
The Plan

Sims and Guust, the queen's former assistant walked into Queen Dyon's chambers. Guust looked like he was unsure about the whole situation and had a confused look on his face. He had heard talks about how the queen had become and wondered what she needed him for now. 

After that accident, she had rained lots of insults on him and had called him all sorts of names. It had seemed li,e he was the cause of the accident that had happened to her all those years ago. Even when King Yianni had tried to explain and persuade the queen to keep him in service, Queen Dyon had blatantly refused and had sent him out of the palace. So, that was why he could not fathom what she needed him for now.

Queen Dyon's head jerked up when she heard the door of her chambers open and watched as Guust and Sims walked into the room.

"Come in and hurry up... why are you walking as if you have boils on your legs?" Queen Dyon asked with her face warped in disgust.

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