
Chapter 964- Demon Lord's Army

Although there might not be much difference in level, the skill, abilities, power, techniuqes possessed by Vordanaz were realms higher than the likes of the seven kings. It was something he felt after personally clashing with the Demon Duke.

If this continued, he would have to reveal his true strength just to keep his life intact. While Simon was inwardly deliberating his options, Vordanaz, however, was watching him with newfound interest.

His previous air of mockery had vanished, replaced by a calculating curiosity. His crimson eyes roamed the human from head to toe as if appraising his worth.

"You survived eh" The Duke let out a low chuckle "You're more resilient than I'd thought. Most would have been crushed into dust by now."

Simon remained steadfast, silently observing the enemy.

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