
Conversation with All-Knowing Parrot (1)

"… I am known by the name… All-Knowing Parrot!"

Ace's eyes narrowed the moment this familiar name rang from the cube. 

How could he not know about the All-Knowing Parrot, since he went after him for his secret information organization at one point and failed miserably? 

He never thought the person he once wanted to find and capture would turn the table on him one day. He also seemed to thoroughly underestimate this All-Knowing Parrot's capabilities of collecting information, and it seemed he wasn't just a small-time information broker and syndicate boss, either. 

Although he had already known about the Spica Syndicate for some time now, since he can't get his hands on the boss, he almost forgot about it. But now the boss of this syndicate approached him out of nowhere and instantly put him in a disadvantageous position. How could he not lament his bad luck? 

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