
New Job offer

Gilchrist woke up in a tastefully decorated and well lit room. It reminded him of the officers mess of the Grenadier Guards in London. Class and opulence without being tacky.

He realized, much to his dismay, that he was sprawled out on the floor, like a philistine. And he was drooling! His years of military service and training would never let him live this down.

Gilchrist quickly got up wiped his mouth with the back of his left hand. Straightened himself out. Overall made himself presentable, not for anyone but himself.

He continued to look around at the layout of the chamber he was in. Room isn't exactly the right word. And hall would not be quite right. The way the furniture was laid out and the immaculate decor, made this feel like a reception and waiting area.

Noticing that he was standing towards the back of the chamber. Directly in front of the entrance. He proceeded to the stained oak desk. On closed inspection, the fest was mahogany with inlaid marquetry and engravings. It would make any antique collector have a heart attack. He was no expert but he could tell just by the furnishings and accoutrements that this particular piece was mid-Renaissance. And probably that of a well-off merchant.

The engravings showed scenes of travel, on land by foot, horseback and carriage, and sea, in mighty shipping vessels. Scenes of trade and dealings. But the most wonderful thing was the smell. The smell of well cared for wood, with natural oils. Smells of spices such and black cardamom, cloves and star anise. And hints of a wonderful musk that could only be Agarwood.

As he was admiring the reception desk. A door to his left opened. There was only a click of the handle mechanism. The door swung open and in walked a tall, svelte man. The door he opened was the left one, from his perspective, of the double-French doors leading to the balcony. As he walked in he put a churchwarden pipe on a pipe rest on a small shelf beside the door.

What Gilchrist saw out of the glass of the doors was a wonderful, beautiful and wrong scenery. The rolling hills and the snow-capped mountains below. The fields of flowers and grasses swaying in the breeze. The streams collecting into a lake and a river flowing from it. The clouds that looked like the softest cotton and the coziest wool. The sky which called to the deepest depths of his heart, to go out and find adventure.

But the colours were all wrong. The Sky was in different shades of red. From the brightest scarlet above to the deepest burgundy on the horizon. The water was a sapphire blue that reminded him of pure Curaçao. The clouds were black. They emanated a weight and presence of oppression and despair. Sapping at your will. The grasses were green, too green like an unblemished emerald, cut and polished to be the magnum opus of the craftsman's life. The flowers were every colour imaginable. Some colours Gilchrist could not comprehend. Others were so vivid that they invoked a plethora of emotions.

Snapping out of his stupor. Gilchrist turned to the man who walked in. "Hello, I am Captain Gilchrist."

Stated Gilchrist, not knowing what else to say.

The man who walked in looked at Gilchrist like one looks at a mutt who shat on a hand-made silk rug.

"Afternoon Captain Gilchrist. I am Belial. Personal assistant to Lord Samael. Welcome to Hell." After announcing the introduction and welcome. Belial smirked as if there was a joke only he understood.

"Hell, I've already been. Who are you really." Gilchrist stated with a frown. He didn't like the man. The way he carried himself showed strength, but his attitude and mannerisms were mildly infuriating. However there was a voice in the back of his head that told him not to push his luck.

Belial stopped being smug and smarmy and pursed his lips. In a tight and controlled tone he responded "oh? How so? Hell leaves a mark on all its denizens. How are you still clean?"

"What are you playing at?" Gilchrist angrily rebutted. He felt like he was having a very, VERY vivid dream. He did not like it one bit.

Belial was stumped for a moment. He had never seen a mortal entity show him that attitude. His soul is unclaimed, he can be destroyed completely and yet here the mortal stands mouthing off to him. Even some lesser entities stayed well out of his way. There was something in the tone that irked Belial to no end. "Watch your tongue mortal!" Snarled Belial.

The commotion in the waiting room. Drew the attention of the beings in the other room.

Now describing that space as a "room" would be like calling Buckingham Palace a broom closet. The correct term would be a Hall but even that description was inadequate.

The door to the Main Hall opened and out stepped a voluptuous Demoness. She carried herself with the grace, power and elegance of a hunting tigress. "What's all the racket Belial? You do know that the Lady Abyss has come to see her grandson, along with Lord Murphy. You are ruining their tea and games." She rebuked a grown-ass man like he was a two-year-old child. Gilchrist's mood improved immensely at this.

Belial had the colour drain from his face, but he still noticed the slight smirk Gilchrist had. "My apologies Lady Lilith, but we seem to have an unexpected guest." Groveled Belial, throwing Gilchrist under the proverbial bus.

'You bastard!' Thought Gilchrist.

'Serves you right! You dickless halfwit!' Cheered Belial as Lilith's attention was redirected towards Gilchrist.

Turning to fully face Lady Lilith, Gilchrist quite frankly was intimidated. Forget the fact that he doesn't know the situation and the environment. And he's practically unarmed. He would still step up to Belial. But Lilith was something else. She was what most men and some women dreamed of and more. Much more. From the way her dress clung to her body, to the way she squared of against Belial and himself. Showed power in every sense of the word. She was a woman, a queen and a warrior. He could see it in her eyes. The look only those who have killed have. She was not to be trifled with. That much would be clear even to the feckless halfwits in Intelligence.

"Lady Lilith, Captain Damien Gilchrist, it is a pleasure to meet you." Gilchrist bowed slightly, his lessons for the Buckingham Palace coming in handy.

Lady Lilith let out a pleased smirk. Like when your dog does something mildly amusing. "Follow me." She ordered, turned around and walked into the room she came from. Gilchrist simply followed, giving Belial a side glance. Belial looked as though he was looking to swallow a fly with his jaw nearly hitting the floor. 'Paybacks a bitch innit son.'

Walking through the threshold the door closed behind him. He didn't see anyone there. Also it wasn't the automatic doors like you get at the mall. and he did no see any mechanism attached to the door to facilitate this action. 'Well things have been quite strange recently, let's just roll with the punches.' Walking to a set of large windows with the curtains drawn the scene was that of a normal evening tea. There was obviously tea, and from the smell coffee as well, also an assortment of pastries and biscuits which, from the smell, were freshly baked.

Following Lady Lilith, he arrived at the, for lack of a better word, solar. It's attached to the main hall/room. But feels more private. For starters it's the only such spot on the left side of the hall facing the back. The setup would be familiar to any Brit as that of one of high tea. There were servers and maids standing some distance from the people on the sofas and high backed chairs. The features of the servants weren't immediately clear, but seemed to be well taken care of based on dress and deportment. The individuals sitting for tea were, an eclectic bunch. Sitting on the button-backed sofa. A girl/woman wearing all black everything, with an adorable silver bengal on her lap. The girl looked to be in her teenage years. Not being sure of her age Gilchrist didn't linger on her for too long. The cat, being a cat didn't give a flying fuck as long as he got his pets and snacks. On one high backed chair which lets be honest looked extravagant enough to be a throne. Sat a tall, fit middle-aged man. Sitting down, it was hard to tell but the man was well over 6'8". He had the physique of a fighter, and the aura of a ruler.

Lady Lilith introduced Gilchrist. "May I present, Captain Damien Gilchrist, the first to walk the abyss."

Gilchrist 'Wait! What?!'

"Captain Gilchrist, allow me to introduce you to the Lord of Hell, his highness Lucifer Morningstar" Lilith continues with the introduction, gesturing towards the man in the chair? Throne? Throne. The man in the throne. Moving on to the girl "It is my honour to introduce Lady Abyss and Lord Murphy." Lilith gestures towards the girl and cat.

Gilchrist with nothing better to do greets the people with a slight bow. Training for Royal events coming in handy. "Lord Lucifer, Lady Abyss, Lord Murphy."

The cat looks up to Gilchrist, "so you figured it out? Have a cookie." The cat spoke and gestured with its paw towards the table in the centre.

Gilchrist "I don't mean to be rude, but is Lord Murphy the maker of Murphy's Laws, a cat?"

With a slightly miffed expression Lord Murphy answers back "yes, what of it?"

"Well…that explains…everything…really." Gilchrist muttered.

This had Lucifer and Lilith chuckling. "Please do take a seat." Lucifer invited Gilchrist. Lilith proceeded to sit on another throne to his right, while he sat on a similar sofa as Lady Abyss and Lord Murphy. So all in all, there's Gilchrist sitting on his sofa, Lady Abyss on the sofa to his left and Lord Murphy sitting on her lap enjoying pets. Lord Lucifer across from him, and Lady Lilith to his right. And in the centre a coffee table laden with tea coffee and delectables that would make anyone feel like a kid in a candy shop.

A server walked forward and asked, "tea or coffee sir?"

"Tea please, and if possible may I make it myself? I do not mean to be rude but I've grown quite accustomed to my brewing method."

The server looked at Gilchrist with mild amusement. "Certainly sir." And with a snap of his fingers a kettle of boiling water, a teapot and strainer were conjured on the empty space on the table in front of him. There was already loose tea on the table. He also noticed a small container with what looked like a chai masala blend found in South Asia. 'Ah, people of culture. Thank fuck for that.'

As Gilchrist proceeded to make his tea, Lucifer started the conversation with their new, expected and uninvited guest. "That's quite a peculiar method, may I inquire as to where you learned it." The speech was that of a king. Well educated, and steeped in tradition. And most importantly that of a posh Londoner. 'The devil is a Brit, hell yeah!'

"Most certainly, I picked up a few things from my friends growing up and decided that this is what I prefer. My tours of duty introduced me to several cultures and the specific methods to accomplish a specific flavour. I've been chasing the perfect cup of tea over the years, and to my great chagrin found out no such thing exists thanks to an Indian tea stall owner. Who quite succinctly put it like this. 'Tea is for the soul, and everyone's soul is a little different.' So this is the method I've settled upon for myself. Would you like to try some?" Gilchrist ranted. To be fair he was getting a little nervous. This did not feel like a dream. He couldn't remember having a dream so vivid that included all five senses. And he was in an unknown environment, with no intel, no weapons and no plan on what's next. Forget the biblical names the people here exude power like an armed nuke!

"That would be lovely." Lilith responded. Breaking Gilchrist out of his musings. He proceeded to pour her a cup and the server standing to the side proceeded to give it to Lilith. Taking a sip, "ah, lovely, if a bit strong." "Add a bit more milk, if required Lady Lilith." Gilchrist responded, "should mellow out the tea."

Gilchrist took his cup and proceeded to sit back rather uncomfortably on his seat. Looking around at the powerful people surrounding him. He simply drank his tea. Lady Abyss was digging into a scrumptious chocolate pastry. Lord Murphy was, well being Lord Murphy. Lord Lucifer had a roguish smirk. Lady Lilith was, thankfully quite happy with her tea.

Getting the conversation going an towards the main subject of this impromptu meeting, Lucifer spoke up. "Now that we are all settled in. Let's discuss the situation that we are presented with. Mr. Gilchrist is the first mortal Abyss-walker, my grandmother Lady Abyss has expressed an infuriating desire to see her son's, my father's creation. The deal was if a mortal soul could walk the void and survive. And you Mr. Gilchrist have met that requirement. Provided you agree to work for my grandmother. We can negotiate the terms of your employment."

Gilchrist just looked at Lord Lucifer like a fish out of water. 'What!?!'

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