
Chapter 19: Bravery

Setting: Mumbai city, Lokhandwala, Star Tower Apartments

Day: Sunday(14th February 2021)

(Ranveer opens his eyes and sits on the bed)

Ranveer (Thinking): It's morning already?

(Ranveer checks his watch)

Ranveer (Thinking): There is still an hour before I start with the training!

(Ranveer lies back down on the bed but he isn't able to sleep)

Ranveer (Thinking): Damn it! I am not able to sleep!

(Ranveer gets up and sits on the couch)

Ranveer (Thinking): I guess I'll be awake till the girl's wake up. Speaking of them recently all three of them have been improving a lot in their training. Sara's talent in hand to hand combat has exceeded my expectations. She's become stronger than before, she might even be able to beat me and she's also been working hard in using the knives, her shooting has improved too. Samaira has the best aim, her aim is even better than mine, in the beginning, she was too afraid to even kill a zombie but by ordering her to snipe, zombies, she has been able to get over her fear, she's not that good in hand to hand combat but she is strong enough to take care of herself, I just hope her timidness doesn't put her in any trouble. Sana was already talented in rapid firing and dual-wielding guns, her hand to hand combat skills are good too but recently...she's been acting differently. Normally whenever she would've seen me, she would look into my eyes with anger and disgust but nowadays she doesn't even look in my direction. I've also noticed she looks at me when I am not looking towards her. Did Samaira tell her about that night?! No! That can't be, I mean, I even threatened her! Maybe she heard us talking that night? No that can't be either. That time she had long gone to bed. Just thinking about it is making my head hurt...forget it!! Whatever the reason may be!!!

(Ranveer still thinking closes his eyes and falls asleep)

(The girls come out of the room and look at Ranveer sleeping on the couch while sitting with his arms crossed)

Samaira (Whispering): Should we walk him up?

Sara (Whispering): I guess we should. Isn't this the first time he has overslept like this?

Sana (Whispering): Yeah you're right! Normally he would be awake before us!

Sara (Whispering): Anyway let's wake him up. Otherwise, who will train us?

Samaira (Whispering): You're right! Sana wake him up!

Sana (Whispering): Why do I have to wake him up?

Samaira (Whispering): Well I am scared that he might get angry at me.

(Sana looks towards Sara)

Sara (Whispering): I might not look it but I am also a bit scared of him.

Sana (Whispering): Seriously?!

Sara (Whispering): Please just do it!

Sana (Whispering): Fine!

(Sana starts to reach her hand out to wake up Ranveer)

(She's about to touch Ranveer's face, suddenly Ranveer grabs Sana's hand)

(Ranveer wakes up and looks towards Sana)

(Sana gets a bit shocked)

Ranveer: Were you trying to kill me in my sleep?

Sana (Nervously): If I wanted to kill you, it would be face to face.

(Sana bites her tongue while talking)

Everybody (Thinking): She bit her tongue!

(Ranveer gets up)

Ranveer: Today there is no training!

Sara: What do you mean?

Ranveer: What I mean is we've run out of supplies. So we are gonna go out and get them.

Samaira (Shocked): Are you saying we will go down and get supplies and then come back!

Ranveer: Well no! we are going to leave this building and leave for the sea link.

Sara: Isn't it a bit early?!

Sana: She's right!

Ranveer: I know what you're thinking but we've no other choice! We've run out of supplies and I am not stupid enough to come back here when I know we have a chance to escape this place, this zombie-infested city!

(The girls start to think)

Samaira: But what if we fail?

(Sara and Sana look towards Ranveer)

Ranveer: Then I guess all of us will die!

Sana: But if we don't do this, then we will die of hunger, right?

Ranveer: Exactly!

Sara: Alright! I am in. Let's do this!

(Ranveer looks at Sara)

Samaira: Fine! I am in too!

(Ranveer looks at Samaira)

Sana: You guys don't need to ask me twice!

(Ranveer looks at Sana)

(Ranveer smiles)

Ranveer: I guess then it's time. Everybody get ready, we leave in 10 minutes.

(Ranveer is about to go in the washroom to change his clothes)

Sana: Wait!

Ranveer: What?

Sara: I think you're forgetting something...

Ranveer: And what might that be?

Samaira: Clothes! Except for the clothes we are wearing right now, we don't have any other clothes other than the ones we are wearing right now.

Ranveer: Listen I know it might be uncomfortable now but just bear it for some time because once we are out you can get all the clothes you want.

Sana: He's not wrong you know, because of the situation right now no one can stop us from entering any store we want.

Samaira: Alright!

Sara: But we still need shoes!

Ranveer: Don't worry about that. You three can wear some of my shoes.

Sara: But wouldn't they be big for our feet.

Ranveer: Just put them on.

(Ranveer gives the girls his shoes)

(The girls wear the shoes)

Sana: The shoe is a size bigger.

Sara: You're right!

Samaira: Even so we will be able to move in these freely.

Sana: You're right the shoes are not so big that they will hinder our steps.

Sara: I guess you're right!

(Ranveer wears his jacket and utility belt)

(Ranveer gets utility belts and bags for the girls )

Ranveer: Take this! Keep your weapons in this and keep all the essentials in the bag.

(The girls listen to Ranveer and start to keep guns, ammo and knives in the utility belt and start to put water bottles in the bag)

Ranveer: Alright! stick your hands out!

Sara: Why?

Ranveer: Because I am going to wrap this around your wrists.

(Ranveer shows the magazines in his hand)

Samaira: Magazines?

Sana: They will help you to block a zombies bite!

Samaira: Really!

Sana: Yes!

Ranveer: Well I am going to wrap them around your wrists now.

(Ranveer starts to wrap the magazines on Sara's wrists)

Sara: Do you think this will work?

Ranveer: It has to! Otherwise, you'll fail to get your revenge and I'll fail as well.

Sara (Thinking): What does he mean by he'll fail?

(Ranveer goes towards Samaira to wrap the magazines around her wrist)

Ranveer: You're scared, aren't you?

Samaira: Of course I am. I mean might die.

Ranveer: You're right. We might all die but if we don't try then we die either way.

Samaira: I am not as brave as you are.

(Ranveer smiles)

Ranveer: Brave?! You think I am brave?

Samaira: I mean you have to be, right? You killed fully armed people and also ran through a horde of zombies.

Ranveer: I did not run through them because I was brave. I ran through them because I was scared, I ran because I am a coward, I survive because I am a coward and the thing I am afraid of most is losing my freedom to this apocalypse or whatever this is! So you're wrong if you think you have to be brave.

(Samaira looks at Ranveer)

Ranveer: All done!

Samaira (Thinking): He was not scary at all. He was kinda gentle actually.

(Ranveer goes towards Sana to wrap the magazines around her wrists)

Ranveer: Recently you've been acting differently.

(Sana gets a bit embarrassed)

Sana: What are you talking about?

(Ranveer looks at her)

Ranveer: Nothing! Maybe it's just my imagination. I am aware that you wanna kill me but right now we've gotta work together.

(Sana continuously looks at Ranveer)

Ranveer: Alright I am done!

(Ranveer picks up his bag)

Ranveer: Let's go!

(Ranveer starts walking towards the front door)

Ranveer: Oh! I almost forgot.

(Ranveer removes the car keys from the key holder)

Ranveer: Samaira did you take the sniper rifle and its ammunition.

Samaira: Yeah!

Ranveer (Thinking): I've my sword with me too. I guess we should leave.

(Ranveer opens the door and checks if anyone is outside. Ranveer takes a step outside the front door and Sana, Samaira and Sara follow him outside with caution and with their weapons in their hands)

Ranveer: Let's go!

To Be Continued...

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