
Wedding around the corner

Roxana was shifting between being tired and energetic the last few days before her wedding. Angelica and Zelia who knew about her pregnancy made sure to take over the most and she trusted them to let go of things. There was also Alexander who checked on her every minute to make sure she was alright and making sure she was eating and resting. 

She was well taken care of but she grew more greedy with days, to share the happy news with her sister and Fanny and Uncle Ben. It was so difficult to keep it a secret from them but she consoled herself with the thought that the wedding was just around the corner. 

As she rested in bed at night, she felt a pair of hot lips on her cheek. She turned on her back and Alexander leaned in kissing her softly. He had been loving but holding back his hunger while she was suddenly more aroused the last few days. 

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