
Chapter 46: Beating Back Blastaar

A/N: Three chapters for you my readers.



(3rd Person: POV)

To say Victor was angry seeing Blastaar lead his Baluurian army out of the portal in front of him, which he knew was definitely connected to the Negative Zone, was an understatement.

He was fucking livid!

Considering he was now face-to-face with a being classified as a Universal threat, having had no preparation time at all in order to face him and his followers.

That's not even mentioning the fact Victor was sure this was all Reed's doing.

Honestly the only silver lining he can see at the moment is that neither Blastaar nor his followers have managed to make it outside of Reed's lab yet.

Meaning they can be sent back to the Negative Zone through the portal before they cause any lasting damage.

Which Victor is going to make sure of.

"Reed, Ben, what the hell is going on here?!" Johnny questioned.

"I think that should be obvious Jonathan, we're being invaded." Jessica spoke.

"Okay, seriously Reed what is going on?" Susan asked.

"Like Jessica just said Sue we are being invaded by a fucking extra-dimensional species." Victor said. "But not for long." He spoke.

Victor then summoned his armor to him.

Now even tougher since he re-forged it into a blend of Vibraniun and Adamantium.

Seeing Victor's armor Susan and the others were surprised.

Save for Jessica.

Who as soon as she saw Victor summon his armor used her earpiece to contact the security detail waiting outside. "Code R. I repeat, we have a code R. Full alert status." She spoke.

Code R referring to a code Richards situation.

Which Victor came up with himself.

Since he knew one would definitely occur before he could end Reed's existence.

"Understood." One of the security detail replied. "Do you require assistance mam?"

"Not at the moment." Jessica replied.

"Copy that." The security detail agent replied.

Once he did Jessica cut off communications and quickly stripped out of her clothes.

Revealing the combat suit Victor had made and given her for situations just like the current ones they've found themselves in.

The suit itself being composed of a Vibranium/Adamantium microweave mesh.

The design itself Victor based off the red and black spider suit Jessica wore in the comics.

[Image Here]

In no time at all Jessica was ready for battle.

"Victor, that armor is-"

"-Shut the fuck up Reed!" Victor shouted. Interrupting Richards. "Look at the god damn situation were in!" He exclaimed. "Now all of you listen up. Susan create a barrier around the lab, so that none of those humannoid creatures can escape it. Johnny, protect Susan. Everyone else, push them back through the portal they're coming out of." Victor ordered.

As he did Blastaar began chuckling. "Foolish inferior beings. Do you truly believe you can stand against the might of Blastaar and his le-"

Raising his hands in the direction of the Baluurians Victor fired off kinetic force blasts, pushing them back and interrupting Blastaar villain monologue.

Which Victor wasn't even paying attention to in the first place.

Seeing some of his soldiers pushed back Blastaar got an angry expression on his face. "Warriors, destroy them!" He exclaimed.

This snapped the Fantastic Four out of their stupor. Once this happens Susan threw up a barrier around the entire interior of the lab.

"Let's go with Victor's plan." She spoke.

"What Susie said." Ben agreed. He then jumped to his feet and punched a nearby Baluurian back. Before slamming that same fist into his other hand. "It's clobbering time!" He exclaimed.

"Flame on!" Johnny exclaimed. His entire form becoming engulfed in flames. He then took to the air and began hurling fireballs at the Baluurians.

Meanwhile Reed began stretching like a snake. Joining the battle as well.

Jessica doing the same.

Her hands sparking with electrical bio-electricity she ran up to the nearest Baluurian and gave it a left uppercut.

Sending it off its feet and back in the direction of the portal gate.

Moving onto the next target Jessica delivered a two feet, spear-like kick, to the chest of another Baluurian.

Which sent it barreling into its comrades, knocking them all off their feet.

Throwing one punch after another Ben sent the Baluurians that came at him on their asses. In the direction of the portal.

Irritated at this the Baluurians released a series of roars and charged at Ben.

"All bark and no bite." He said. Putting a smirk on his face.

Ben then slammed his hands togethers, creating a shockwave that sent the Baluurians charging at him back and towards the portal gate. Some of them going back through it.

Unleashing blast after kinetic force blast Victor put the Baluurian army on the backfoot. Sending them all back through the portal gate as quickly as he could.

Noticing the others were doing the same, even Reed, he nodded.

As Victor punched another Baluurian in the chest he suddenly noticed kinetic force blasts heading towards him.

So in response he summoned a force field around himself for protection.

As the force blasts hit Victor's force field they did no damage at all. Leaving him entirely unharmed.

Lowering his Force field Victor turned in the direction of the one who fired at him.

Blastaar himself.

Who was wearing a pissed off expression on his face.

"Insolent wretch! You dare stand against Blastaar?!" He exclaimed.

"Yes, I dare." Victor replied.

He then rushed at Blastaar and delivered a kick to his chest. Making the tyrant skid back.

But only a little.

Soon Blastaar stopped and then fired more kinetic force blasts in Victor's direction.

Which he deflected by generating a force field around himself.

When the blasts stopped once again Victor rushed forward, his hands coated in electrical energy, and delivered punches to Blastaar.

The added electricity in the punches making him cry out in pain. But that only lasted for a moment before Blastaar attempted to kick Victor in the stomach.

Key word attempted.

Since before Blastaar could make contact with his kick Victor jumped back.

He then summoned forth a magic circle and blasted Blastaar with a pure magical beam.

Sending him flying back towards the portal gate.

Where all remaining Baluurians inside of the lab were located. The rest having been sent back through the portal by Susan and the others.

Though as Victor looked in that direction he saw more Baluurians attempting to use the portal gate on their side. Telling him he had to end the battle here and now.

So with that on his mind Victor generated a massive amount of electricity on his hands and flung in the direction of Blastaar and his Baluurians. Making them all cry out in pain.

"Susan, push them back through the portal!" Victor told her.

"Right." Susan replied.

She then dropped the force field she was using to protect the interior of the lab and then created a large bubble around Blastaar, his soldiers, and the portal gate. Which she then began to shrink rapidly, forcing Blastaar and his soldiers back through the portal.

Until none remained.

Upon seeing this Victor nodded.

He then used his technopathy to shut down all systems in Reed's lab. Which in turn cut off the power supply to the portal gate, shutting it down.

Marking the end of the battle.

"It is done." Victor said.

Breathing a sigh of relief.

Since that could've turned out much worse.

Though on the flip side now Blastaar has knowledge of Earth and this universe.

Which was not good in Victor's book.

Especially since he was now back in the Negative Zone where Annihilus could potentially learn of their universe.

Who is by far worse than Blastaar.

Just thinking of that winged bug-eyed conqueror makes Victor recall the Annihilation events from the Marvel comics in his previous life. Where Annihilus led his forces from the Negative Zone into this reality and ravaged almost entirely the known galaxy.

Well Victor is certainly not going to let that happen here.

'Seems I need to accelerate my plans even further now.' Victor thought.

But first things first.

Turning to Reed Victor walked up to him.

Then seeing Richards was about to speak Victor raised up his left hand.

"Don't say a word Reed." Victor said in a cold voice.

Which thankfully kept Reed from opening his mouth.

"Good." Victor said. "Now then tell me, how did that Blastaar and his people bypass your portal and enter your lab."

"Oh, because I invited them." Reed easily replied.

"I see." Victor said.

"Yes. But you have to understand Victor it was simply an opportunity I couldn't pass up. I mean to study life born in a universe composed entirely of a-"

Before Reed could continue speaking Victor, without any hesitation, backhanded him using his left hand.

Sending the so called Mr. Fantastic crashing into a nearby wall.

Giving Victor quite the cathartic release.

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