
V.3-C.6│Jedi Escape I│

"Master Yoda. What are we to do?" Mace asked as the High Council of the Jedi were meeting up, but they did not meet up within their normal place, but instead had evacuated towards another area of the Jedi temple.

They were currently holding anyone that had entered the Jedi temple, but they knew that sooner or later they would be overrun by Palpatine's forces.

"Leave we must. The Sith Lord Sidious, now revealed he is." Yoda spoke here and started to gesture all of the Council members. "To the Empyrean we will go."

"The Empyrean! We cant and shouldn't go there..." Jedi Master Ki-Adi-Mundi spoke up, not wanting to take refuge within the Empire of Anakin Skywalker...

"No time for arguments. Lets go now. Gather up everyone that you can, then try to get as many ships as possible for everyone to use." Mace then ordered people to start going and gathering as much Jedi as they could.

Right from the children initiates, to the padawans, knights, masters and everything else in-between. Multiple statements would be transmitted throughout the now Galactic Empire to all of the Jedi that would happen to be within the other divisions that were not the main division of Jedi.

Becoming a Jedi required the most profound commitment and astute mind; the life of a Jedi was one of sacrifice. To hinder transgression, those who showed an aptitude for the Force were taken directly from birth, or soon afterward, to train in the Jedi Temple headquarters on Coruscant or at smaller Jedi Enclaves as Padawans.

From the beginning of their training, a Jedi was expected to adhere to a strict Code that included concepts such as rational thought, patience, and benevolence. Dark emotions such as hate, anger, and fear were thought to be destructive, leading down the path to the dark side of the Force, so the Jedi were taught to purge such feelings.

However, it would seem that right now the Jedi would have to sort of rely on such emotions because it was in this instance that they would be in fear for their lives.

"Master Windu." Someone came up to Mace as he was directing people towards some star ships under the control of the Jedi.

"Master Kenobi?" Mace turned around and noticed that it was Obi-Wan Kenobi that had come.

"Leaving me behind are you?" Obi-Wan said this with jest as he put down the youngling he had carried all the way over here. He was within some pretty hectic combat with some droids when making his way over here and had saved this child from certain death.

Droids do not discriminate upon age, and upon Palpatine's orders of execution he had wanted every single Jedi to die. Even the children.

"I see that you have arrived safely. Board one of the ships now, we have nearly everyone within the temple out of it. Unfortunately, we couldn't save everyone..." Mace was angered by this fact, but he still had a duty and that was the safety of the Jedi within the temple. First things first was that he needed to bring everyone out safely as that is his current mission. "I would appreciate it if you would help with forestalling the Imperial droids."

"I got it. Leave it to me." Obi-Wan replied, confirming that he would help out instead of getting onboard of a ship and leaving. "By the way, where is everyone evacuating too?"

"The Empyrean." Mace answered.

"Are we sure Anakin would like that?" Obi-Wan doubted that Anakin would like rescuing the Jedi, but Mace felt differently.

"Anakin would most certainly not mind saving some people." Mace replied.

"Have we gotten all of the Jedi Consulars, Guardians and Sentinels?" Obi-Wan had to ask, for there were alot of Jedi still probably going to be left behind. The only way they would know where the Jedi were going was if someone broadcasted that the Jedi were headed towards the Empyrean.

Which Palpatine would probably make use of to point towards the Empyrean as people that endorse the kidnapping of children and enforcement of indentured slavery.

"Yes. Everyone should be fine and there is no problem. Don't worry about things for now and just hurry up and help me will you." Mace said this aggressively, and Obi-Wan complied with Mace's request.

"Ok, ok. Sorry about that." Obi-Wan replied and started to go off in another direction, needing to make sure he stops people from being killed.

Upon a Padawan's ascension to Knighthood, they faced the choice of continuing down one of three branches of Jedi training. Choosing based on preference and personal talents and skills, the opportunity to join the ranks of the Jedi Guardian, Jedi Consular, or Jedi Sentinel was open to all who passed the Jedi Trials. In addition to their specialization, the High Council could demand that the members of the Order assume military ranks in order to defend the Republic.

Knights preferring to take a physically active stance against the dark side of the Force and all other threats to the Republic pursued the title of Guardian. Brandishing their lightsabers proudly, Guardians focused much of their training on perfecting their sparring and athletic skills, as well as the art of unarmed combat.

The Force skills studied by the Guardians were typically those used for quickly disabling an opponent and aiding in agility and stamina. The most profound masters of this specialization were known as Warrior Master.

An example of a Knight or Guardian would be Anakin, but he is more like a specialist of everything and master of it all. However, his main talents would place him within the Knight or Guardian category, especially since this was the main way for a Jedi to be physically active.

Focusing not on physical force but on mastery of the Force and the sharpening of mental skills, the Jedi Knights who became Consulars worked closely with the Republic Diplomatic Corps and medical facilities. Overseen by the Council of Reconciliation, Consulars worked as healers, prophets, and researchers, wielding a lightsaber only for self-defense. The most studied masters of this specialization were known as Sage Master.

An example of a Jedi Consular would be someone like Barriss but since she was with Anakin now in the Empyrean, such classification wouldn't apply to her.

Knights that sought a balance between the intensive combat training of the Jedi Guardians and the wider philosophical views and teaching responsibilities of the Jedi Consulars. These Jedi ferreted out deceit and injustice, bringing it to light. They were generally employed in scouting missions and were skilled in security, computers, or stealth techniques, and also had diplomatic skills.

This was the last 'pathway' for a Jedi and an example of a person taking this path would be Yoda, because at some point he was a watchman and stuff like that.

All three categories and sub-categories of Jedi within are important for they all have skills or abilities that Anakin would want to make use of within the Empyrean. Which means once they arrive he wouldn't allow the Jedi to be formed again under the Empyrean, however what he would allow is their conversion into the Empyrean Order.

This is why these are important for their skills, abilities and all of the extra stuff would come in handy to know of.

'I just hope that we wont have to face too much disaster...' Mace thought to himself as he watched people leaving through the atmosphere of Coruscant, as it seemed like the world was coming to an end.

It wasn't only the Jedi trying to leave and successfully escaping and instead it was citizens of the Republic escaping as well. Where they were headed in? No one would know, but the most probable and most safe place a person would want to head towards was the Empyrean and their affiliated territories.

Or people could be going towards Separatist territories as well, or they could be going towards any of the other options within the known galaxy.

There were many options for one to go down and there was no stopping the people from deciding to just up and leave, for the governmental system was in chaos. So too would be the rest of the Republic's now turned Empires systems within.

Meaning that it would be and is extremely easy for someone to leave Coruscant at this time because the people still needed time to get used to the change. The people whose jobs was to stop people from leaving would have a hard time adjusting to whatever new rules were in place, which would give many people a chance to leave if they wanted.


"We take what we desire because we can. We can because we have power. We have power because we are Sith."

The Sith, also referred to as the Sith Order was a sect of Force-sensitives who utilized the dark side of the Force. The term 'Sith' originally referred to a species of aliens native to the planets Korriban and Ziost, who were later enslaved and ruled by exiled Dark Jedi from the Galactic Republic.

These Dark Jedi had once been members of the Jedi Order, a monastic Force religion dedicated to peace through the use of the light side of the Force.

The Dark Jedi, who refused to rely exclusively on the light side, challenged the Jedi by giving in to the dark side, which started the Hundred-Year Darkness.

However, they had been defeated and subsequently exiled from known space, which led to their discovery of the Sith species.

Following centuries of interbreeding and mixing of cultures between the aliens and the exiles, the Sith would no longer be identified by their race, but by their dedication to the ancient Sith philosophy.

This religious order would survive in many different incarnations throughout galactic history.

The rise of a new leader, or Dark Lord, would often cause drastic reorganizations in the cult, however the Sith would always be characterized by their lust for power and their desire to destroy the Jedi Order.

The Sith were the most infamous of all dark side religions, and the members of the cult were often seen as the pinnacle of power within the dark side.

Throughout their long history, the Sith commanded several Empires and initiated many galactic wars. With such great influence, the Sith religion inspired many cults that weren't technically part of the Sith Order, nor did they consist of actual Sith.

Instead, they were founded and made up of Sith devotees and other Force-sensitives dedicated to prolonging the teachings and the memory of the Sith. Such cults included the Naddists, the Disciples of Ragnos, and the Krath.

There was this saying within the Jedi, and that is, "only the Sith deal in absolutes," which was actually quite ironic, since the Jedi are people that deal with absolutes themselves. Of course, it wasn't all of the Jedi like this but it was still something to take note of since by the Jedi's definition to tell whether or not someone has turned to the dark side permanently could be used against them.

In the original Sith, the term 'Sith'ari' translated literally into 'lord' or 'overlord.' Over time however, the term became closely associated with the idea of a perfect being, who would rise to power and take control of the Sith Order.

The prophesied coming of the Sith'ari was based around the notion that a perfect being, would epitomize the teachings of the Sith Code and became free of all restrictions.

This being would lead the Sith, but also destroy them, a destruction that would make the Sith Order stronger than before. The identity of the Sith'ari has been confirmed as Darth Bane, who destroyed the Brotherhood of Darkness in order to remake the Sith through the Rule of Two.

The prophesy of the Sith'ari is very similar to the Jedi's prophesy of the Chosen One, an extremely powerful Force-sensitive who would lead their Order to perfection.

Palpatine had believed he had taken on the mantle of the Sith'ari, but there was something else there that had a much greater presence within the Force then he had. Which meant there was someone else that would take on this mantle, or it was already taken by someone else.

Someone within the Jedi temple was walking with a hood obscuring them. 'Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken. The Force shall free me.' These were the thoughts of the person walking through the Jedi temple and this person came to a stop, seeing a crying girl.

"You'sa doing alright?" The voice of this tall being spoke and it was masculine in nature. It also had a strange accent.

"Stop right there Sith!" It was Obi-Wan that called out and alerted the being that was approaching the youngling girl.

"Me'sa friend Obi-Wan..." The hood came off to reveal it was Jar-Jar, with the hate filled eyes of the Sith, which surprised Obi-Wan.

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