
03: Violet Eyes

Jotham, Silveran Capital


        Questions surfaced in Hazel's mind. Who was the figure in the dark? Why did he have violet eyes?

As far as she knew, only black bloods possessed such color of eyes. The black bloods lived in isolation from other kingdoms. They were known as the Galacticans, since the name of their kingdom was Galactica. The black bloods were demonic in nature and they had hair and eyes ranging from red to black. In other cases, some black bloods possessed violet eyes. Black bloods were believed to have nine lives and the ability to shape shift into big or small cats. Other kingdoms despised them but really, it was their fear of black bloods that drove them to hate the black bloods.

Hazel couldn't help but wonder why there was a black blood in Silvera especially because Silverans couldn't stand black bloods.

"Hazel, you look beautiful as always"

Hazel turned at the sound of the familiar voice that had just complemented her.

"Dad?" She gasped, shocked.

"How are you?"

She clenched her jaw in annoyance. How dare he just show up like that and expect her to be happy with him?

"Really, dad? You expect me to answer that question?" She spat, her eyes burning with fury.

"I understand that you're upset-"

"Upset just doesn't cut it, dad. I am outraged! I am in this situation because of your cowardice" she hissed and her father sighed, remorse in his eyes.

"Hazel, I sent you here because I have a plan" he whispered and she frowned, eyes narrowed.

"Come, we need to talk in private. It's important"

Hazel had a feeling that whatever her father had planned wasn't good but she followed him anyway. They quietly walked into a tea room. Hazel sent the maids away and sat down on one of the couches.

"So, tell me. What plan did you have in mind?" She asked. Barron let out a long sigh and ran his palm over his face. He knew his daughter well. She was no coward but if she felt that his plan was not worth it, she would reject it. At this point, he was worried about what her reaction was going to be. "Dad? Why aren't you saying anything?"

"Hazel, the Rubian army needs your help" he began and she furrowed her brows, confused.

"My help? I don't understand. How can I possibly be of help to the army?"

"We have a plan to overthrow Silvera. We just need you to help us get rid of the royals"

Hazel stared at her father as if he'd gone mad. If he wasn't  sitting on the couch like a sane human, she would've believed that he'd gone crazy. "Wait, you're serious?" She asked with a gobsmacked expression on her beautiful face.

"Yes, I am. Did you expect me to treat such a topic lightly?"

"Exactly. Did you listen to yourself? You're planning to what? Overthrow the Silveran royals? Then, what? Are you going to usurp their throne?" she hissed.


"Don't Hazel me, dad. Did you hit your head or something? Dad, these people are not like us. They are not simple red blooded creatures! They have silver blood, dad. Silver! These people can stop a moving jet without making contact with it if they wanted to. They can commit murder by mere eye contact. I'm sorry, but I just can't do that"

Barron was deeply perturbed. His fear had finally come true. If Hazel wasn't going to accept his plan, it meant that she'd accepted her fate. The grief he felt was stifling.

"Hazel, do you understand that you're going to be getting married to the crown prince of the people we've hated for most of our life? Do you really want to take that risk?" He asked and she looked away, her eyes downcast.

"There's nothing I can do father. Besides, this is all your fault"

"You won't have to be their queen if you would just-"

"No. I have made up my mind. There's no way I'm going to do what you've just asked of me. It's too much. I can't do it"

They remained silent, a heavy tension hanging between father and child.

"Where are my brothers?" Hazel suddenly asked.

"They're not coming" her father responded, a sad note in his voice.

"Why not? This is probably the only chance I'm going to get to say goodbye"

Hazel knew that her brother's wouldn't abandon her like that. They loved her and were very fond of her. Even if they were upset, they would have shown up already.

"I drugged them"

"You did what?!"

"I had no choice. I didn't want them to get involved and get themselves in trouble. Knowing your brothers, they would most likely try to break you out from the palace"

Hazel knew her dad was right but she couldn't help but feel miserable.

"So, this is it. It's over" she mumbled and Barron lowered his gaze, feeling his heart squeeze. Hazel quickly wiped off the tear that was making its way down her cheek. She rose to her feet and turned away from her father. "Goodbye, dad" she said and walked away without looking back.

"Hazel? Are you alright?" Caden asked his fiancée once she got to him.

"I'm just really tired, that's all" she responded, suddenly feeling sheer exhaustion.

"I'm sorry about that. Do you want to get some rest?" He asked and she nodded.

"I'll send some guards to escort you to your chamber" he said to her, his eyes filled with concern for her.

"Thank you" she croaked and he nodded.

Hazel was bored out of her mind. The soft music that was playing in her chambers did practically nothing to help her relax. Unable to bear it any longer, she rose to her feet and grabbed a black and white poker doted cotton shawl from her closet. She draped it over her head and secured it around her neck. Then, she carefully sneaked out of her chamber.

"Your highness? Are you going somewhere?"

She stiffened and turned to look at the two guards who were watching her with puzzled looks on their faces.

"No, um-I just need some fresh air" she replied and they both exchanged glances.

"You should've just told us. That's what we're here for. Tell us where you wish to go and we will escort you there" one of them said and Hazel mentally groaned.

This was particularly one of the reasons she detested being a royal. There was just no place for privacy!

Anyway, she decided to walk along the hallway slowly.

"Your highness, you're heading the wrong way" one of the guards said and she frowned.

"I am?"

"Yes. That way leads to the east wing. The crown prince instructed us to stay away from the area"


"Yes, your highness"

As they moved on, deviating from the original path, an idea came to her mind. Smirking to herself, she suddenly doubled over and let out a cry of pain.

"Your highness!"

She let out another cry of pain and sank to the ground, clutching her stomach.

"Your highness, are you alright?!" they both asked and she croaked out a reply.

"Get some help, please! My stomach hurts really bad! It's unbearable!" She cried and one of the guards immediately ran off. Hazel was pleased that her plan was working, so she decided to spice things up a little bit.

She fell to the ground, feigning tears as she sobbed and whimpered. The guard who was left behind looked scared out of his mind. If anything happened to the crown prince's bride, he would be equally blamed.

"Water" Hazel croaked and his eyes widened.

"You want me to get water for you, your highness?"

"T-thirsty.... Please" she whispered and he took off in order to get water for the future queen of Silvera.

Seeing that she was now left alone, she rose to her feet and continued down the palace halls. On getting to the East wing of the palace, she halted. Caden had asked her not to enter the East wing of the palace, but why?

She was curious. She wondered if there was some hidden creature that was hidden in this wing. Driven by her curiosity, she stepped into the East wing, deciding that she was going to be careful enough to remain hidden. She quietly took note of the locked doors of the Chambers. The area was awfully quiet and Hazel felt like she'd just stepped into a graveyard. When she got to the East wing garden, she was surprised to see how beautiful it was. The flowers were unique and the scent of the air was alluring. For the first time since she stepped into Silvera, she felt peaceful. There was something about this part of the palace that was different.

"That was some godly acting back there, Rubian" a deep voice said from behind her and she turned around with a start. Her eyes went wide at the sight of the person who was now in the garden with her. He was wearing a black cloak, a white shirt, matching pants and white boots. From what she could see, he was 'six foot -something' of pure masculine muscles and bones.

He pulled back the hood of his cloak and she gasped when she saw his eyes. They were violet!

It was him!

The man in the shadows!

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