
The Gentle Fist Style

Jiraiya: "Wait what? You know Fuinjutsu too?!"

Naruto: "A little bit. I made some very high quality storage seals for starters. It's quite handy, I use it for my weapon. Though I'm not quite used to Fuinjutsu compared to the others so I may need some more time to learn"

Jiraiya: "Geez kid, what kind of prodigy are you?"

Naruto: "Hehe, not the normal type that's for sure... Not even Saucegay can compete with me"

Gamakichi: "Naruto!" Suddenly, we heard Gamakichi's voice shouting at us. We turned to where his voice came from as we saw him flying the shadow clone bird I made while he was holding the scroll of, what I assuming to be, the Gentle Fist style 'Huh, so he did manage to get it after all' I thought with excitement

Gamakichi: "Woah!" Gamakichi and the shadow clone bird landed in front of us as the bird *poofed* out of existence a second later

Jiraiya: "Well I'll be damned, you really did get the scroll"

Gamakichi: "Yeah, though Hokage-sama said you should never, I mean, never, lose this scroll. Or else, the Hyuga Clan will press charges against you, Naruto. Very heavy charges... At least, that's what Tsunade-sama wanted me to say to you, that includes you too Jiraiya" Gamakichi warned us as he threw the scroll towards me. I caught it, not worried about losing the scroll or the Hyuga Clans warnings

Naruto: "Meh, seems fair. Not like will lose this anyway. Thanks for your help Gamakichi"

Gamakichi: "Anytime Naruto. I'm always free, well, except when I'm with my dad, but besides that, I'm mostly free"

Naruto: "I see. Well, there isn't much else that I could use you for so, you're free to go back to Mt. Myoboku"

Gamakichi: "... I think I'll stay here with you guys for the night"

Naruto: "Really?"

Gamakichi: "Yeah, it's been a while since I freely explored around here. Might as well do it since I'm mostly free anyways"

Naruto: "There should be some water not far from here. If you're planning to 'do it' with some other toads that is... Or frogs... Or both if you're that desperate" I said to him, making him blush

Gamakichi: "I-i'll be back at night!" And he hopped away from us towards the water

Jiraiya: "So, what will you do now with the Gentle Fist scroll in your hands?"

Naruto: "You mean with this? I'll probably learn this today, it will probably take me not too long anyways. Oh... And, one more thing"

Jiraiya: "What is it?"

Naruto: "... I have the Byakugan"

Jiraiya: "..."

Naruto: "..."


Silence. Silence where all there was aside from the wind blowing over us. I think I may have broken the perverted toad with this one

Jiraiya: "...*Sigh*. I... What... I should have expected it" Jiraiya wasn't even shocked at that point. He was more confused, worried, and concerned, surprised, happy... And also, a little jealous

Naruto: "I guess I was gifted differently"

Jiraiya: "Apparently too gifted... Well, there's still time left before sunset falls. You should start training when their's time. It's the reason we travelled anyway. To train you to the max to prepare against the Akatsuki"

Naruto: "Sure, not that I have anything else to do besides day dreaming about Hinata-chan..."

Jiraiya: "Ay ay, no naughty stuff yet okay? Just leave that part to me!" Jiraiya exclaimed loudly with a blush. Day dreaming his next encounter with the "Ladies" in our next destination after the Land of Waves

Naruto: "... I should train now"


With Hinata

Hinata: "Father, I'm home" I set aside my sandals and continued on towards my room

Hiashi: "I heard that Tsunade-sama has taken you under her wing" Father suddenly said as I turned toward my left to face him

Hinata: "H-hai"

Hiashi: "... I expect you to work hard"

Hinata: "Yes father. My training starts tomorrow"

Hiashi: "Then you should prepare"

Hinata: "Hai, father" I bowed and left towards my room, leaving father in the living room with many thoughts running down his head

Once I arrived inside my room, I sat down on my bed. Looking down on the ground with my eyelids half closed '... There's so much going on. And... I can't do much to help either. I need to train to prove myself... To prove myself to everyone... To father... To Naruto-kun, that I can make myself helpful' I thought, closing my eyes and thinking about everything that has happened between me and Naruto 'I... Miss him so much already'

Hinata: "I'll go and take a shower now. I want to be ready for tomorrow" I sat up and prepared everything for my water time

After a while, I was now taking a nice, shower. The water ran throughout my whole body, easing my mind and forgetting everything that was happening, but then I blushed thinking about Naruto 'Oh god, not now...' My blush didn't simply go away. The thought of Naruto seeing me this way is too much to take in. And even more daunting, imagining him with me here, showering together, all alone with the refreshing water cooling our bodies, and his hands slowly roa- 'Not now mind! Not now!...'

A moment later, I was finished. Leaving my shower with a towel covering me and my hair as I headed toards my room with my clothes ready. This time, I wore one of my simpler kimonos that I usually were if I feel like it

Hinata: "Dinner should be later, and Hanabi should be training outside of the main house. I have time to prepare tomorrow" I said, grabbing a scroll that I took with me when I left the Hokage mansion after talking to Tsunade-sama

Hinata: "Sakura-chan recommended this to me. I won't let this go to waste" And from their, I started to read the medical ninjutus for beginners. Sitting down on my bed with a new found determination in me


[Somewhere in a clearing near the edge of the forest.]

Naruto: "This place looks good"

*Poof* *Poof* *Poof

A thousand shadow clones appeared around me. And still, my chakra has not even depleted one percent yet... Yeah, totally not an exaggeration... Maybe a little... Ish 'I think this may be overkill, even for me but we'll see'

Naruto: "Alright, all of you will attack me with your sharingans on and only hand to hand. I want to test out my new Taijutsu style that I intend to mix with my main one" I said and got my stance ready. It took me a while to understand the Gentle Fist style, but with the help, or with the little help of Kurama, and also my sharingan, I was able to pretty much master it. I tested it out a little and it was pretty much spot on to how the Hyuga's usually do it. Now I just need to mix it with my main Taijutsu style and everything will be perfect 'The style relys on the chakra points of the enemy to be effective, and also you need the Byakugan, which I have. I'll try it on a rogue ninja or something when I have the chance. But for now, I'll focus on getting used to it'

Naruto: "Alright, charge you handsome looking fellers! No homo" And all of the shadow clones charged straight at me with their blue, transparent three tomoe sharingans active 'Let's see what an army of myself can do against me' I thought as I prepared myself

[30 Minutes Left.]

I sidestepped the punch attempt from my clone and quickly threw a punch to his face


And as I looked around to fight more, I realized that was the last clone that I defeated. Sweat covered my entire face, but I still have stamina in me. I could probably last forever in a fight to the death

Naruto: "Wow... Well I guess I need to learn more Taijutsu styles to add to my collection... And the sunset has arrived. Might as well get back, tomorrow I'll train on something different" And I left the area back towards where me and Jiraiya are camping at

Once I arrived, I saw Jiraiya with a small table in front of him that contained a book that he was writing on

Naruto: "What you working on their pervy toad?" I said, sitting down in front of the open flame with the wind blowing over us

Jiraiya: "Just the usual, and I see you're back from your training. You monster"

Naruto: "I hope you had a great time watching me train with your shadow clone hiding from sight and enjoying the view" I said

Jiraiya: "Even I wouldn't attempt something like that when I was at your age. And to think you mastered the Hyuga's style in no time baffles me"

Naruto: "Anyone could learn it, well, unless their dumb"

Jiraiya: "Look who's talking"

Naruto: "Hey! I might be a little bit dumb but I still mastered the style in less than half an hour. So you could say that I am a hybrid between smart and dumb"

Jiraiya: "Look, how about we prepare our food for the night. I don't want to argue with your stupidness to my stupidness, I think I might be more dumber after we do that"

Naruto: "Fair enough... So ramen?"

Jiraiya: "... I would usually cook something else, but good thing I brought some meat with me this time" Jiraiya push aside the book that he was writing on for now to start cooking our food. He made his way to his bag and brought out some thin, pork slices

Naruto: "Well well well, now you're speaking my language! Come on let's cook them!"

Jiraiya: "Catch then" Jiraiya threw a pair of chopsticks towards me as I caught it

Jiraiya: "I noticed you didn't really brought anything else other than ramen, well, for food anyways. You lucky I got you covered"

Naruto: "I didn't know you were always this prepared"

Jiraiya: "Ever since I started travelling around the Fire Nation, I had to be" Jiraiya made his way to the fire and sat down with a pair of his own chopsticks

Jiraiya: "Now, you cook half of these while I cook these ones. Will use it as a topping for the ramen"

Naruto: "Don't have to tell me twice. I'm on it. Gamakichi would love this stuff"

Jiraiya: "They... Prefer some different stuff back in his home but, he'll enjoy this too for sure. I certainly enjoy this more than their appetites..." Jiraiya said, reminiscing the food served to him at his time in Mt. Miyoboku 'I definitely prefer this' He thougt as we cooked the thin pork slices over the open flame. I decided to prepare the beef ramen now since these thin suckers would get cooked pretty quickly. I want them hot as fire when I dig in, not soggy, thin, cold meat... That oddly describes my bully back when I was still going to school before coming here

And after a while, all of the thin pork slices were cooked. Maybe I may have over done it, but crispy bits wouldn't hurt, though a few burnt spots will...

Gamakichi: "That smells amazing!" Gamakichi suddenly said, arriving beside me out of nowhere with his eyes locking in on the pork slices

Naruto: "You're back"

Gamakichi: "It was getting dark so I had to. Though suddenly, my nose catched the scent of these!"

Naruto: "Well you're in luck. There are 6 slices in total, so we each get two slices. Ain't that right pervy sage?" I looked at Jiraiya as he was about to eat all of his pork slices in one go. But I stopped him just in time

Jiraiya: "*Sigh* Fine, here catch" Jiraiya threw one of his pork slices at Gamakichi as he catched it with his mouth. I did the same, giving him one of my pork slices as me and Jiraiya started to eat our ramen 'I could eat these forever and won't get tired of it'

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