

I looked at the time as I was finishing up work for today. A week had passed since I found out that the vessels of the Primordial Beings would gather and tonight was the time when we would meet up.

"An enemy that requires the vessels to team up and fight. And then the Primordial Dark warned you about Omegaɑ. I don't think it's just a coincidence", Anya said.

"There's one thing that's bothering me. If Yagoo is trying to gather all the vessels of the Primordial Beings, then how come Yogiri wasn't informed?" I asked.

I already asked Yogiri whether someone told her to go somewhere but she only looked at me in confusion.

"Maybe Yagoo didn't know that she's the Primordial Light. And it's better that way", Anya said.

"What do you mean?"

"The Unkindness has eyes and ears everywhere. I'm sure an event like this will get their attention and if they find out that Yogiri is the Primordial Light, they'll piece things together and target her."

"That's something I definitely don't want."

"In any case, the meeting is later at the headquarters of Yagoo's company, right?"

"Yeah. I should be prepared to take on really strong enemies. If an enemy managed to make the Primordial Beings gather and prepare, they must be stronger than any of the enemies I fought."

"Definitely. And with you having little control over the Primordial Dark, you're at a huge disadvantage."

I sighed as I agreed with what Anya said. While my companions in the future fight were powerful vessels of Primordial Beings, that only meant that I would get in their way if I wasn't in their level. At the very least, I should try to not be a dead weight.

After finishing up work, I headed straight to Dream Records Corporation, Yagoo's company that focused on producing music. I should've noticed that the name of his company was a hint to him being a vessel of the Primordial Dream.

I went to the receptionist and told her that I was going to meet Yagoo. She gave me directions to the meeting room and it didn't take long until I arrived in front of its door.

Cold sweat ran down my face as I felt the tremendous power behind the door. Each and everyone there were creatures who host a powerful being inside them. And the moment I would open this door, I would be involved in the hardest fight I would ever have.

I gathered my nerves and opened the door.

And I felt the stares of the seven people in the room.

The first person I immediately recognized was a purple-haired woman. She was one of my companions back when I lost my memories.

"Hey there, Moona", I greeted her.

"I actually hoped our next meeting would be in a more casual situation instead of like this", she replied.

"So he's a new vessel, huh? Why would the Primordial Dark give a contract to him?" a gray-haired girl in a purple witch's outfit asked.

"Shishiron told me about him. He seems to have a decent control over darkness and won the Idol Fan Tournament", a blue-haired elf said.

"I would make a joke about him being the vessel of the Primordial Dark but… I don't think DARK jokes are appropriate here", a black-haired girl carrying a book grinned.

"Oh come on, Ina! Why?!" Gura shouted.

"It's not even an hour yet and you already made a joke like that", Calliope groaned.

"Please don't make jokes like that. Haachama is laughing loudly", Haato added.

But the black-haired girl chuckled while everyone else sighed.

"In any case, who are you?" the gray-haired girl asked.

"I'm Mikage Kamishiro, the vessel of the Primordial Dark", I answered.

"Hey, Shion. Don't you think it's rude to ask for a name before introducing yourself?" the blue-haired girl asked.

"Ack… I'm Shion Murasaki, the vessel of the Primordial Magic", she introduced herself as several glowing magic circles appeared around her.

I looked at the blue-haired elf and she smiled at me.

"My name is Lamy Yukihana, the vessel of the Primordial Ice", she said.

"If we're giving introductions, then I should do so too! I'm Ina'nis Ninomae, the wielder of the Primordial Knowledge's vessel! Just call me Ina!" the black-haired girl winked at me.

"Wielder?" I asked.

"My body is not the vessel but instead, it's this book, AO-chan!" Ina showed me a purple book.

I remembered that Primordial Beings could take nonliving things as vessels and even buildings like what the Primordial Memory did.

The door opened and a black-haired man in a suit and a blue-haired girl in a gray outfit entered.

"So the one who gathered us has arrived. What do you want, old man?" Shion asked Yagoo.

"No. There's one more person missing. I tried to invite all of the vessels but only nine responded to this emergency. She'll arrive soon", he answered.

As if on cue, we heard footsteps thundering down the hallway. And my eyes widened when I saw who the last vessel was.

A blonde girl entered the room. She was wearing a brown coat and hat that I already saw a million times. After all, that girl was my dear friend.

"Sorry I'm late, Yagoo. It took me some time to settle things with a client", Amelia said.

"A-Amelia?! What are you doing here?!" I asked.

"Why? Because I'm a wielder of a Primordial Being too", she said as she showed me a pocketwatch.

"A wielder?"

"That's right. I'm Amelia Watson, the great detective of Westa. I'm also the wielder of the Primordial Time's vessel."

Amelia was a wielder? And the Primordial Time?? What kind of revelation was that?!

"If Mikage was surprised, then we can safely say that time often gives surprising things", Ina said.

"Uggh… Is that even considered as a joke, Ina?" Amelia groaned.

"Nice to see you again, Ame!" Ina grinned.

"Ame! It's been some time since we last saw each other!" Gura beamed.

"I've heard about you from the dead people. They often tell me how you helped put their souls to rest because you gave them justice. Good work as always, Ame", Calliope smiled.

"Maybe we should eat at KFP together after this. We have lots of catching up to do", Amelia replied.

"We have all the TIME in the world while talking about what we KNOW and we won't worry about getting thirsty because we have WATER and we can hang around until DEATH stops us", Ina grinned.

Amelia, Gura, and Calliope groaned.

Yagoo cleared his throat and everyone's attention was focused on him.

"I'll cut straight to the point and tell you why I gathered all of you here", he said.

The atmosphere in the room changed as everyone tensed up. Yagoo's invitation told me that an enemy only the Primordial Beings can stop would appear. I already knew how powerful the vessels of the Primordial Beings could be so I was worried as to what enemy we could be facing.

"Do you guys know the Council?" he asked.

Everyone looked at each other to see if somebody knew but almost all of us were confused… except for Ina who glanced at her book.

"Yes. So they are our enemies this time, huh?" Ina asked.

"Do you know them, Ina?" Gura looked at her.

"Of course! I have a contract with the Primordial Knowledge's vessel. Whatever knowledge that exists in this world, I know it."

"Then I'll leave the explaining to you, Ina'nis", Yagoo said.

"For now, try talking to the Primordial Beings and mention the Council. You will feel hostility", Ina instructed.

I didn't bother doing it because the Primordial Dark wouldn't talk to me but the faces of the other vessels became serious.

"Why is that?" Calliope asked.

"Because they are our, or to be more specific, the wardens of the Primordial Beings", Ina answered.

"Wardens? They can stop us if they want to?" Lamy asked.

"The Primordial Beings are more powerful than the Council. However, they cannot exist in this place unless they take a vessel and when they do, their powers aren't even a fraction of what they had."

"So that makes the Council dangerous. So what do you mean by "wardens?" Why are the Primordial Beings hostile to them?" Shion asked.

"Because they will stop the Primordial Beings if they ever do something they don't want. For example, they would kill vessels who are too dangerous to be alive."

"And their definition of "dangerous" is not something we would agree with, right?" Amelia asked.


"And tonight, they have a new target. As the Primordial Dream, I have the ability to accurately predict the future using prophetic dreams. And I consulted with Suisei and her star fortune telling and she agreed that the Council is targeting a new person", Yagoo said.

"And who is the unfortunate soul?" I asked.

Ina had a troubled look after taking a glance at her book. She couldn't make eye contact with me.

Ah… Seriously?

"Mikage… From Yagoo's dreams and my fortune telling, the Council is after you", Suisei said.

Just what I needed: a bunch of powerful beings who could defeat the vessels of literal gods going after me.

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