the treatment, Lawrence, her grandfather, finally forced his way into the hospital room. 

"Bah! Out of my way," Lawrence grumbled, waving his cane at the foolish bodyguards.

The DeHaven bodyguards were already detained by the Yangs, but Lawrence still made a big deal. He even whacked one of them on the head and another on the leg. The man was old, but still packed a mean hit. They had buckled and groaned in pain, not expecting such a harsh beating.

"Grandfather," Lina muttered.

Lawrence paused. She never used this desolate tone with him before. 

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