
Chapter 120 ─ The Power of Illusions

-15 minutes ago-

Fahren and Randy watched the Luxor ship being attacked by the twilight saint.

Randy asked him what he was thinking about because of his stare at the ship.

"What's the matter, Fahren?"

"Don't you think it's funny?"

"What think? The twilight saint here? Or that thing in the sky?"

"All of that."

"I have a strange feeling. But most of all, the reason for that man to have left his position as watchdog."

"It's too weird. Too suspicious."

"What do you think that means, Fahren?"

Fahren didn't know what to answer so he was silent briefly. After a while of waiting, he said.

"The palace knows something we don't. I can't guarantee it, but there is no doubt about it."

"That man's presence here is proof they are trying to hide something."

"I don't think the palace would try to hide something like that. But it would make sense."

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